QuickBooks Online - How To's (Works with 1place.cloud, the All-In-One CRM / ERP add-on database for QuickBooks Online)
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02446 Created: 2016-11-19 12:09 Last Updated: 2023-11-10 15:19 |
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Getting Help for QuickBooks Online
Contact QB for Help
- 1-800-488-7330 (6am-6pm Pacific Time, weekdays, plus shorter hours on Saturday)
- You will need your Company ID. You can locate that by clicking: Gear (icon) > Account and Settings > Billing & Subscription. Then note the Company ID in the top left corner.
Links Provided by Intuit (the Makers of QuickBooks Online)
Converting from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online
Getting Started
Sign Up for QuickBooks Online
- Visit: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/pricing/
- Note: If you want to 'Test' it out make note that after a period of days (less than 60) if you want to start 'Fresh' you will have to DELETE the account and re-open a new account. Here's how: Login to your account > Gear icon > Billing & Subscription > Next to Subscription Status click: Cancel
Adding User Accounts
- Home > Gear icon > Manage Users > New
Importing Customers
- NOTE: If you hand enter or import Customers into 1place (cloud version) STOP HERE as your Customers will get automatically synced by the 1place / QuickBooks Online syncing process.
- Click Customers > Click New Customer button (drop down arrow) and select Import Customers.
- In the Select a CSV or Excel file to upload box, click Browse...to browse for the Excel file you have prepped to import.
- NOTE: If you have not prepared an import file yet, on this same page, click the 'Download a sample file' link. This will download a sample Excel file showing the column headings needed, etc.
- Click Next (in the bottom right corner)
- In the Your Field column make sure each field in your spreadsheet is matched (mapped) to the field in the column to the left. Then click Next.
- NOTE: It may be a good idea to Save a copy of your spreadsheet and then delete ALL records except the first 1 or 2 and import those 1 or 2 records first. If that goes well then open your original file and delete the records you've already imported and then import all the rest.
- When you get to step 3 you will see any problems that Quickbooks thinks you have in your data. You may need to cancel the process, fix your data in your spreadsheet and repeat the process again.
- Opening Balance Date: This must be formatted to look like yyyy-mm-dd (where yyyy = year, mm=month, and dd = date). You may have to highlight the values in that spreadsheet column and then 'format' your date cells using the custom option (and then enter yyyy-mm-dd in the format field).
- NOTE: Quickbooks requires you to enter a 'Contact' name in the Name field. This means you will either have to enter the Contact name or select the Company to fill in this field as well. Another annoying snag with this is when you want to search for the is you is the By default the 'searching' for a Customer is by the 'Contact Name' as well. You can change this, 1 customer at a time after you have imported the records following these steps:
- This field could have the 'contact' name in the business, or it could have the company name or customer #, or a customer Shortcut
Importing Chart of Accounts
- See the steps for Importing Customers above and follow the same logic.
Entering a Beginning Balance (in Checking Account)
Setting Up Bank Account Syncing (for Online Banking)
Basic Steps
Creating a New Customer
- Customers > New Customer
- Note: By default
- If you want the Company Name to appear
Deleting (Inactivating) a Customer
NOTE: You cannot actually 'Delete' a Customer. You can only inactivate it.
- Click Customers > Click on the Customer Name > Edit > Make inactive
Restoring (Reactivating) a Customer
- Click Sales (on left). Then Customers tab (on top).
- Click the gear on the right (above the Action column). Then click Include Inactive.
Creating a New Invoice
- Click the + New (button) in the top left corner > Invoice.
- Or, on the Customer screen click New Transaction (green button) > Invoice.
Receiving a Payment for 1 or more Invoices
- Click the + New (button) in the top left corner > 'Receive payment' under the Customer column.
- In the 'Receive Payment' screen, Type the customer's name in the 'Customer' field.
- Fill in the necessary information for 'Payment date', 'Payment method', 'Reference no.' and 'Deposit to' fields.
- In the 'Outstanding Transactions' section, select the invoice number(s) that is being paid and enter the amount in the 'Payment' column.
- In the 'Credits' section, there should be no items selected.
- Notice the 'Amount received' field should be the same amount of the actual payment made by the customer.
- Click 'Save and close'.
