Networking, TCP/IP, Router, Firewall How To's
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02215 Created: 2014-11-19 09:09 Last Updated: 2024-01-12 10:37 |
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How to Test Network Connectivity (PING)(Ports)- HOW TO PING: Open a Windows COMMAND PROMPT then type: Ping x.x.x.x (where x.x.x.x is the IP Address) or Ping www.address.com (where www.address.com is a URL like www.yahoo.com)
- FROM the server that you suspect has a particular port closed, browse to https://yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports and type in the PORT # you are trying to test.
- Is the Windows Firewall on? Try disabling it...then retest..
How to configure the Windows Firewall to allow only specific IP Address to connect.- Login to the server using RDP.
- Click on Start >> Administrative tools >> Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.
- Go to Inbound Rule >> New Rule
- Click on Custom and on the next page select All Programmes.
- You are at Protocol & Ports wizard.
- select the Specific Port option for the Remote Port and enter the port number and click Next.
- You will need to enter the Remote IP Address by which you want to connect your port.
- Click on the Add Button and enter the IP Address and click Ok and Next.
- Select Allow the connection option and click Next.
- On the Profile Page, select all three options. Domain, Private and Public.
- Click Next Button.
- In the final step, you need to provide the Name of this Rule. (eg. Remote Desktop - IP Restriction Rule)
- Click on the Finish Button.
How to Add IP Address in Windows FirewallStep 1) On the Start menu, Click ‘Windows Firewall with Advanced Security’. Step 2) Click the ‘Advanced settings’ option in the sidebar. Step 3) On the left side, click the option ‘Inbound Rules’. Step 4) On the right, under the section ‘Actions’, click on the option ‘New Rule’. Windows Firewall shows you the New Inbound Rule Wizard. Step 5) A new window will open and Select the ‘custom’ option and click Next. Step 6) In the left-hand side again, go to the option ‘Scope’. Step 7) Add the IP address and click on the ‘Ok’ button.