Customer Detail Screen - How To's
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02643 Created: 2018-08-01 07:59 Last Updated: 2024-06-19 09:37 |
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'Customer Details' is a comprehensive screen that displays every significant information about a Customer all on one screen. It is divided into three (3) main sections to organize data and functions:
- Main Fields (section)
- Company Name - Name of Company/Business or Individual Customer
- Contact Name - Customer Representative / Contact Person
- Title - Position/Designation (of the Contact person)
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- City
- State / Province
- Zip / Postal Code
- Region
- Country
- Customer #
- Phone
- Extension
- Fax
- Cus Service Rep - Your Customer Service Representative. Select from drop down list.
- Product & Services - Products/services offered (if Customer is a business entity)
- Email
- Website
- Active
- Type - The default Type of customer or prospect. This is a user definable value to help categorize, group, and classify your records.
- Sub Type - Similar to the Type, this is a user definable value to help categorize, group, and classify your records.
- Status
- Warehouse - The default warehouse for the particular Customer.
- Address Type - Bill To, Ship To or Both?
- To Sync (QBO) - (checkbox) gets checked automatically each time a new Customer record is created in 1place then syncs with QuickBooks Online (QBO) when the record is saved.
- Resync Flag - (checkbox) gets checked when a Customer record is changed in 1place then syncs with QBO.
- Last Synced - Date & time last synced with QuickBooks Online
- Tabs (section) - see below.
- Footer (section)
- New (button) - To create a new Customer record.
- Delete Customer (button) - To delete that screen.
- Save (button) - To save the actions/changes made on that screen.
- Help (button) - Leads you to self-help articles about the Customer Detail screen.
- Close (button) - To close that screen.
- Shortcut Key: Ctrl + F3, or
- On the Quick Start Menu, click the + icon and select Customer, or
- Click the New button on the lower left part of either the Customer List screen or Customer Details screen, or
- On any of the Sales Order screens: When typing in a Bill To or Ship To Customer that is not found in the Drop down list, click + Add New (lowest part of the drop down list) to add a new Customer record.
- Each Customer record can have an unlimited number of related 'Contact' records. To add a Contact record to a Customer record, click the Contacts tab (on the particular Customer Details screen). Type in the Name and other details on the last blank row then click Commit Contact and Save.
- On the Customer Details screen, make the necessary changes then click Save, or
- On the Customer List screen, click the Edit button to unlock that screen and make the necessary changes. (Note: Any changes made will be automatically saved)
- Using Shortcut Key: F3, or
- On the Quick Start Menu (Green buttons), click the Search (Magnifying Glass) icon then select Customers, or
- (If already on the Customer List screen) use the Search feature (Magnifying Glass icon) to type the Company Name or any information/keywords to filter multi search, or
- From a Sales Order screen: Click on the Magnifying Glass button next to the Bill To or Ship To tabs.
- Shortcut Key: Shift+F3, or
- On the Quick Start Menu (Green buttons), click the List button and select Customers, or
- On the Main Menu Bar, click Customers.
- Find Customers by:
- Using Shortcut Key: F3, or
- On the Quick Start Menu (Green buttons), click the Search (Magnifying Glass) icon then select Customers.
- Click on the drop down icon on the Search By filter box to select different filter criteria such as First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Customer Number, Phone, Address, State, Zip Code, Region, Fax, Sales Rep and Address Type.
- Note: You can also do 'multi-search' on this all-inclusive Search By filter box.
- On the Customer List screen, check the box/es (first column on the left) to select one or more records then click Batch Actions button and select Delete Selected.
- Click the first box (topmost, on the fields row) to either select all records on a page or all records on the entire list then proceed with deletion.
- (Note: You cannot delete a Customer record if it has any related Sales Transactions, such as Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, Payments, etc)
- is related to any other types of data, such as To preserve the integrity of the database, you cannot delete any customer record that has been used on any of the Sales screens).
- On the Main Menu bar, click on Reports > Customers.
- Define your Report.
- 1place allows you to generate different types of reports according to your needs. On the Report Criteria section, you can define which information you want to include on the report.
- Customer (filter) - Choose a Customer or include All
- Group By (filter) - Group the Customers by Type, Subtype or Status.
- Click on Customers (Date Added) to add the Report Period filter section and select from the drop down filter lists or manually input the dates 'from' and 'to'.
- Click on Run Report.
- Note1: There is an option to further customize your Report by clicking the Gear (gray) icon to make the Report Lists Settings popup screen appear. Check or uncheck box(es) of the column(s) that you prefer to show/hide.
- Note2: At this point, you may choose to Print, Email or Download your Report copy.