- Or, 'Sales' from the left pane, then 'Customers' tab on top
- Click the customer's name. You can also make use of the search box to search for the customer's name.
- In the customer's transaction list, select the invoice that is being paid, click on the 'Receive payment' at the right most portion of the line item.
- You will now be redirected to the 'Receive Payment' screen. Fill in the necessary information for 'Payment date', 'Payment method', 'Reference no.' and 'Deposit to' fields;
- In the 'Outstanding Transactions' section, select the invoice number(s) that is being paid and enter the amount in the 'Payment' column.
- In the 'Credits' section, there should be no items selected.
- Notice the 'Amount received' field should be the same amount of the actual payment made by the customer.
- Click 'Save and close'.
Posting the Bank Deposit for a Received Payment
Creating and Apply Credits and Credit Memos
- Creating Credit Memo
- Click the + New (button) in the top left corner > 'Credit Memo' under the Customer column.
- In the 'Credit Memo' screen, enter the customer's name in the 'Customer' field.
- Enter the date in the 'Credit Memo Date' field
- Enter the necessary information in the provided fields.
- Click 'Save and send'.
- Apply a Credit Memo to an Invoice
- Click 'Sales' from the left pane, then 'Customers' tab on top, select the customer's name. Click the credit memo that will be applied. Or,
- Click the + New (button) in the top left corner > 'Receive Payment' under the Customer column.
- In the 'Receive Payment' screen, enter the necessary information:
- Payment method- Select from the drop down list 'Credit Memo';
- Reference no.- enter the reference number. You can also make use the credit memo number applied;
- Deposit to- Select from the drop down list the GL account where the transaction to be reflected.
- In the 'Outstanding Transaction' section, select the invoice number in which the credit memo will be applied. Enter the amount of the credit memo in the 'Payment' field.
- In the 'Credits' section, select the credit memo to be applied.
- Make sure the 'Amount received' field (located at the top right corner) is zero.
- Click 'Save and close'.
- Write a Check for the Credit Memo Issued Instead of Applying to an Invoice
- Write the check (first to be done)
- Click + New from the left pane, select 'Check' under the Vendors column.
- On the Category details section, enter the following information:
- Category field- Choose 'Accounts Receivable (A/R)'
- Amount field- enter the amount of the credit memo;
- Customer/Project field- Customer's name
- Click 'Save and close'.
- Apply the credit memo to the issued check
- Click + New from the left pane.
- Select 'Receive Payment' under the Customers column.
- In the 'Receive Payment' screen enter the necessary information:
- Customer- Customer name;
- Payment method- select from the drop down list 'Credit Memo';
- Reference no. - enter the reference number;
- Deposit to- select from the drop down list the GL account where this transaction to be reflected.
- In the 'Outstanding Transaction' section, select the check created;
- In the 'Credits' section, select the credit memo you want to apply.
- Make sure that the 'Amount Received' field (located at the top right corner) is zero.
- Click 'Save and close'.
- See this KBA: https://community.intuit.com/articles/1145640-applying-a-credit-memo-credit-or-refund-for-a-customer
Paying Invoices with Partial Payment + Credit Memo's
- Click "+" > Receive Payments.
- Enter all usual info, including the Amount Received.
- Click the box next to each Invoice you want to pay (or, if paying all Invoices on file, check the box above all of the boxes).
- Then scroll down to see the existing Credit Memo's and enter the amount you want to apply (in the Pay field).
- The 'Amount to Apply' on the bottom show be the total of the Amount Received and the Amount to Credit.
- Click the Save button.
Finding and Deleting Payments on Invoices
- Find the
- Click
the Magnifying glass
- Type in the invoice #, then click on the Invoice in
the list.
- Open and
Delete Payment:
- Once
the invoice is open, on the right side of the screen you will see a BLUE link that
shows the # of payments made on the invoice. (For example it might read: 3 payments made
- Click on the blue payments link. This will show a little table of the payments
- Click on one of the payments and then when the payment appears click More >
- Repeat the steps for each payment you want to delete.
How to Open the Check Register
- Click Banking (on left) > Use Register (on right)
When to Enter Bills, Pay Bills
- When to enter Bills
- Enter bills from vendors to accurately report Accounts Payable, especially for running reports on an accrual basis
- To track Vendor balances, to know the outstanding payable
- To record a bill for any services or items received that will be paid later, whether or not there is an actual bill received from the vendor.
