List of key user training topics commonly misunderstood and/or performed wrong
Author: support staff Reference Number: AA-00971 Created: 2011-02-19 17:16 Last Updated: 2015-05-29 06:28 |
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In addition to the numerous items listed in the FAQ: (What should I double check before going live with OneSource? (Final GoLive Checklist) (A1094), the following are additional "user training" types of misunderstandings, mistakes, etc to understand and/or avoid:
Suppliers and Vendors
- Remember that a Supplier in OneSource is an organization from which you buy goods to resell, and should always have an Inventory asset account as the default GL Account. (A mistaken GL account here could cause an account other than your Inventory account to increase when a Bill is posted to the GL).
- Remember that a Vendor in OneSource is an organization from which you buy goods and services for your own use, that you DO NOT RESELL, and should always have an appropriate expense account as the default GL Account. (This account will be auto filled on the Bill when the Vendor is selected, saving time and helping to prevent mistakes).
Customers & Prospects
- Remember that there is no real difference between a Customer or a Prospect. Both are stored in the same table and form for easy searching and management.
- The Address Type field determines if the customer or prospect will be available on the Quote only, in the Bill To drop down lists only (on Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, and Credit Memo's), in the Ship To drop down lists only, or in Both of the Bill To and Ship To drop down boxes.
- Ship To customer records are completely separate records with their own address, contacts, etc. They are linked/related to another Customer record (with an Address Type of Bill To or Both) based on the Company record that is selected in theBill To drop down list under the Address Type field on theCustomers & Prospects form).
- It is easiest to create the link between Ship to customer records and their related Bill To/Both type of Customer record by simply entering the new Ship To address on a Quote, Sales Order, or Invoice, this creates the proper link automatically.
- Individual inventory items (or Groups of items that have the same Product Pricing Group) listed on the Custom Pricing tab always over-ride the customer's Default Pricing method.
- Custom Pricing Templates make it easy to immediately apply a predefined list of prices for individual items (or groups of items) to a customer's Custom pricing tab.
- Custom Pricing Templates make it easy to automatically update prices in mass, for all customers who have inherited prices from a particular Custom Pricing Template.
- Custom Pricing Templates do not auto update any items on a Customers' Custom pricing tab if the item has a check in the Lock checkbox.
Inventory Item Setup
- Avoid using any characters that are not letters or numbers in Inventory Item numbers (Especially "double quote" ( " ) marks. If absolutely necessary, use 2 single quote marks instead).
- Avoid using "double quote" ( " ) marks in Inventory Item Descriptions. (If necessary, use 2 single quote marks).
- Every inventory item needs to have a CLASS. The CLASS field must be set to Stockif the item is a physical, tangible inventory item you buy/resell--even if you don't actually "stock" the item. (In other words, items that you special order and/or drop ship need to have a Class of Stock).
- Inventory Item are NOT adjusted up and down when PO items are received and Sales Order items are shipped unless the item has a Class of Stock.
- Inventory Items with a Class of Non-Stock do not appear on Sales Orders and Invoice drop item drop down lists.
- Be sure to put a check mark in the Commissionable checkbox for all items your want to be included on Sales Commission reports.
- If you want to setup a Matrix of prices for an item, you must select the Matrix Pricing checkbox.
- The Style/Color checkbox is used primarily for Lot tracking. Avoid using this setting for items that do have various styles and colors unless each variation of the style and color is NOT represented by another separate distinct item number.
- It is recommended that you setup inventory items in the lowest common denominator of units sold. In other words, if you buy items by the case, but sell them by the each, make sure you check the Order and Receive as Case on PO option.
- Each item needs to have a Default Supplier, a Default Supplier Item #, and a Default Supplier Cost to keep various systems working properly.
Quotations- Quotations have zero affect on the General Ledger. (Except that the GL account that are auto inserted on the Sales Order line items transfer forward to the Sales Order and then on to the Invoice).
- Quotations have zero affect on Inventory Stock levels.
- If you want to change the Type/Title of a Quotation (to Estimate, Proposal, Recurring Sales Order, etc) click on the drop down box next to the Quotation label in the upper right hand corner.
Sales Orders- There are numerous ways to start or jump into a Sales Order. Some may save your company a significant amount of time. (In a future release, you will be able to define which type to use for each customer, so you can automatically select the fastest method for each customer).