- After doing the instructions above, click on the Customize (blue) button to further modify and save your newly created Report.
- On the Customize Report popup screen:
- (Optional) Select the Min Access Level from the drop down icon.
- (Required) Type in the Report Name (whatever you want to call your Report).
- (Optional) Type in any Report Description.
- (Optional) Check the box if you want to Make Report Private and/or Favorite. Check or uncheck box(es) of the column(s) that you prefer to show/hide.
- Click on Save.
- Note1: This Report will appear on the list of Custom Reports and on My Favorites if you checked the Favorite box.
- Note2: You can always edit or update any Custom Reports. Go to Reports > Custom Reports and click on the Pencil icon (under Actions column). Do the necessary changes and click on Update.
- Note3: Click on the X button to permanently delete any Custom Report from the list.
- Note: You have the option to Email, Print or Download a Report copy (see instructions below).
- On the Customer List screen:
- Select the record(s) by checking the box(es) .
- Click the
button to Print and to download (in Excel form).
- There is also an option to Share
record(s) and this feature will be available in the future.
- For Customer Reports, go to Main Menu Bar > Reports > Customers, create your Report (*see previous instructions) then click on the
button (upper right).
- The Print Preview popup screen will appear.
button (upper right) to download the Report. Save in your PC.
- EMAIL COPY: Click on
button (lower right) to send a copy of the Report through email. Create the body of the Email and input other necessary details on the left side of the Email popup screen. Click on button (lower right).
- PRINT COPY: Click on
button (upper right) to print the Report. Adjust Print Settings then click on button (lower right).
You can enable (or disable) various tabs of information on the Customer Details screen by clicking the Gear button (located on the same row of the tabs) and checking to select tabs. The following is a list of the tabs that can be used to enter or view additional information related to the Customer record that you are on:
Sales / Returns (section)
- This shows a grid of these types of fields:
- Sales Invoices:
- 30 Days
- # Invoices: This shows the total # of Sales (for the selected Customer) in the Past 30 days.
- This Year: This shows the total amount of Sales in the past 30 days.
- Last Year: This shows the total amount of Sales in the past 30 days - LAST YEAR.
- Variance %: This shows the variance of the Sales year over year.
- 90 Days (Same as above)
- 365 Days (Same as above)
- 2 Years Ago (Same as above)
- Sales Returns: (Same as above, but showing all of the same type of details for the Items RETURNED (on Credit Memo's). Click on the Recalculate button to refresh the info.
Quick Sales Info (section)
- This section (may be viewed by users granted with the rights to view sales costs and profit margins) shows the: Total Sales, Average Sales, Average # Days Between Sales and the # Days Since Last Sale. Click on the Recalculate button to refresh the info.
Accounts Receivable / Credit Info (section)
- This section provides a quick summary of A/R Aging information, and other customer credit details. Click on the Recalculate button to refresh the info.
- The Aging fields for the Current, 1-30, 31-60, 61-90 and 91+ display the total unpaid dollars--based on the Invoice Payment Terms field/calculation (not the actual # of days since the Invoice date).
- The Customer Since field shows the exact date and time of update/recalculation of the data related to Accounts Receivable/Credit Info.
- The # of Unpaid Inv's field shows the total # of Invoices that are not paid in full.
- The # Days Oldest shows how many days old the oldest unpaid Invoice is from today.
- The Average # Days/Pay shows the average # of days it has taken the customer to pay all invoices on record. The calculation method is as follows:
- For all PAID Invoices, it calculates the # of days between the Invoice Date and the newest payment date (meaning the last payment for each invoice).
- For all UNPAID Invoices, it calculates the Total # of Days between the Invoice Date and today. (For instance, if an Invoice is 60 days old, but has not been paid, (since the computer has no idea how many more days it may take for the customer to pay the Invoice in full), it calculates that Invoice as though it had been paid today. (It calculates this way in order for unpaid Invoices to not reduce the overall average # of days to pay).
- Then the system adds all of the 'days' up, (for all Paid and Unpaid Invoices), and divides the total # of days by the total # of Invoices.
- You can track as many individual contacts related to the customer as you would like using the Contacts tab.
- To Add a Contact record, type in the contact details on the last available empty row then click Commit Contact to save.
- To Edit a Contact record click the Edit button (Magnifying Glass icon) under the Action column on the same row of that particular Contact record to display the Contact Information screen then edit the fields as necessary. Click Save.
- To Delete a contact record, click the Delete button ('X' icon) under the Action column on the same row of that particular Contact record then select Yes.