- When to enter bill payments
- To close the recorded bill
- To ensure the Vendor balance decreases appropriately
How to Enter Bills
- Click + New from the left pane, select 'Bill' under the Vendors column
- In the 'Supplier' field, select a supplier from the dropdown list.
- In the 'Terms' field, select the bill's terms from the dropdown list. This is when the supplier expects to be paid.
- Enter the 'Bill date', 'Due date', and 'Bill no.' as they recorded on the bill.
- Enter the bill details in the Category details section. In the 'Category' field, from the dropdown list, select the expense account used to track expense transactions.
- Enter the 'Amount' and tax.
- If there are multiple worksites or business segment, select the location's from the 'Location' drop down list.
- Tick the 'Billable' checkbox and enter the customer's name in the 'Customer' field if the expense is to be billed to customer.
- Once done, click 'Save and close'.
How to Record Payments Towards Bills
- If the bill recorded is paid with a credit card or cash
- Click + New from the left pane, select 'Pay Bill' under the Vendors column. This shows all outstanding bills entered into Quickbooks, including balances and due dates. By default, it shows the last 365 days. To change the date range or only for a specific payee, select 'Filter'.
- In the 'Payment account', from the dropdown list, select the account the bill will be paid from.
- If a current or savings account is selected, a 'Reference no.' can be entered , though this is optional.
- Enter 'Payment date'.
- Select the checkboxes for the bills to be paid.
- Enter the amount paid in the 'Payment' column.
- If there is an existing credit with the supplier, it can be applied in the 'Credit Applied' column.
- Once done, select 'Schedule payments online' in the dropdown list to learn about available payment processing options. Then click 'Save' or 'Save and close'.
- If the bill recorded is paid with a check
- Click + New from the left pane, select 'Check' under the Vendors column.
- From the 'Payee' dropdown list select the supplier name.
- Uncheck the 'Send later' checkbox to show the 'Add to Check' section. This will show all outstanding payable at the right portion of the screen,
- In the 'Add to Check' portion, select the bill to be paid by clicking 'Add' at the lower left portion of each box or click the 'Add all' button location in the upper part of the section.
- Notice the 'Item details' section, once 'Add' is clicked, all the items on the bills chosen are then added in the list. It auto fills all the columns.
- In the 'Bank Account' field, from the dropdown list select the account made where the check payment from.
- Once done select 'Save and new' or 'Save and close'
- Select 'Print'.
When to Record Checks or Expenses
- Both Check and Expenses report a transaction as an expense and a payment simultaneously.
- Checks and Expenses are for services or items paid on-the-spot.
- The expense is recorded as a Check, instead of Expense, if a printed check is needed.
- If the expense is paid via credit card, record it under Expense.
- If something is paid via EFT, the expense should be still be recorded either in Check or Expense. Enter EFT in Check no. field.
- NOTE: If the delivery method for a customer is set to "Print later", the Expense will save as a Check.
How to Record an Expense/ Create an Expense
--This is to record a paid business expense and need to record it in Quickbooks.
- Click + New from the left pane, select 'Expense' under the Vendors column.
- In the 'Payee' field, select the supplier in the dropdown list. If the transaction covers multiple petty cash expenses, leave the field empty.
- In the 'Payment account' field, select the account used to pay for the expense.
- Enter a Ref no, for a detailed tracking of expense. This is optional.
- In the 'Category details' section, enter the expense info. In the 'Category' from the dropdown list, select the expense account used to track expense transactions. Enter a description in the 'Description' field.
- To itemize the expense, enter the specific product and services in the 'Item details' section.
- Enter the 'Amount' and 'Tax'.
- Tick the 'Billable' checkbox and enter the customer's name in the 'Customer' field if the expense is to be billed to customer.
- Once done, click 'Save and close'.
How to Edit an Expense
- Click 'Expenses' from the left pane, then 'Expenses' tab on top.
- Find the expense to be edited. Select 'View/Edit' in the 'Action' column.
- Update the transaction as needed.
- Select 'Save and close'.
How to Review the expenses
- Click 'Reports' from the left pane.
- Run an 'Income by Customer Summary' report.
How to Delete an Expense
- Click 'Expenses' from the left pane, then 'Expenses' tab on top.
