Sales Department - Final GoLive Checklist
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02206 Created: 2014-10-28 07:57 Last Updated: 2014-10-31 08:14 |
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- Inventory Item list.
- All items in list.
- All 'Special Order' Suppliers setup on items that can be special ordered.
- QA main search/catalog fields:
- Sort Asc and Desc to find any missing values on key fields:
- In Inventory Table: Item Number, Active, Supplier Number, Description, Category, Sub Category, SubCategory2, SubCategory3, YearsListing, ManufacturerItemNumber2, Model, ReportCategory
- In tblInventoryAlias Table: Item Number, Active, Supplier Number, Description, Category, Sub Category, SubCategory2, SubCategory3, YearsListing,
- Update the Company Setup to fill in proper fields for new Inventory Items.
- Inventory Prices.
- Customers
- Quick Price Check
- Company Setup
- Setup Columns, Widths, Fonts, etc..
- Company Setup & Preferences
- QPC Settings
- General Sales
- Quotes
- Sales Orders
- Sales Order Status's: Create and setup for New, Printed, Invoiced
- Invoices
- Printing, Reports, etc
- Do all users have proper default printer?
- Do all users have proper print driver for labels?
- Do all users have proper barcode font? (Do they all need it?)
- Printed reports:
- Invoice
- Picking Ticket?
- Labels?
- LOGO??
- Print Preferences set up for Reports, # Copies, etc
- Customers:
- Company Setup options.
- Setup New Customer Profiles
- Fields/Values to check:
- Customer Specific table:
- Every customer in Customers table has a record in the CustomerSpecific table (be sure to include Customer Number, Pricing Type, pricing values, Tax code)
- Customers table:
- Customer Number, Active = True, Customer Record Type (Bill To Customer has Customer # for any records where Customer Record Type = Ship To)
- Company, Street, City, State, Zip/Postal Code
- Credit Limit? (COD? Credit Hold? Admin Credit Hold?)
- Shipped Via (that have matching values in the Shipped Via table.
- Shipped Via table needs to be set up.
- Helpful as well:
- Date Record Created
- OrigOrgID or OrigOrgIDString (to match record with previous system customer number, if changed)
- Test and setup Customer LISTS
- Remove all that are non applicable.
- Make 1 big list with all pertinent fields so they can see/edit which fields need to be updated.
- A/R Management (Cover with Accounting & Management)
- Setup Payments terms
- Explain how they work.
- Show AR Statement Sum, Explain how figures get into each column.
- Setup Customer Dashboard List (explain each column).
- Setup auto calc off Customer Dashboard figures on log off.
- Set up Admin user
- Assign admin user.
- Show KBA about how that works (need to create one)
- Setup Logon/Logoff events..
- Test Creations..
- QPC > Add to Quote
- QPC > Add to Order
- QPC > Add to New Order
- QPC > Add to Order & Print
- Quote
- Quote > Sales Order
- Sales Order
- Sales Order > Invoice
- Invoice
- Batch Create Invoices
- Batch Invoice and Receive Payments
- Setup Users
- Update All Users to Latest Tested Version of OneSource
- Create a .bat file to update all folders at once..
- Training
- Just before GoLive
- Update Inventory Levels in Inventory table
- Del all records in Inventory Products table
- App records to Inventory Products table (to show inventory in stock)
- This also assumes that the very latest Supplier Costs have been updated (if not provided along with the Inventory export)
- Run the Recalculate Quantities For All Items (on the Inventory/Availability tab)