* [INCOMPLETE] Quick Start Guide for Purchasing Personnel
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02476 Created: 2017-01-11 13:41 Last Updated: 2022-05-04 12:44 |
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High Level Basics
- Logging into OneSource:
- Double click the Green OneSource icon on your PC desktop. Then enter your user name and password.
- Getting HELP with OneSource:
- Visit www.onesourcesoftware.com/help
- Or click the Help button on almost every screen in OneSource.
- How to find features using the OneSource MENU BAR (at the top of the screen):
- The File menu has options to login to OneSource, link to a different Company Data File, etc.
- The Contacts menu has options to add and find Customers & Prospects, add and find Suppliers & Vendors, see a list of Scheduled Activities (To-Do's), view Lists of Customers & Prospects, etc.
- The Sales menu has options to find and quote (or sell) parts using the Quick Price Check (QPC) screen, and options to manually add Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, and Credit Memo's, view Lists of Quotes, Orders, Invoices, etc.
- The Inventory menu has options to add and find inventory items, import and update inventory items and prices (and Supplier items and prices), count inventory items, view and make inventory warehouse transfers, view List of Inventory Items, etc.
- The Purchasing menu has options to add and find Purchase Orders, create PO's in various manual and semi-automated ways, view Lists of Purchase Orders, etc.
- The AR/AP menu has options to add and find AP (Vendor) Bills, pay AP Bills, receive AR (Invoice) payments, print AR Customer Statements, etc.
- The Banking menu has options to add and find Bank Account checks, deposits, and adjustments, view a check register, reconcile Bank Accounts, etc.
- The GL menu has options to add and find General Ledger (GL) accounts, make GL journal entries, setup GL Financial Periods, post GL Transactions, etc.
- The Reports menu has options to view numerous reports related to Customers, Vendors, Jobs, Sales, Inventory, Purchasing, AR/AP, Banking, GL, etc.
- How to ADD records:
- Using the Menu Bar (at the top of your screen): Click any of the Add...options on any of the menu's.
- NOTE: Depending on your version of MS Access the menu bar will be instantly visible at the top of your screen, or you will need to click on the Add-Ins 'ribbon' option.
- Use the New button on any of the screens.
- Use Short-Cut keys such as Ctrl+F3 to add a new Customer or Prospect or Ctrl+F6 to add a new Sales Order. (Note: See the list of keyboard short-cuts below).
- NOTE: See various sections below for additional (BETTER/FASTER) ways to add records of various types.
- How to SAVE records:
- Records are saved automatically whenever you close the screen.
- All data on the screen is saved when you press Ctrl+S on your keyboard.
- Line items (on Quotes, Sales Order, Invoices, Purchase Orders, etc) are also automatically saved whenever you close the screen or click any line above it or below it.
- How to FIND records:
- Using the Menu Bar: Click any of the Find... options on any of the menu's.
- Use the Find button on any of the screens.
- Use keyboard Short-Cut Keys such as F3 to find a Customer or F6 to find a Sales Order or Ctrl+Q to open the Quick Price Check (QPC) screen. (NOTE: See the list of keyboard short-cuts below).
- How to PRINT records:
- Click the Print button on any screen.
- Or, open the Report Selection Screen on the menu bar.
- How to DELETE records:
- Click the Delete button on the record you want to delete. (The Delete button will delete the whole record. Clicking the small red X button will delete a single line item).
- How to see LISTS of records:
- Using the Menu Bar: Click any of the LIST...options on any of the menu's.
- Use Short-Cut Keys such as Shift+F3 to see Customers & Prospects Lists or Shift+F6 to see Sales Orders Lists. (See Keyboard Short-Cuts to Find Records below).
- Common buttons on most screens:
- Add button: Adds a new record of that type.
- Edit button: Unlocks the screen.
- Delete button: Deletes the record (or the line item selected).
- Find button: Opens the Simple Search screen for that type of record.
- Print button: Opens a Print Dialog box with Print options.
- Functions button: Open up a screen with additional functions and options for that screen.
- Help button: Opens up online help for that screen.
- Close button: Closes the screen.
Keyboard Short-Cuts to Find Records
- CTRL+Q - Opens a screen to search for Parts, Prices, Inventory Levels, etc. and make Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices.
- F3 - Search for a Customer or Prospect.
- F4 - Search for a Supplier or Vendor.
- F5 - Search for a Quotation.
- F6 - Search for a Sales Order.
- F7 - Search for an Invoice.
- F8 - Search for a Credit Memo.
- F9 - Search for a Purchase Order.
- F10 - Search for an Inventory Item.
- Shift+F3 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Customers.
- Shift+F4 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Suppliers & Vendors.
- Shift+F5 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Quotes.
- Shift+F6 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Sales Orders.
- Shift+F7 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Invoices.
- Shift+F8 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Credit Memo's.