- Find the expense to be deleted.
- Select 'View/Edit', select 'Delete' from the dropdown list under 'Action' column.
- Select 'Yes' to confirm to delete the transaction.
How to Create or Record a Check
- Click + New from the left pane, select 'Check' under the Vendors column.
- From the 'Payee' dropdown list select the supplier name.
- n the 'Bank Account' field, from the dropdown list select the account made where the check payment from.
- Complete the check fields needed.
- Select the 'Print' option.
- Select 'Save and close' to close the check window. Or 'Save and new' to create another check.
How to Void a Check
- Open the Check Register
- Locate the check you want to Void (or click "+" > Check to create the check you want to void)
- On the check click More > Void
How to Pay a Bill by Wiring Funds (rather than printing a check)
- Open the Bill you want to pay with a bank account Wire. (This assumes you will call your bank and arrange for the wire outside of Quickbooks)
- Click the Make Payment button.
- Pay the bill as you always would but enter WT (for wire transfer) in the Ref No field.
How to Pay a Bill with a Credit Card or Online Transfer
- Select the Plus icon (+) on the Toolbar.
- Under Vendors select Pay Bills.
- In Payment account, select your credit card account.
- Enter the Payment date.
- Select the bill you want to pay.
- Select Save, Save and print or Save and close.
How to Pay a Bill with a Bank Transfer
Method #1
- Click + > Pay Bills
- Click on the Bill you want to pay.
- Click Make a Payment.
- Select the Bank/Credit account from which you want to pay the bill.
- Accept the Ref No. or change it to a Reference # of your own choice.
- Select the Bill(s) you want to pay.
- Click Save & New (or Save & Close).
- (NOTE: You can pay another bill for the same vendor by typing in the Vendor name and then clicking on the Bill (card) you want to pay on the right side. Then repeat a few of the steps above as necessary).
Method #2
- Click Expenses (on Left)
- Vendors (on top)
- Scroll down and find the Vendor (or type the Vendor Name in the search box) > then select the Vendor.
- Click on the Bill you want to pay.
- Click Make a Payment.
- Select the Bank/Credit account from which you want to pay the bill.
- Accept the Ref No. or change it to a Reference # of your own choice.
- Select the Bill(s) you want to pay.
- Click Save & New (or Save & Close).
- (NOTE: You can pay another bill for the same vendor by typing in the Vendor name and then clicking on the Bill (card) you want to pay on the right side. Then repeat a few of the steps above as necessary)
Accounts Receivable (AR) Collections
How to re-send 1 or more Invoices to a Customer
How to set up collection Email (form letters)
How to send 1 statement to a Customer
How to send a statement to ALL (or a Batch of) Customers
How to determine Invoice (online) Payment options
How your Customers can pay an Invoice (online) using a BANK TRANSFER
YOUR customers can pay YOUR Invoices to them ONLINE using the BANK TRANSFER payment option.
- Customer receives an email Invoice from you.
- Customer clicks on the (black) Review and Pay button.
- Select Account Type from the drop down list.
- Enter bank account Routing Number.
- Enter bank Account Number.
- Enter bank Account Holder's Name.
- Other options:
- If desired, click on the Edit Amount link if want to pay a different amount.
- If desired, click on the Set a date link (to send the payment at a later date).
- Click on the (green) Pay $0.00 button.
- After it's paid you will get a Success! notification and then have an option to:
- Download Receipt
- Download Invoice
- Customer receives an email Invoice from you.
- Customer clicks on the (black) Review and Pay button.
- Click on the link called Sign In or Create an Account.
- (This will allow your bank account info to be saved for payment in the future).
- Select a saved Bank Account, or
- Or, click Add bank account.
- Select Account Type from the drop down list.
- Enter bank account Routing Number.
- Enter bank Account Number.
- Enter bank Account Holder's Name.
- Other options:
- If desired, click on the Edit Amount link if want to pay a different amount.
- If desired, click on the Set a date link (to send the payment at a later date).
- Click on the (green) Pay $0.00 button.
- After it's paid you will get a Success! notification and then have an option to:
- Download Receipt
- Download Invoice
- And also an option called: You have x unpaid invoices (with an option to view and pay the invoice(s)).
