1place Data Conversion How To's (To Export and Transfer Files)
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02758 Created: 2020-10-05 13:30 Last Updated: 2024-12-07 21:33 |
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Data Conversion File Preparation Overview & General Notes
- This KB article outlines the various EXPORT files that can be created to IMPORT various types of data into 1place.
- How to prep the files with the proper data and columns headers.
- How to Zip and Transfer Files.
Exporting and Transferring Your Data Files
Selecting the Proper EXPORT File Format
Depending on the accounting application you are using, you can usually find a tool inside of the application that will allow you to EXPORT your data to FILES that can be imported into another application. The following are few file formats that are easiest to work with:
- .xlsx (Excel 2007 or newer, which allows for over 2 billion lines in the excel file).
- .xls (Excel 2003 or older, which allows for up to 64,000 lines in the excel file).
- .mdb (Access 1997 or newer, which allows for up to 2 Gigabytes of data, and stores data in 'tables' of data)
- .csv (text file, tab delimited format, which allows for virtually unlimited amount of lines, and usually DOES NOT get mis-formated by comma's in Company Names or Item Descriptions)
- .csv (text file, comma separated format, which allows for virtually unlimited amount of lines, and SOMETIMES DOES get mis-formated by comma's in Company Names or Item Descriptions
- .txt (text file, and could be tab delimited or comma separated or fixed width, which allows for virtually unlimited amount of lines, and SOMETIMES DOES get mis-formated by comma's in Company Names or Item Description)
- Other file formats? (Please contact your OneSource customer service rep for additional help if you cannot export your data into 1 of the file formats above).
For more information on what types of data can be imported into 1place please see the sections below under the heading sdf
Preparing the Files to be Emailed or Uploaded
Depending on the SIZE of your files you may want to compress (ZIP up) your files following these steps:
- Right click on the file, then select Compress To > Zip file
- Or, if using an older PC, Right click on the file, then select Send To > Compress (Zipped) File
Emailing Your Files (if the file(s) are < 25 megabytes)If none of your files are greater than 25MB in size you can group them together and send emails (with the files attached) so long as the file(s) does not exceed 25mb in size. If the file(s) are too big see the next section. Uploading Your Files to Google Drive (if the file(s) are 25 megabytes are larger)
If your file(s) are larger than 25MB you may want to upload them to an FTP site of your choice (if you have one). Alternatively, you may want to just upload them to Google Drive. (If you have a Gmail account you have a free Google Drive). Just follow these steps to upload them to Google Drive: 1—Log
into your GOOGLE DRIVE account, using: drive.google.com/ (Enter your gmail email and password to login).
a new Google folder to store the files in. (Click + New > New Folder, then
enter a new Folder name).
3—Locate the new folder (in the list of files and folders) and double-click on the new folder to open the folder.
After resizing the browser window (so you can see the Google Drive folder AND your files)…drag and drop all of the files you want to
send us into that folder. (You will see
them upload into the folder).
4—Next, go back to your list of files and folders. (You can move up a level if you click on My Drive). When you see the new folder click on the 3 dots ... > Share > Copy Link. 5--Paste the email link into email and send it to your dedicated OneSource Software customer service rep. (This will allow him or her to click on the link and download the files).
Overview of Main Data Types 1place Can Currently Support (If the data exists in your system).NOTE: Export ALL of the records of each time, except where noted otherwise. *Key data types required for most imports. - Customer & Sales Information.
- * Customers (Customer ID, Company Name, Street, City, State, Zip, Primary Contact First Name, Primary Contact Last Name, Phone #, Etc)
- Customer Contacts (Contact ID, Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, Contact Email Address, Contact Phone#, Contact Extension, etc).
- Customer Pricing (Default pricing information related to each specific Customer, by Pricing Type (x Discount, etc), and/or by Item #, and/or by Item Type.