- Shift+F9 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Purchase Orders.
- Shift+F10 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Items.
NOTE: You can ADD additional tabs on any list, or change any existing list, or delete any unused tabs on any list screen.
Tips & Tricks To Get Things Done FASTER
Most tasks have 2 or more ways to accomplish the same task. The following are the FASTEST (most efficient) ways to perform common tasks:
- Create Quotes or Sales Orders faster using the Quick Price Check (QPC) screen (Ctrl+Q).
- Add a Customer (on the fly) on the QPC, Quote, Sales Order, etc by just typing the Customer Name (when NOT in the Customer Bill To or Ship To list) and then pressing Enter (and then following prompts).
- Calculate Customer Prices faster, using a Customer's Custom Pricing tab (and by creating Custom Pricing Templates).
- Auto create Purchase Orders (POs) for Parts you don't have in Stock by clicking the PO checkbox on Sales Order line items and then click the Create PO(s) button.
- Auto create PO's for stock replenishments (including Container Orders) using the Automated Purchase Orders menu option.
- Auto Import a list of new Parts in your Parts Catalog using the OneSource Partslink Wizard (OSPLWiz) with Partslink data updates.
- Auto Update your existing Parts in mass using the OSPLWiz (with Partslink data updates).
- Auto import Supplier Item numbers and costs using the Inventory Item List - Import/Export menu option.
- Auto update Part List prices in mass using the Part Pricing Update Tools screen.
- Auto create Part 'Pricing Groups' (depending on the Part Type or Part Cost) using the Part Pricing Update Tools screen.
How to add items to your Parts list
- You can manually add parts one at a time using any of these methods:
- Option 1 - Enter the Item 'on the fly'. When you enter an item number (while creating a Quotation, Sales Order, or Purchase Order) if the item is not already in your list of items, you can press the Enter key to add the item on the fly).
- Option 2 - Enter the Item using the Inventory menu. (Click Inventory > Add New Product or Service Item).
- Option 3 - Enter the Part using the Inventory Management screen. (Press F10 to find any item (if you are not already on the Inventory Management screen), then press the New button).
- You can import a batch of parts using these methods:
- Option 1 - If you sell parts that may fit more than 1 product (or vehicle) you can use the very specialized OneSource Partslink Wizard (OSPLWiz) to import a batch of parts (and related Catalog) with a few clicks.
- Option 2 - Import a batch of parts using the Inventory > Inventory Item List - Import/Export screen.
How to Create and Update a Parts Search 'Catalog'
In addition to your Item (Part) List, OneSource also provides a way to create 1 or more 'search' definitions for each part called a Catalog. This help topic explains how that works.
- Suppose you have ItemX that fits 2 different vehicles (or maybe even 20 different vehicles). This means you will need to have 1 part in your item list (ItemX), but multiple ways to search for ItemX. This requires that you create a searchable 'catalog' of descriptions for your parts. To do this you have 3 basic options:
- Option 1 - Import Partslink data using the OneSource Partslink Wizard (OSPLWiz). This will help you accomplish these 3 tasks simultaneously:
- This will add a new part to your OneSource Item List for each unique Partslink # you choose to import. (You can search for any of these parts by pressing F10 or see a list of all these parts by pressing Shift+F10).
- This will add 1 or more catalog entries to each part imported (to provide a unique Year, Make, and Model search for each vehicle the part fits). (You can see or edit the catalog search information (for each item) on the Inventory Management (F10) screen. You can use the search catalog by opening the Quick Price Check (QPC) screen (Auto tab) by pressing Ctrl+Q).
- This will also automatically update your Item and item catalog changes, such as changes to the OEM price or OEM #, or changes to the Year Range the part fits, etc.
- Option 2 - Manually create or update each parts catalog - one at a time:
- Look up the Part you want to modify by clicking: Inventory > Find Product or Service Item (or press F10).
- Click on the Auto Parts Details tab.
- In the section called Part Catalog Search Criteria you can see a small table the shows each of the parts: Part (Catalog) Description, Year Range, Make, Model, etc. NOTE: This is the actual table used by the QPC (Ctrl+Q) screen to find parts. The following are a few examples of how you may want to change the values:
- If you want to change the Year Range the part fits click the Edit button and then change the value in the Yr Range field. (Note: This will auto update the Years Listing field (to the right) which is the actual field the QPC screen uses to search for the Year of the part).
- If you want to create an additional catalog entry (to find that particular part on the QPC screen using a different Year, Make, Model combination) click the Edit button and then go to a new line (at the bottom of the table) and fill in each of the fields. (Note: If you want to 'duplicate' a particular row just click on the row you want to duplicate and then click the button to the left of the Part (Catalog) Description.
