* GL - Batch Post GL Transactions
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-01897 Created: 2012-05-31 13:14 Last Updated: 2013-08-24 14:41 |
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Overview of the Batch Post GL Transactions screen
Using the Batch Post GL Transactions screen, you can:
- View ALL unposted sub-ledger (Invoice, Invoice Payments, Bills, etc) transactions on 1 screen.
- Post ALL unposted GL transactions of all types all at once, or all of a certain type, or selectively post individual transactions.
How to Batch Post GL Transactions
How to open the Batch GL Transactions screen
- Click Accounting (menu) > Batch Post GL Transactions
How to select and post ALL unposted GL Transactions at once
- Open the Batch Post GL Transactions screen.
- Click on the Apply Selections and Postings to All Tabs (checkbox).
- Click on the Suppress Posting Error Messages (if not already checked).
- Then click on Select All (to make sure all transactions get a check mark in the checkbox on the left side of all transactions).
- Then click Post Selected Transactions button.
Posting requires OneSource to edit and save information in the sub-ledger transaction that is being posted to the GL. For instance, when posting an Invoice OneSource will making a posting to the General Ledger and then copies the transaction # and writes that to the Invoice (in the Invoice table). If any users are editing that particular Invoice or invoices right near it in the list, the Invoice will be locked, which will prevent it from being updated (as posted) which will make it appear in the list to be posted again. Because of these potential record locking problems it is generally a good idea to make batch postings to the GL when all other users are out of OneSource. However, technically, the following list explains which modules need to be closed to prevent record locking, depending on the type of GL transactions being posted:
- Avoid posting AR Invoices (on the Invoices from A/R tab) when other users are using the Sales Order and/or Invoices screens.
- Avoid posting AR Invoice Payments (on the Receipts from A/R tab) when other users are using the Sales Order and/or Invoices screens.
- Avoid posting AP Bills (on the Bills from A/P tab) if any other users are using any of the screens on the AR/AP menu.
- Avoid posting AP Bills Payments (on the Payments from A/P tab) if any other users are using any of the screens on the AR/AP menu.
- Avoid posting Banking Transactions (on the Banking Transactions tab) if any other user are using any of the screen on the AR/AP or Banking menu's.
SPECIAL NOTE: If you decide to use the Batch Unpost GL Transactions tool please note that these same warnings apply.
What To Do If GL Transactions Will NOT Post
In some cases--after you have posted all transactions--some transactions will NOT post. The following are the most common reasons transactions will not post to the GL:
- The transaction does not contain a GL Account.
- The transaction contains a GL Account that no longer exists.
- The transaction is out of balance - and it is easy to see it (such as a Bill or Check that is for amount X but the GL amounts on the transaction do not add up to X).
- The transaction is out of balance - and it is NOT easy to see, due to fractions of a penny.
To resolve these issues try taking these steps:
- Try posting 1 transaction at a time with the 'Supress Posting Error Messages' turned off.
- With the Batch Post GL Transactions screen open, press the Unselect All button (to unselect ALL GL Transactions so you can select 1 at a time to resolve).
- Unselect the 'Apply Selections and Postings to ALL Tabs' option.
- Unselect the 'Supress Posting Error Messages' option.
- Select a transaction that will not post and then press the 'Post Selected Transactsions' button.
- In many cases OneSource will display an error message explaining why it cannot be posted.
- With the Batch Post GL Transactions screen open, click on the Magnifying Glass button next to a transaction that will not post.
- Does every line item (or related field that requires a GL Account) have a GL Account.
- When you click the drop down box for each GL Account--is the GL Account actually IN the list?
- Does the transaction look out of Balance? If looking at a Check, Deposit, Adjustment, or AP Bill does the transaction total balance with the amounts attributed to each line item/GL Account?
- When you click on the Transaction total is the Amount does is reveal a total that has more than 2 digits to the right of the decimal point? (If the amount is fractions of a cent that may be the reason it appears to be out of balance).