- Customer Payment Methods (Payment Method ID, Payment Method Description (Net 7 days, Net 15 days, Net 30 Days, Credit Card, etc)
- Customer Tasks (Task ID, Task date, task type (call, email, etc), Task Description, Task Scheduled For, Task Completed By, Task Completion Status, etc)
- Customer Jobs & Projects (Job ID, Job Date, Job Entered By, Job Short Description, Job Long Description, Job Status, etc)
- Quotation Headers (Quote #, Bill To Customer ID, Ship To Customer ID, Quote Dat, Quote Entered By, Quote Payment Terms, etc...) (For Auto Body Supply companies we recommend 1 month worth of Quotes)
- Quotation Line Items (Quote Line ID, Quote #, Item ID, Qty, Item Description, List Price, Unit Price, Discount, Net Price, Line Total, etc)
- Sales Order Headers (Sales Order #, Bill To Customer ID, Ship To Customer ID, Sales Order Date, Sales Order Entered By, Sales Order Payment Terms, etc...) (For Auto Body Supply companies we recommend only OPEN, NONE INVOICED Sales Orders)
- Sales Order Line Items (Sales Order Line ID, Sales Order #, Item ID, Qty Ordered, Qty Shipped, Item Description, List Price, Unit Price, Discount, Net Price, Line Total, etc)
- * Invoice / Credit Memo Headers (Invoice #, Bill To Customer ID, Ship To Customer ID, Invoice Date, Invoice Entered By, Invoice Payment Terms, Total Paid, Balance Due, etc...) (For most industries, to keep the database fast, we recommend the most recent 3-5 years worth.)
- * Invoice / Credit Memo Line Items (Invoice Line ID, Invoice #, Item ID, Qty Ordered, Qty Shipped, Item Description, List Price, Unit Price, Discount, Net Price, Line Total, etc)
- * Sales Tax Rates (Sales Tax Rate ID, Sales Tax Rate Name, Sales Tax Rate %, etc)
- Shipping Methods (Shipping Method ID, Shipping Method Name (Truck 1, Truck 2, UPS, FedEx, etc)
- Vendor, Inventory & Purchasing Information.
- * Vendors (Company Name, Street, City, State, Zip, Primary Contact First Name, Primary Contact Last Name, Phone #, Etc)
- Vendor Contacts (Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, Contact Email Address, Contact Phone#, Contact Extension, etc).
- Items (Item Number, Item Description, Item Qty in Stock, Item Category, Item SubCategory, Item Default Bin Location, etc)
- Item Vendors (Item Number, Vendor Number, Vendor Item #, Vendor Item Cost, etc).
- Item Prices (PriceID, Item Number, Discount (if applicable), Markup (if applicable), PriceLevelName (if applicable), QtyLow (if applicable), QtyHigh (if applicable), etc)
- Item Pricing Templates. (These may be easier/faster to re-create by hand?)
- Item Stock (Receipt ID, Item Number, Qty Received, Qty in Stock, Cost, Additional (Landed) Cost, PO #, Warehouse, Bin Location, etc)
- Item Catalog (Item Number, Year Range (like 08-12), YearsListing (like 08,09,10,11,12), Make, Model, etc)
- Item Assemblies (Item Number, Component Item Number, Qty Needed, Assembly Notes, etc)
- Item Pictures (Item Number, Picture Path, PictureName, etc)
- Purchase Order Headers (PO#, Vendor Number, Ship To Warehouse, Bill To Warehouse, PO Date, PO Entered By, Received (Yes or No), Date Received, etc) (For most industries, to keep the database fast, we recommend 2-3 years worth)
- Purchase Order Line Items (PO Line ID, PO #, Qty Item ID, Qty Ordered, Qty Received, Received (Yes or No), Item Description, Cost, Added Cost, Line Total, etc)
- Warehouses (Warehouse ID, Warehouse Name, Warehouse Address, etc)
- Other Info
- Users (UserID, User Name, User Email,
- User Object Security (Which screens can the user VIEW, ADD records on, EDIT records on, PRINT records on, or DELETE records on? This is probably easier to recreate by hand).