- Note: If you have selected Auto Body Supply as your Company / Industry Type (on the Company Setup & Preferences screen), when you add parts to your Item List it will automatically create 1 catalog entry for the Year, Make, Model you entered when creating the Part.
- Option 3: If you need to import a list of Supplier costs and Item #s (for your existing items) do this:
- Click Inventory > Inventory Item List - Import/Export > Import/Update Supplier Costs (tab)
- Click Browse to browse for the Supplier Item list you want to import.
- Select the name of the Supplier (from the Supplier drop down list) from which you are importing data.
- Click the red Import button.
- Additional Notes:
- Click the Export Template button to create an Excel file 'template' of how your Excel file needs to be formatted for importing.
- Special Catalog Maintenance Note: The Import/Update Supplier Costs tab does not ADD records to your Item list and does not add any catalog entries. It simply imports or updates Supplier Item #'s and Supplier Costs for the parts on the spreadsheet--if they exist in OneSource already. (If you use the OSPLWiz it will create the Item and create a Partslink Catalog for the item. THEN when a Supplier comes out with new parts or new costs, the Import/Update Supplier Costs tab will help you link the Suppliers item #'s and costs to your existing parts list you already imported).
- Additional Note: There is no simple way to batch create a list of items in OneSource from your Supplier's spreadsheets for 2 primary reasons: (1) Your supplier doesn't know things like what your price will be, where you will store the part, which GL accounts you will assign to the parts, etc. (2) MOST Suppliers will send you a list of parts--but that is all it is--a list of their parts. They typically do NOT give you an Excel file in 'catalog' format--with a separate row on the spreadsheet for each individual year, make, and model the part fits. For this reason we suggest you use the OSPLWiz to do the job of creating new parts and catalog entries and then
- Option 4: If you have special needs you can pay OneSource Software Solutions to perform a custom import or update to your parts list for you.
How to Maintain Your Parts Catalog on an On-Going Basis
As you already know, the process of keeping your parts list and search catalog up to date is a constant challenge. Having received a lot of feedback over the years (from many different customers) we suggest you use the following steps and tools in Option #1 below:
Option 1 (Easiest, most automated way) - This option generally follows this flow:
- New parts become available. (Supplier sends a spreadsheet of new parts or just adds the parts to their existing list--BUT you do NOT have to figure out what is new).
- You use the OneSource Partslink Wizard (OSPLWiz) to:
- Automatically create new parts in OneSource (and automatically filter out the types of parts you pre-determined you don't ever want to sell).
- Automatically create a search catalog for all the new parts.
- Semi-automatically update the Min / Max levels you'd like to have for the first 6-12 months--until the Auto PO 'Sales History' feature can do it's job for you).
- You run the the Automated Purchase Orders screen to see a list of which parts to buy. (Based on the parts Sales History and/or Min/Max level--depending on how long the part has been in your system).
Option 2 (More time consuming way...) - This option generally follows this flow:
- New parts become available. (Supplier sends a spreadsheet of new parts or just adds the parts to their existing list and you have to figure out what is new).
- Import the parts you want to sell.
- Manually determine and manually enter the search criteria (for each vehicle the part fits) for each new part.
- Manually determine and manually update all changes to your existing parts list (and parts catalog) such as changes in OEM #, OEM Price, Year Range part fits, etc.
- Manually enter a Min / Max level for each new part (since new parts will initially have NO sales history, so no Auto PO can be created from Sales History).
- Use the OneSource Auto PO screen to get price quotes and create PO's (for Containers and smaller loads).
How to Manually Create Purchase Orders
- Click Purchasing > Add New Purchase Order (or press Ctrl+F9).
How to Automatically Create Purchase Orders (for Containers of Items)
- Click Purchasing > Automated Purchase Orders. (This will open a screen with options to show you which items the system is suggesting you re-order, based on the type and criteria selected by you).
How to Automatically Create Purchase Orders (for Special Order / Buy Out Items)
You have 3 options to choose from to create Purchase Orders for items on Sales Orders that need to be ordered from a local supplier:
- OPTION 1 - Make a PO from the Sales Order.
- Click the Create PO(s) button on the Sales Order screen. This will create a new Purchase Order for each Supplier listed on each line item (on that Sales Order) that 1--Has the 'PO' (Needs PO) checkbox checked, and 2--Does NOT yet have a PO# in the Purchase Order field for that line item.
- NOTE1: You can turn on a preference in the Company Setup & Preferences that will automatically select the 'PO' checkbox each time items are placed on a Sales Order (from the QPC) that are out of stock.
- NOTE2: There is a preference in the Company Setup & Preferences called 'Add new PO (Needs PO) items (on Sales Orders) to an open 'Blanket PO' (if one already exists).
- OPTION 2 - Make a Batch of PO's to buy Special Order items.
- Click Purchasing > Automated Purchase Orders > Option 2 (Display all (non-ordered) SPECIAL ORDER items on all open Sales Orders.