- To Create a Task for a contact, click the Add New Task button (bullet list icon) under the Action column on the same row of that particular Contact record then type in the necessary details. Click Save. Another way is to simply right-click on any of the fields on the same row for that contact record then select Add New Task.
- The only difference between Adding New Task and Adding New Completed Task is whether or not the Task is checked or not (on the Add New Task screen).
- To send an email to a contact, right-click on the contact and select Send Email.
- The Tasks tab displays all tasks related to the Customer record that you are viewing.
- To view a task related to a Customer:
- Find that Customer (type F3 then search).
- On the Customer Details screen, click on Tasks tab.
- You can use the Search filter (above, left of the Task record table) to easily find the task.
- To create a task related to that particular customer:
- Click the New Task button on the lower left part of the same screen (Customer Details screen > Tasks tab).
- Type in the necessary details and click Save.
- Another way is to simply right-click on any of the fields on the Task record table then select Add New Task.
- Note: The only difference between Adding New Task and Adding New Completed Task is whether or not the Task is checked or not (on the Add New Task screen).
- To edit an existing task:
- Right-click on the task record row and select Edit Task then make the necessary changes. Click Save.
- Another way is to click the Edit button (magnifying glass icon) under the Action column on the same row of the particular task record.
- Optional Preferences:
- You have the option to activate prompt messages when posting completed tasks:
- on a date other than the date of the Task, and
- to reschedule another follow up Task.
To do this, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen then select Settings. Under the Settings Type select Tasks then check the box of your selected task preference/s.
- You can activate Auto Create New Task From Email when the Email Subject has the assigned Prefix (created by you). To do this, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen then select Settings. Under the Settings Type select Tasks then type in the assigned Prefix on the fillable text box after the description.
- You can hide the Tasks tab (so it does not appear on the Customer Details screen). To do this, click the Gear icon (on the rightmost part of the tabs row) then uncheck the Show Tasks tab.
- The Jobs tab displays all Jobs related to the Customer record that you are viewing. The Jobs table shows the following information: Job ID, Group, Priority, Orig Date, Description, Status, Type, Sub Type, Exp Date, Company, Assigned To, From Email, Import Code and Action.
- Note: You have the option to show/hide these fields of information by clicking on the Gear icon (just above, right of the Jobs table) and checking/unchecking on the columns/fields.
- You can open and view a particular Job Detail screen by clicking on the Magnifying Glass icon (under Actions column) of the selected Job.
- To permanently delete a Job ID related to this particular Customer, click on the X button (under Actions column).
- You can sort the Jobs list by pointing the mouse cursor on the List icon (under Sort column) of any Job record then drag to position it where you want on the List.
- Use the Search filter (above left of Jobs table) which is a multi-search (all-inclusive) feature to easily look for any Job related to that Customer.
- Note: You can link any existing Job record to other record types, such as Tasks, Quotations, Sales Orders, Invoices or Credit Memos by selecting the Job of your choice from the Job selection drop down list (on any of those record types screens).
- The Pricing tab provides many different ways to set up customer prices.
- If no set up is selected on any settings on the Custom Pricing tab, the system simply takes the List Price of the item(s) for that customer. (Note: To view the List Price of a particular item, go to Items (Main Menu Bar) then select the item to open the Item Details screen. Click on Financial tab. You will see the List Price on the Pricing section.)
- On the Custom Pricing tab screen, you can:
- Select a Default Pricing Method on the drop down list which includes:
- X Discount off the Item List Price
- X Multiplier off the Item List Price
- X Markup above the Item Cost, and
- X item Price Level
- And/Or...Click the Add Custom Pricing Template drop down icon and select from the Custom Pricing Template list (set up by your company). Click on Go button. (Notice that the Custom Prices settings will be displayed on the Custom Prices table below it.)
- And/Or... Manually add Pricing Categories or Specific Items to further define the Custom Prices table.
- Note1: The set prices on the Custom Prices table over-ride the selected Default Pricing Method.
- Note2: You can add an unlimited number of unique items (under Specific Items field) to set special price.
- Note3: You can change any price or pricing method at any time (even if they were added from a Custom Pricing Template). Furthermore, you may set to retain these changes and not be over-written or modified (when you do mass update of prices on the Pricing Templates screen on a later date). Just remove the link to the Pricing Templates (or in other words, 'lock the price') per row of the Custom Prices.
- To do this, just click on the Open Padlock
icon (under Actions field). Click Yes on the popup prompt. Notice how it changed to a Close Padlock icon.
- Note4: You cannot apply two (2) or more pricing methods (i.e. Price Level, Discount, Markup, Multiplier, Specific Price) per row.