Table and Field Explanations
Customer List (for general customer data)
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
CustomerNumber |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the unique Customer ID. |
AddressType |
Yes |
This is the Address Type of the Customer. This will be 1 of these 3 optional values: 'Both (Bill To & Ship To)' or 'Ship To' or 'Bill To'. |
IsSubCustomer |
This is a True or False value for the Customer. It is used to determine if the customer is sub customer or not. |
ParentCustomer |
This is the Parent Customer value for Customer (if applicable). |
Active |
This is the True or False value for if the customer record is Active or not. |
Company |
Yes |
This is the Company Name for Customer. |
Prefix |
This is the Prefix value of the Customer. |
FirstName |
This is the First Name of the Customer. |
LastName |
This is the Last Name of the Customer. |
Title |
This is the Title of the Customer. |
Street |
This is the Street of the Customer. |
Suite |
This is the Suite of the Customer. |
City |
This is the City of the Customer. |
State |
This is the State of the Customer. |
ZipCode |
This is the Zip Code of the Customer. |
Region |
This is the Region of the Customer. |
Country |
This is the Country of the Customer. |
Phone |
This is the Phone # of the Customer. |
PhoneExt |
This is the Phone Ext of the Customer. |
Fax |
This is the Fax # of the Customer. |
CustomerType |
This is the Customer Type. |
CustomerSubType |
This is the Customer Sub Type. |
Status |
This is the Status value for Customer. |
CompanyEmail |
This is the Company Email of the Customer. |
CompanyWebsite |
This is the Company Website of the Customer. |
ShippedVia |
This is the Shipped Via of the Customer. |
Warehouse |
This is the Default Warehouse of the Customer. |
DefaultPricing |
This is the Default Pricing type for the Customer. The value will be any of the following: Discount, Markup, Multiplier, Item Price Level, or Item List Price. |
DefaultPricingDiscount |
This is the Default Discount % for Customer (if applicable). This is only applicable if the Default Pricing = Discount |
DefaultPricingMarkup |
This is the Default Markup % for the Customer (if applicable). This is only applicable if the Default Pricing = Markup |
DefaultPricingMultiplier |
This is the Multiplier value for Customer. This is only applicable if the Default Pricing = Multiplier |
DefaultPricingCode |
This is the Default Pricing Code for the Customer (if applicable). This is only applicable if the Default Pricing = Item Price Level |
PaymentTerms |
This is the Default Payment Terms for the Customer. This will be a string of text, such as 'Net 30'. |
PaymentMethod |
This is the Default Payment Method for Customer. This will be a string of text, such as 'Check'. |
CreditLimit |
This is the Credit Limit value for Customer. |
CreditDays |
This is the Credit Days for Customer. |
TaxExempt |
This is the Tax Exempt value for Customer. Set this to Yes, or True or 1 (if the Customer is Tax Exempt) or No, or False, or 0 (if the Customer is NOT Tax Exempt). |
TaxExemptNum |
This is the Tax Exempt Number for Customer. |
CreatedDate |
This is the date the Customer record was first created. |
CreatedBy |
This is the name of the person who created the Customer record a Customer. |
ModifiedDate |
This is the date the Customer record was last modified. |
ModifiedBy |
This is the name of the person who last modified the Customer record. |
QBOSync |
This should be a Yes (or 1) if you want the record to SYNC into QuickBooks Online, or a No (or 0) if you do NOT want the Customer to sync with QuickBooks Online. Note: If the Customer is used on any Invoices that get synced into QuickBooks online it will sync automatically. |
Comments |
Any notes or comments about the Customer. |
SICCode |
This is the SIC Code value for Customer. |
LastCampaignDate |
This is the Last Campaign Date for Customer. |
LastCampaignMethod |
This is the Last Campaign Method for Customer. |
LastCampaignPiece |
This is the Last Campaign Piece for Customer. |
NextCampaignMethod |
This is the Next Campaign Method for Customer. |
NextCompaignPiece |
This is the Next Campaign Piece for Customer. |
LastContactDate |
This is the Last Contact Date for Customer. |
LastContacted |
This is the Last Contacted value for Customer. |
LastContactBy |
This is the value who will last contact a Customer. |
NextContactDate |
This is the Next Contact Date value for Customer. |
NextContactBy |
This is the value who will next contact a Customer. |
Customer List 'Contacts' (This table relates to the Customers table - 1 to many)
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
CustomerID |
Yes |
This is the Customer number or Customer Company Name for the contact. |
PrimaryContact |
This is a boolean type data. This is used to make a contact to PrimaryContact for Customer. |
FirstName |
This is the First name for the contact. |
LastName |
This is the Last name for the contact. |
ContactType |
This is the Contact Type for the contact. |
Email |
This is the Mail address for the contact. |
WorkPhoneDirLine |
This is the Work Phone Directory Line for the contact. |
PhoneOther |
This is the Phone Number for the contact. |
WorkFax |
This is the Fax Number for the contact. |
CellPhone |
This is the Cell Phone Number for the contact. |
PagerPhone |
This is the Pager Number for the contact. |
HomePhone |
This is the Home Number for the contact. |
Birthday |
This is the Birthday date for the contact. |
ContactNotes |
This is the Notes for the contact. |
Customer - Custom Pricing TEMPLATES (If you care to create 'templates' of Custom prices to apply to new or existing)
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
GroupName |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the Name of the Pricing Template. |
Description |
ItemNumber |
PricingCategoryID |
PriceLevel |
QtyLow |
QtyHigh |
Discount |
Markup |
Multiplier |
SpecificPrice |
Customer - Custom Pricing (This table holds Custom prices copied from 1 or more Custom Pricing Templates and/or Custom prices manually added to various customers by users).
