How to double check inventory costs
Author: support staff Reference Number: AA-00561 Created: 2011-02-15 03:44 Last Updated: 2013-08-24 14:40 |
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The General Ledger in OneSource is completely independent (in a separate table called GL Transactions)
from the transactions in OneSource that effect your financial
statements, such as Invoices, Invoice Payments, Bills, Bill Payments,
Checks, Deposits, Adjustments, Inventory Adjustments, etc.
Nearly all postings to the GL are managed (and can be posted as a batch) from the Batch Post GL Transactions form.
The following exception reports (contained in the list of reports in the Report Selection screen) provide a comparison (double check) of inventory costs with other types of transactions in the system:
Exception Report - Comparison of Invoice Cost to Avg Inventory Item Cost:
Shows a list of Invoice line item costs for the selected date range
with average item cost. The report includes Invoice Number, Invoice
Date, Ship Quantity, Total Line Item Cost, Average Item Cost, Total
Average Item Cost. The report shows subtotals by invoice and report
Exception Report - Comparison of Invoice Cost to Default Mfg Costs: (The Default Mfg cost is the same thing as your Default Supplier Cost. It is merely stored in the Inventorytable in a field called Default Mfg Cost).
Shows a list of Invoice line item costs for the selected date range
with average item cost. The report includes Invoice Number, Invoice
Date, Ship Quantity, Total Line Item Cost, Average Item Cost, Total
Average Item Cost. The report shows subtotals by invoice and report
Exception Report - Comparison of Invoice Costs to Posted (GL) Costs:
Shows a list of all Invoices for the selected date range where the
total cost on the Invoice does not match the amount posted to the GL.
Exception Report - Comparison of Sales Order Costs to PO Costs: Shows a list of all special order Sales Order items on Orders in the selected date range where the cost differs from the PO cost. (This is useful as the Costs on Invoices originated from Sales Orders).
Exception Report - Inventory - Cost Comparison: Exception Report: Compare Default Supplier Cost to In Stock Cost.
Exception Report - Inventory Items- $0 Def Supp Cost: Shows a list of all items the Exception Report: $0 Default Supplier Cost.
Exception Report - Variance of Invoice Cost to Avg Inventory Item Cost:
Shows a list of Invoice line item costs compared to the average item
cost and the variance (%) between the two. (Enter percentages with a
decimal point. For example, enter 20% as .20) The report will show all
items with variances less than or equal to the Low Comparison value
entered and greater than or equal to the High Comparison value entered
for invoices in the selected date range.
Depending on the fluctuation in the your inventory item costs from one
purchase of the item to the next, this may display legitimate variances.
Invoices with Missing Customers:
Lists Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Entered By, Sold To and Ship To
Customers (where present) for all invoices that have either a missing
sold to or ship to customer.
Note: These reports are all located on the Report Category of Exceptions Reports.
If, after viewing any or all of these exception reports, you have any
questions of which what they mean, how to correct a problem, etc.
please feel free to contact OneSource for additional help and support
to correct and/or prevent the re-occurrence of the problem.