- Note5: The pricing method for Specific Item always over-ride the pricing method for Pricing Category if an item is listed on both column lists. To illustrate further: if Product A has been added to the list on the Custom Pricing table under Specific Item AND Product A is also in Pricing Category X on the same Custom Pricing table, the pricing method assigned to Product A under Specific Item column would take precedence over the pricing method of that same item in Pricing Category X.
- The parts of the Pricing Table are as follows:
- Pricing Category - This is the category group that is linked to the items.
- Specific Item - The specific item listed in your Items List (that is available to be purchased by your customers) which will be defined in the Pricing Table.
- Price Level - These are pre-set Price Codes and you can give any name to it (Note: To do this, go to Settings > Item Settings > Item Pricing Levels. Click Save.).. This can be assigned as the Default Pricing Method for that Customer. This can also be used in the Custom Pricing table (and Pricing Templates, on the Pricing Template screen).
- Discount (off List) - The set Discount % that will be deducted off the List Price.
- Markup (Above Cost) - The set amount that will be added on top of the List Price.
- Multiplier (off List) - The set multiplier that will be deducted off the List Price.
- Specific Price - The specific amount to be set as the new price instead of the List Price.
- Qty Ordered (From) - The minimum quantity set for volume discounts.
- Qty Ordered (To) - The maximum quantity set for volume discounts.
- Actions - Contains the X icon (or delete icon) used when removing Pricing Item Categories and settings on the Pricing Table.
- The Settings tab sets and displays the customer's default profiles specifically for the following information:
- Shipped Via - This is the 'shipping method' (i.e. UPS, Truck 1, Route 1, Customer Pickup, etc). Set this to properly 'Pick' and 'Dispatch' the orders from that particular Customer. Click the drop down arrow then select the carrier or service that will deliver the merchandise. (Note: Carriers/services can be predefined in Sales Settings.)
- Sales Tax - Select the applicable Sales Tax Rate. (Rates can be predefined in Sales Taxes Settings.)
- Tax Exempt - Click the box to select if that customer is exempted from tax then indicate Reason for Exemption.
- Federal Tax ID - The unique tax ID of that particular customer.
- Payment Terms - Select the applicable invoice payment terms. (Payment Terms can be predefined in Sales Settings.)
- Payment Method - Select the method of payment. (Payment Methods can be predefined in Sales Settings.)
- Sales Rep - Select the person involved in the sales transaction with that particular customer.
- Credit Limit - The maximum amount of credit extended to the customer.
- Credit Days - The allowed time frame between customer's date of purchase and the payment due date.
- Current Balance - The customer's total unpaid balance on its credit limit.
- COD - Check if Cash On Delivery
- Credit Hold - Checked box indicates that customer's credit is put on hold until the sales transaction is settled or paid.
- Admin Credit Hold - Checked box indicates that customer's credit is on hold due to either it has gone over its credit limit or has late payment/s.
- The Sales History tab displays all related Quotations, Quotation Line Items, Transaction Ledger, Sales Orders, Sales Order Line Items, Invoices/Credit Memos, Invoice/Credit Memo Line Items and Invoice Payments. Click on the tab of any particular record list to open and view its historical details.
- You can open/view:
- any Quotation screen by clicking on the row of the particular Quotation # whether you are on the Quotations or Quotations Line Items tabs.
- any Sales Order screen by clicking on the row of the particular Sales Order # whether you are on the Sales Orders or Sales Order Line Items tabs.
- any Invoice or Credit Memo screen by clicking on the row of the particular Invoice # or Credit Memo # whether you are on the Invoices/CM's, Invoice/CM Line Items or Payments tabs.
- Optional Preferences:
- You can hide the Sales History tab (so it does not appear on the Customer Details screen). To do this, click the Gear icon (on the rightmost part of the tabs row) then uncheck the Show Sales History tab.
- All Marketing related details are recorded and displayed on the Marketing Info tab to help you keep track of your Marketing activities and strategies implemented for each particular Customer. Record details as follows:
- Source - Source of contact.
- SIC Code - the Standard Industrial Classification Code of the particular customer. Used when creating targeted marketing campaigns.
- # of Employees
- Last Campaign Date
- Last Campaign Method
- Last Campaign Piece
- Next Campaign Method
- Next Campaign Piece
- Last Contact Date
- Last Contacted
- Last Contacted By
- Last Contact Method
- Last Contact Results
- Next Contact Date
- Next Contact By
- Next Contact Method
- Next Contact Description
- You can store multiple notes according to the following Note Types:
- Order Entry/Sales Notes
- AR Notes
- Internal Notes
- Delivery Notes
To do this, click the drop down arrow then select a note type. Paste or type in related notes on the fillable text area below it. Click Save.