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
CustomerID |
Yes |
This is the Customer number or Customer Company Name for the contact. |
PricingTemplatesID |
ItemID |
PricingCategoryID |
PriceLevel |
QtyLow |
QtyHigh |
Discount |
Markup |
Multiplier |
SpecificPrice |
Lock |
Vendor List
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
VendorNumber |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the Vendor Number. |
Active |
This is a Active value (boolean) for Vendor. |
VendorPOType |
This specifies the 'type' of PO. The acceptable values are 1, 2, or 3. 1=All PO Types, 2=Local / Special Order PO's Only, 3=Long Distance / Sea Container PO's Only |
VendorAccountNumber |
This is the Active value (boolean) for Vendor. |
VendorName |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the Vendor Name. |
Salutation |
This is the Salutation for Vendor. |
FirstName |
This is the First Name for Vendor. |
LastName |
This is the First Name for Vendor. |
Title |
This is the Title for Vendor. |
Street |
This is the Street value for Vendor. |
Suite |
This is the Suite value for Vendor. |
City |
This is the City value for Vendor. |
State |
This is the State value for Vendor. |
PostalCode |
This is the Postal Code for Vendor. |
Country |
This is the Country for Vendor. |
Phone |
This is the Phone Number value for Vendor. |
Fax |
This is the Fax Number for Vendor. |
PaymentTerms |
This is the Payment Terms for Vendor. |
CreditLimit |
This is the Credit Limit for Vendor. |
ProductsServices |
This is the Products Services for Vendor. |
SICCode |
This is the SIC Code for Vendor. |
EmailAddressCompany |
This is the Email Address for Vendor. |
WebSite |
This is the Web Site for Vendor. |
Region |
This is the Region for Vendor. |
CreatedDate |
This is the Created Date for Vendor. |
CreatedBy |
This is the value to store who will create a Vendor. |
ModifiedDate |
This is the Modified Date for Vendor. |
ModifiedBy |
This is the value to store who will update a Vendor. |
QBOSync |
This is the QBO Sync for Vendor. |
Comments |
This is the Comments value for Vendor. |
Vendor Contacts (This table relates to the Vendors table - 1 to many)
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
VendorID |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the Vendor Number or Vendor Name for the contact. |
PrimaryContact |
This is the boolean type data. This is used to make a contact to PrimaryContact for Vendor. |
FirstName |
This is the First name for the contact. |
LastName |
This is the Last name for the contact. |
ContactType |
This is the Contact Type for the contact. |
Email |
This is the Mail address for the contact. |
WorkPhoneDirLine |
This is the Work Phone Directory Line for the contact. |
PhoneOther |
This is the Phone Number for the contact. |
WorkFax |
This is the Fax Number for the contact. |
CellPhone |
This is the Cell Phone Number for the contact. |
PagerPhone |
This is the Pager Number for the contact. |
HomePhone |
This is the Home Phone Number for the contact. |
ContactNotes |
This is the Notes for the contact. |
Item List
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
ItemNum |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the Item Number. |
Active |
This is the Active value (Boolean) for Item. |
Type |
This is the Type for Item. |
Description |
This is the Description for Item. |
Category |
This is the Category for Item. |
SubCategory |
This is the Sub Category for Item. |
SubCategory2 |
This is the SubCategory2 for Item. (For Auto Parts customers, this is the Year Range, such as 08-12) |
SubCategory3 |
This is the SubCategory3 for Item. (For Auto Parts customers, this is the Make, such as Honda) |
SubCategory4 |
This is the Model for Item. (For Auto Parts customers, this is the Model, such as Accord) |
PricingCategory |
This is the Pricing Category for Item. |
POCategory |
This is the PO Category for Item. |
Manufacturer |
This is the Manufacturer for Item. |
OEMModelNumber |
This is the OEM Model Number for Item. |
AverageCost |
This is the Average Cost for Item. |
ListPrice |
This is the List Price for Item. |
SpecialNotes |
This is the Special Notes for Item. |
UnitofMeasure |
This is the Unit of Measure for Item. |
MatrixPricing |
This is the Matrix Pricing for Item. |
Taxable |
This shows if the item is Taxable. |
AmountOrdered |
This is the Amount Ordered for Item. |
QtyInStock |
This is the Qty In Stock for Item. |
QtyOnBackOrder |
This is the Qty On Back Order for Item. |
QtyOnPOs |
This is the Qty On PO's for Item. |
SpecialOrder |
This shows if the item is a Special Order Item. |
Assembly |
This shows if the Item is an Assembly (Bundle). |