- There is a drop down list called Type of Sales Order (directly above the Ship To Address section on the Sales Order). This value is selected automatically from your Company Setup & Preferences. If you sell Inventory Items, DO NOT change this to another type, as certain line item types do not adjust inventory, track back orders, etc.
- Item stock levels are deducted from inventory when the Qty Ship field is changed from 0 (or some other number) to a higher number.
- You can toggle between 1 row of fields, 2 rows of fields, or 3 rows of fields--per line item, by pressing the Red number 1 button (or 2, or 3) right above the price column.
- The Quick Display on the left side of the screen is often overlooked. Give them a try. (You can define which Quick Display is displayed automatically. You can also define which Quick Displays are visible to each individual user).
- You can double-click the Item Number field to search by Item Description (and then double click it a few more time to restore it to it's original function).
- You can a Pre-Payment (Order Deposit) on a Sales Order. This is the only affect an Order has on the GL.
Invoices- Sales are posted to your GL from the Invoice.
- As of this writing...changes to Invoice line items, such as item numbers, item quantities, and item pricing DO NOT ripple back to the underlying Sales Order. All changes must currently be made in both places.
Credit Memo's- Enter Credit Memo item quantities as a negative number rather than a positive number.
- When you enter an item on the Credit Memo you will be asked whether you want to return the item to the Supplier (which will not put the item back in Stock) or if you want to put the item back into stock).
- There is a field that you can manually enter the related Invoice Number for each item, if desired. (This will be replaced by an automated process, in a future release, to create and link the Credit Memo from the original Invoice).
Purchase Orders / RMA's- Create an RMA by clicking on the RMA checkbox in the upper right hand corner of a PO. (Enter the numbers as negative numbers).
Receiving Payments- Be sure the GL account used, in every case, is your Undeposited Funds account. (This will be reversed out when the actual deposit is made into the Check Writer - Bank Account).
- Be sure to press the Apply button before leaving the form to properly apply the receipts.
Entering Bills- The Supplier and most of the fields can be auto filled and linked to a particular PO by clicking on the Purchase Order checkbox.
- You can create a Supplier or Vendor credit by simply entering a negative amount checkbox and selecting a PO.
Paying Bills- To pay bills with a Credit Card, use the Pay Bills - One Supplier form.
Check Writer - Checks, Deposits, Adjustments- Be sure to become familiar with how the Check Writer Bank Accounts and the General Ledger must work/sync together.
- Whenever possible, initiate the creation of Checks from the Pay Bills - One Supplier form or the Pay Bills - Multiple Suppliers form (after you have entered a Bill). This creates a better paper trail and makes it easier to track your Payables easier.
- It is recommended that the deposits that you make on the Deposits tab in the Check Writer be limited to Invoice Payments only. (Be sure to enter the Undeposited Funds account as the account that you are crediting. This will reverse the debit to this account that was created when you received the payment using the Receive Payments form).
- It is recommended that all transactions that are NOT Checks or Deposits from Invoice Payments be entered as an Adjustment in the Check Writer. (This would include transactions like ATM's, wire transfers, banking fees, your initial beginning balance entry, automated deposits, automated withdrawals, etc.)
- The drop down list of Adjustment types can be edited in the Company Setup & Preferences.
- There are a few unique transactions that have very specific procedures that must be followed to keep your Check Writer - Bank Account balances in sync with their corresponding General Ledger account assigned to the Bank Account. They are:
- Entering the initial Beginning Balance in a Bank Account
- Transferring funds from One Bank Account to another Bank Account.
- Entering a cash advance from a Credit Card to a Bank Account.
General Ledger- All transactions in OneSource are basically "real time". The only exception to this is the General Ledger. The General Ledger is comprised of Postings that are typically made in batch using the Batch Post GL Transactions form. This means that a few select Financial Reports may be incomplete (depending on the date range selected) unless all transactions listed in the Batch Post GL Transactions form are posted.
- Making sure to select the appropriate sub-ccounttype on each GL Account will help OneSource enforce the proper selection of the right account for each transaction.
- Because of how OneSource was designed, General Ledger account numbers and descriptions can be changed at any time in the future without any type of negative effect on your General Ledger.
Please Note: Several new features are forthcoming in future releases of OneSource to make it easier and easier to keep data accurate.