- This will display a list of ALL items on ALL Sales Orders that have the PO (Needs PO) checkbox checked but do NOT yet have a PO # in the Purchase Order field (which is displayed on the 2nd line of fields on each Sales Order line item).
- Review the list of items displayed and select or deselect any items.
- Click Proceed.
- In the top right corner select the Create PO checkbox for each PO to be created.
- Note: You can also just add the items to an open 'Blanket POs' (you created earlier in the day) by selecting a PO from the Existing PO drop down list.
- Click Create/Add to PO's. This process will then do this for you.
- A PO will be created for each PO you selected (or the items will be moved to an existing PO if selected by you).
- Each applicable PO # will be automatically inserted into each Sales Order line item that is related to the PO. (This makes is easy to see if the item has been ordered, and easy to automatically OPEN the PO by clicking the magnifying glass button next to the PO on the Sales Order line item).
- Conversely, after the PO's have been created, each applicable Sales Order # will be automatically inserted into each Purchase Order item that is related to the Sales Order. (This makes it easy to see which Sales Order is related to that PO Line item, and easy to automatically OPEN the Sales Order by click the Magnifying Glass button next to the Sales Order # on the PO line item).
- OPTION 3 - Manually Add Special Order items to an existing PO.
- You can ADD additional Special Order items to any PO (and automatically link it to the Sales Order line item related to it) following the steps in the scenario below:
- Suppose you created PO 101 to Supplier A with a few line items.
- Then, suppose your phone rang and another item is placed on a Sales Order (that has the PO ('Needs PO') checkbox checked), and you want to add that item to the existing PO 101 as well... (AND you want to make sure the LINK between the PO and Sales Order is properly created). Here is how to do that:
- Press F9 to find and open PO 101.
- Manually type the item # on the PO.
- Then click the Magnifying Glass button next to the EMPTY Sales Order # field (on the PO line item). (This will display a Pop Up window that shows all of the Sales Order for that day that have that same Item # on it. You can then click the button to make the link. This will insert the Sales Order # in the PO line item AND insert the PO # on the related Sales Order line item).
[Start Here] How to Return Items (After They Have Been Invoiced)
- Option 1 - Find the Invoice and Return the Item (to make a related Credit Memo).
- Press F7 to look-up the Invoice (or Press F3 to look up the Customer then click on the Sales History > Invoices > then click on the Magnifying Glass button)
- Enter the the Qty you want to return in the Return column (on the item(s) you want to return).
- Then click the Return Item(s) button. Note: If you want to return ALL items on the Invoice just click the Return Item(s) button and then type 1 or ALL in the pop-up box, and then click OK..
- NOTE: When you return an item using this method, OneSource enters the original price paid as the amount to refund on each Credit Memo line item created. OneSource also makes sure that users do not over-return items--meaning it will not allow more items to be returned than what were originally invoiced.
- Option 2 - Create a Credit Memo for the item (without linking it to an Invoice).
- Press Sales > Create Credit Memo (or Ctrl + F8) to create a new Credit Memo.
- Enter the the line items and prices in the same way as you would enter them on a Sales Order or Invoice--except be sure to enter the Quantity as a negative number. For instance, if you wanted to return 1 of item X then you would enter -1 in the Credit Memo 'Quantity' field.
- Option 3 - Delete the Invoice, Modify the Sales Order, and then Recreate the Invoice.
- NOTE: This option assumes you have enabled the setting (in the Company Setup & Preferences) to have your Invoices automatically inherit the Sales Order # (from which it was created). It also assumes that you have created the Invoice but have not yet actually delivered the Invoice to the Customer yet.
- Press F7 to look-up the Invoice (or Press F3 to look up the Customer then click on the Sales History tab> Invoices (from Display drop down list) > then click on the Magnifying Glass button next to whichever Invoice you want to open)
- Once the Invoice has opened, press the Delete button to delete the Invoice. This will automatically re-open the related Sales Order so you can delete the item or change the Qty Shipped and Qty Ordered on the Item. You can then click the Create Invoice button to re-create the Invoice.
Additional tips and tricks:
- What if you want to see any of the LISTS (mentioned above) differently?
- Right-click (on any column) and select Sort Ascending to sort the list in ascending order on that value.
- Right-click (on any column) and select Filter by Selection to FILTER the list down to the any records that have the exact value of the field where your cursor is (OR to the records that 'CONTAIN' the value you have HIGHLIGHTED)
- Right-click (on any column) and select Filter Excluding to REMOVE any records that have the exact value of the field where your cursor is (OR the records that 'CONTAIN' the value you have HIGHLIGHTED)
- If you want to make a NEW LIST or modify an existing list please Contact your onsite OneSource Admin (so they can Contact Us).
Keywords: training purchasing reps trainpurchasing trainingpurchasing