BrokenCasePricingType |
This shows the item Broken Case Pricing Type. |
BrokenCasePriceCode |
This is the Broken Case Price Code for Item. |
BrokenCaseMultiplier |
This is the Broken Case Multiplier for Item. |
Commissionable |
This shows if the item is Commissionable. |
MasterItemNumber |
This is the Master Item Number for Item. |
YearsListing |
This is the Years Listing for Item. |
OrigItemNum |
This is the Orig Item Number for Item. |
OEMPrice |
This is the OEM Price for Item. |
InterchangeNumber |
This is the Interchange # for Item. |
LastAddedCost |
This is the Last Added Cost for Item. |
EcomRetailPrice |
This is the Ecom Retail Price for Item. |
DataConversionNotes |
These are Data Conversion Notes for Item. |
CreatedBy |
This shows who created the Item. |
CreatedDate |
This shows the date the item was created. |
ModifiedBy |
This shows who last modified the item. |
ModifiedDate |
This shows the last date the item was modified. |
IncomeAccountRef |
This is the Income Account ID for Item. |
ExpenseAccountRef |
This is the Expense Account ID for Item. |
AssetAccountRef |
This is Asset Account ID for Item. |
QBOSync |
This shows if the item will be synced with QuickBooks Online. The value will be = -1 if Yes. |
Item Quantity in Stock
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
Item # |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is an Item # that is already in 1place. |
Qty in Stock |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the TOTAL quantity in stock right now. This value needs to be a whole number, such as 1 or 3 or 20. If the number is NOT > 0 the row will NOT be imported. |
Qty Received |
This is the Quantity originally received into stock. For example maybe you received 10 but now have 5 left in stock (which will be illustrated in the Qty in Stock field). |
Date Received |
This is the date that the item was received into Stock. (Note: If no date is selected 1place will insert Today's date). |
Warehouse |
Yes |
This is the Warehouse CODE you have assigned to the warehouse in 1place. If you only have 1 warehouse just leave this field blank and it will be auto filled in for you.' |
Cost |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the individual unit cost you paid for the item from your vendor. Any records where the Cost is not > $0.00 will NOT be imported. If you paid any 'additional' costs associated with shipping the item to you list those costs in the field called: Additional (Landed Costs). |
Additional (Landed Cost) |
This represents any additional 'landed' (shipping) costs associated with the item. |
Bin |
This is the Bin location of the item.' (If you have more than 1 bin location be sure to make a separate 'row' on your spreadsheet for each unique bin location. For instance, if Item X had 5 in location 101 and 2 in location 501 then you would need to have 2 rows on your spreadsheet for Item X. |
Lot / Serial # |
This is the Lot / Serial # of the item.' (Like the Bin field, if you have more than 1 Lot / Serial # then be sure to make a separate 'row' on your spreadsheet for each unique Lot / Serial # for the item. |
(internal notes) |
Item Price Levels
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
ItemID |
Yes |
MatrixPriceCode |
Yes |
QtyLow |
QtyHigh |
Price |
Yes |
DiscountPercent |
Item Bundles (Assembly) Components
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
BundleComponentID |
Yes |
This is the Bundle Component ID value for Item Bundle. |
ItemID |
Yes |
This is an Item ID value for Item Bundle. |
QtyNeeded |
This is the Qty Needed value for Item Bundle. |
AssemblyNotes |
This is the Qty Needed value for Item Bundle. |
Item Search Catalog (This is where Item Alias data is saved. This allows you to find the part by various year, make, and model, or by other searching methods).
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
ItemNumber |
Yes |
This is the Item Number value for Item Catalog. |
Description |
Yes |
This is the Description value for Item Catalog. |
Make |
Yes |
This is the Make value for Item Catalog. |
Model |
Yes |
This is the Model value for Item Catalog. |
YearsListing |
Yes |
This is the Years Listing value for Item Catalog. The format should like something like this: 08,09,10,11,12 (assuming that the Year Range = 08-12) |
Notes |
This is the Notes for Item Catalog. |
YearRange |
This is the Year Range value for Item Catalog. |
Vendor Item Numbers (1 Vendor)
- This is used for importing a List of Item Number from ONE Vendor at a time. (This is typically used AFTER the initial Vendor import)
- Every ItemID must exist as an item in the Items table.