How your Customers can pay an Invoice (online) using a CREDIT CARD (or DEBIT CARD)YOUR customers can pay YOUR Invoices to them ONLINE using the CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD payment option. - Customer receives an email Invoice from you.
- Customer clicks on the (black) Review and Pay button.
- NOTE: If you want to ADD a NEW Saved Credit Card, or select a previously saved Credit Card, click on the Sign in or create account link.
- Select Debit or Credit option
- (If not signed in...)
- Enter new card information (if not signed in), or
- (If signed in already...)
- Select a saved Card Number.
- Or, click Add card.
- If desired, click on the Edit Amount link if want to pay a different amount.
- Click on the (green) Pay $0.00 button.
- After it's paid you will get a Success! notification and then have an option to:
- Download Receipt
- Download Invoice
- Also (if signed in) if you have any other unpaid invoices you will see: You have x unpaid invoices (with an option to view and pay the invoice(s)).
Managing Inventory
How to adjust inventory quantity on hand
NOTE: If you are using 1place Software DO NOT follow these steps. Make the Adjustments to Inventory in 1place.
Sometimes you might discover that you have either more or fewer of an item than QuickBooks shows. If you track inventory in QuickBooks Online Plus and Advanced, you can manually adjust an item's quantity without recording a purchase or sale, to match what you actually have in stock.
Enter an inventory quantity adjustment (using the Plus icon (➕)
- Select the Plus icon (+) on the Toolbar.
- Under Other, select Inventory Qty Adjustment.
- Enter the Adjustment Date.
- In the Inventory adjustment account drop-down, select the appropriate account.
- Select the products in the Product field drop-down. (Note: The description and current quantity on hand will auto-populate.)
- For each item, enter either a new quantity or a change in quantity.
- (Optional) In the Memo field, enter the details about the adjustment.
- Select Save.
Note: When you save the inventory adjustment, QuickBooks Online automatically records appropriate adjustments to your stock Asset and Cost of Goods Sold (under stock Shrinkage) accounts. |
Using the Gear icon (⚙️)
- Select the Gear icon on the Toolbar, then choose Products and Services.
- Check the inventory items you need to adjust the quantity of.
- In the Action column, select Batch actions, then select Adjust quantity.
- If necessary, on the Inventory Quantity Adjustment window, change the adjustment date.
- In the Inventory adjustment account drop-down, select the appropriate account. For each item, enter either a new quantity or a change in quantity.
- (Optional) In the Memo field, enter the details about the adjustment.
- Select Save and close.
Edit or delete an inventory quantity adjustment
- Select the Search icon on the Toolbar.
- Select Advanced Search.
- From the All Transactions drop-down, choose Inventory Quantity Adjustment.
- (Optional) Select a filter, then choose Add Filter.
- Select Search.
- From the search results, select the adjustment you need to edit or delete.
- After selecting, the Adjustment entry opens.
- To edit, you can add new adjustments, or adjust the Change in Qty of previous adjustments.
- To delete, select Delete.
You are now able to adjust inventory quantity.
Online Banking
How to Setup Online Banking
- Go to the Banking menu.
- Select Connect from the landing page. ...
- Search for your bank. ...
- Select Continue. ...
- Select the type of account you're adding (savings, checking, or credit card). ...
- Select the date range for the download. ...
- Select Connect.
How to Download Online Banking Transactions
- Click Banking (on left side) > Update (on top right side)
- NOTE: There is a bold heading called Bank and Credit Cards. To the right of that there is a drop down list that allows you to CHANGE the account from for which you will download transactions.
Adding or Editing 'Rules' (to help auto select the proper GL Account for online banking transactions)
- Click Banking.
- You will notice a few sub-tabs on the top left portion of the screen. The 2nd tab (as of this writing) is labeled Bank Rules.
- Click New Rule (in top right corner) to add a new rule or Edit next to any existing rule that you want to edit.
Setting Up, Charging, and Paying Sales Taxes (in Multiple States)
How to Setup (finish later...)
How to delete a Sales Tax Return Payment (before sending it)
- Taxes > (When you see 'Your returns are still in the works' WAIT for it it finish.
- (Top right corner) > History
- Click on the Return (View Return button) > Click on the Date > Delete (button in bottom right corner).
How to close undeposited funds account on Quickbooks
After receiving payment from the customer and crediting it to undeposited funds, go to add new