* GL - Cost Analysis - AR
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-01708 Created: 2011-07-13 11:00 Last Updated: 2013-08-24 14:42 |
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Note: In versions of OneSource 4.1x or greater a new screen has been added to view ALL costs on ALL Invoices and Credit Memo's for a given date range. The following are a few notes of how to open and use the screen Cost Analysis- Opening the screen: Using the menu bar at the top of your screen, click on Accounting > Cost Analysis - AR menu option.
- Selecting a date range: To filter the range of dates, enter a From and To Date (in the fields on the top of the screen) and then press the Go button.
- Switching the View to Sales Orders: To view the Costs on Sales Order (rather than Invoices) click on Sales Order option (in the top left corner of the screen).
- Note: It is recommended that you only CHANGE the costs when the Invoice option is selected.
- Explanation of fields (columns) and buttons:
- Magnifying Glass button: Click to drill down to the actual transactions.
- Number: The Invoice (or Sales Order) transaction number.
- Date: Date of the transaction.
- Bill To: Bill to Address on the transaction.
- Ship To: Ship to Address on the transaction.
- Item Number: Item number on transaction.
- Assembly Part: If an item is part of an 'editable' assembly, then the item is actually on the Invoice but may not be visible unless the 'components' pop up screen is opened.
- Description: Description of the item sold.
- Special Order: This will be check if the item was flagged as a 'special order'.
- Posted: This tells if the item is posted to the GL yet.
- Order Qty: Quantity Ordered on the transaction line item.
- Ship Qty: Quantity Shipped on the transaction line item.
- Adj: This button is auto checked when the yellow, 'Individual Cost' field has been changed by the user (and stays checked until the red 'Update Selected Costs' button is pressed to make the changes.
- Inventory Cost: This is the average cost, for the selected item, based on all existing shipments of the item presently in stock right at the moment.
- Def. Supplier Cost: This is the existing 'Default Supplier Cost' contained in the item record at present. (This will be the cost inserted on a PO the next time the item is added to a PO created to the Default Supplier assigned to the item).
- Weighted Avg PO Cost: This is the weighted average cost of the item on all PO's (in the date range selected on the Calc Avg PO Costs button). Example: If the Date of the sales was x months (or years) ago, the Def. Supplier Cost and the Inventory Cost fields may both be unfeasible to use as a comparison. In this example, the Weighted Avg PO Cost may be a most accurate comparison of what the cost more than likely should have been.
- Closest PO Cost: This is the most recent PO Cost for the item 'before' the date in the Date column. Like the example directly above, this may be the most accurate value to compare (if the date of the sale was several months or years before).
- Individual Cost: (Yellow Field) This is the actual cost assigned to the transaction line item (and is the cost that is or will be posted to the GL for use on Financial Reports such as the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet). This is the bottom line value that is intended to be analyzed in comparison to the other Cost fields and the Price field. This is the value that is intended to be changed, if necessary, and then 'updated' using the 'Update Selected Costs' button.
- Price: This is the net price that you sold the item for on transaction line item.
- Cost Diff: (After running the Calc Avg PO Costs button), when you select Avg PO Costs or PO Cost (from the drop down list) this will quickly calculate the difference between the Individual Cost and the selected type of Cost. (PO Cost = Closest PO Cost). This helps to determine which items may need a closer look.
- Total: This shows the line item total.
- Gross Margin: This shows the Gross Margin between the Price and the Individual Cost.
- Entered By: This shows which user entered the transaction.
- Salesperson: This shows which salesperson is assigned to the transaction.
- Buttons:
- Reselect Records: This button will become enabled if you click the Magnifying Glass button and leave the screen (so the data on the form can be refreshed if it has been changed).
- Calc Avg PO Costs: Pressing this button displays a pop up form to calculate the Weighted Avg PO Cost and the Closest PO Cost fields, depending on the criteria selected by you.
- Update Selected Costs: When this button is pressed, all line items that have a checkmark in the Adj checkbox will be updated to the newly entered Individual Cost. (Note: This process unposts any necessary transactions from the GL first).
- Close: This closes the form and does NOT save any changes made on the form that were not updated using the Update Selected Costs button.