You can store various documents of different types (spreadsheets, presentations, etc.) related to a Customer.
- To store a document:
- Click on Add New Document button (top, right side of the documents table list).
- On the Create New Document popup screen, enter Document Name then select the Document Type from the drop down arrow list.
- Click on Create.
- The Search button (above left) is a multi-search filter that searches for keywords across all fields to help you easily find a document.
- All changes made on the Customer Detail screen are automatically recorded on this Audit Log. This tab shows the following details:
- Updated By - Name of the specific User who made the update.
- Date - The exact date and time the update was made.
- Item Number - Specific number of an inventory.
- Change Type - Type of update made (edit, delete, etc.)
- Column Name - The title of the text field where the update was made.
- Old Value - The recorded value/information before the update.
- New Value - The newly entered value/information.
No instructions at this time.
- The API (Application Programming Interface) tab... This tab is used to LINK your CUSTOMER record to another 3rd party vendors Customer #.
- For instance, suppose you have an API link to CCC True. Your Customer ABC might be customer # 123 in 1place. But THEIR Customer # might be 456. This tab gives the API connection a way to submit the CCC Customer # to CCC so they will be able to identify which customer is which in their system.
- Using the Example above here are the steps to enter the correct Customer ID for CCC:
- 1—Get a
list of all of the Companies by name, address, and CCC Customer ID #.
- 2—Press F3
to look up the Customer record.
- 3—Click on
the API tab.
- 4—In the
Third Party Type column select CCC True from the drop down list.
- 5—In the
Third Party Customer ID type in the CCC Customer ID
# that they provide to you.
- Repeat
Steps 2-5 for each name.
1place provides a way to make adding customer records even quicker and more accurate through preset preferences. To do this, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen then select Settings > Customers.
- Key in the following information under New Customer Defaults to autofill these fields every time you add a new Customer.
- Address Type: Bill To, Ship To or Both
- Customer Type: Create any Type name.
- Customer Subtype: Create any Subtype name.
- Shipped Via: The shipping method.
- Warehouse: The default warehouse that will be assigned to the new record.
- Pricing Method: The default pricing method (Discount, Multiplier, Markup, Item Price Level)
- Pricing Value:
- Custom Pricing Template: Select from your Pricing Templates (created on Sales > Pricing Templates).
- Tax Exempt: Check box if tax exempted.
This is an added (optional) feature that can also help you autofill various data needed on the Add New Customer or Prospects form every time you add a new Customer record. To do this, you must:
- Create and define your own Customer Default Profiles. Go to Settings > Customers > Customer 'Auto Fill' Profiles then click on the New button to add a profile.
- Key in the following information on the Customer Default Profile popup screen:
- Profile Name: Create any name.
- Address Info: The default City, State, Region and Country of the Customer.
- Shipped Via: The default Shipping method that will be automatically inserted into new Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices for the particular customer.
- Type: The default Type of customer or prospect. This is a user definable value to help categorize, group, and classify your records.
- SubType: Similar to the Type, this is a user definable value to help categorize, group, and classify your records.
- Tax: The default Sales Tax code that will be automatically inserted into new Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices for the particular customer.
- Tax Exempt: Check the box if exempted from tax. This will activate the 'Reason for Exemption' text box.
- Payment Terms: The default Payment Terms that will be automatically inserted into new Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices for the particular customer.
- Payment Methods: The default Payment Method for the particular customer.
- Credit Limit: The default Credit Limit that will be assigned to the particular customer.
- Credit Days: The default number of Credit Days for the particular customer.
- Default Pricing Method: The default method of pricing that will be assigned to the particular customer.
- Warehouse: The default warehouse for the particular customer.
- Pricing Template: Select from your Pricing Templates (created on Sales > Pricing Templates).
- Sync with QuickBooks Online: Check the box to automatically sync Customers (tagged under this Default Profile) with QuickBooks Online.
- Note: You can create an unlimited number of profiles.
- Now that you have created your Customer 'Auto Fill' Profiles, you may use these profiles to add new Customer records faster and more accurately.
- On the Add New Customer or Prospects screen (when adding a new Customer) select the Customer Default Profile Name from the Auto Fill Profile drop down list. All entered default settings (above) related to the selected profile will be automatically filled.
- Open the Ship To Customer record.
- Click on the Link To drop down icon (located on the Main Fields section of the Customer Details screen, upper right corner just below the Address Type box).
- Select the Bill To Company (from the drop down list) where you want it to be linked.
- Click Save.