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
ItemID |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is an Item # that is already in 1place. |
VendorItemNum |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the Vendor Item Number for Item Vendor. |
VendorCost |
This is the Vendor Cost for Item Vendor. |
VendorLeadTime |
This is the Vendor Lead Time(Boolean) for Item Vendor. |
CasePack |
This is the Case Pack(Boolean) for Item Vendor. |
CostLastChangeDate |
This is the Cost Last Change Date for Item Vendor. |
LastOrderDate |
This is the Last Order Date for Item Vendor. |
QtyOnOrder |
This is the Qty On Order for Item Vendor. |
RoundUpQtyToCaseQtyOnPO |
This is the Round Up Qty To Case Qty On PO(Boolean) for Item Vendor. |
ConvertQtyToCaseQtyOnPO |
This is the Convert Qty To Case Qty On PO(Boolean) for Item Vendor. |
CubicSquareFt |
This is the Cubic Square Ft for Item Vendor. |
Notes |
This is the Notes for Item Vendor. |
Vendor Item Numbers (All Vendors)
- This is used for importing a FULL LIST of ALL VENDORS Item numbers.
- Every VendorID must exist as a Vendor in the Vendors table.
- Every ItemID must exist as an Item in the Item table.
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
ItemID |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is an Item # that is already in 1place. |
VendorID |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the related Vendor Number in 1place. |
VendorItemNum |
Yes |
This is the Vendor Item Number for Item Vendor. |
VendorCost |
This is the Vendor Cost for Item Vendor. |
VendorLeadTime |
This is the Vendor Lead Time(Boolean) for Item Vendor. |
CasePack |
This is the Case Pack(Boolean) for Item Vendor. |
CostLastChangeDate |
This is the Cost Last Change Date for Item Vendor. |
LastOrderDate |
This is the Last Order Date for Item Vendor. |
QtyOnOrder |
This is the Qty On Order for Item Vendor. |
RoundUpQtyToCaseQtyOnPO |
This is the Round Up Qty To Case Qty On PO(Boolean) for Item Vendor. |
ConvertQtyToCaseQtyOnPO |
This is the Convert Qty To Case Qty On PO(Boolean) for Item Vendor. |
CubicSquareFt |
This is the Cubic Square Ft for Item Vendor. |
VendorQIS |
When you import or update Vendor Items this is the Qty in Stock the Vendor has reported to you. |
QISLastUpdated |
When you import or update Vendor Items this is the Date the Qty in Stock was last updated. If this column is left blank it will fill in with the current date. |
Notes |
This is the Notes for Item Vendor. |
Invoice & Credit Memo Headers (IMPORT Before Line Items)
- This is the Invoices & Credit Memo's HEADER import. (The LINE ITEMS are imported in a separate file).
- The Sales Tax Code and Rate will be auto calculated by the import process.
- If the QuickBooks Online syncing feature will be used then the QBOSync will be set to True if the Invoice Balance Due NOT = $0. Otherwise set the QBOSync = False.
- If the Invoice has a Total Due = < 0 the negative number will be auto converted to a positive number and the Invoice Type will be set to = C.
- If the Invoice Amount DUE > $0 then the Invoice Paid will auto set = False and a Payment will be auto created.
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
InvoiceNumber |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This field must be a unique alpha numeric Invoice #. |
InvoiceDate |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This field must contain a valid date. |
BillToCustomerNumber |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This must be a valid alpha numeric Bill To Customer #. |
BillToContactName |
This is the Customer contact name, such as John Doe. |
BillToCompanyName |
This is the Bill To Company Name, such as: ABC Company |
BillToStreet |
This is the Bill To Street address, such as: 12345 Somewhere Street |
BillToCityStateZipPostalCode |
This is the Bill To City, State Zip, such as: 12345 Somewhereville, UT 84092 |
ShipToCustomerNumber |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This must be a valid alpha numeric Ship To Customer #. |
ShipToContactName |
This is the Ship To Contact name, such as: Jane Smith |
ShipToCompanyName |
This is the Ship To Company Name, such as: ABC Company |
ShipToStreet |
This is the Ship To Street, such as: 456 Some Ave |
ShipToCityStateZipPostalCode |
This is the Ship To City, State, Zip / Postal Code, such as: Happyville, CA 92806 |
SubTotal |
This is the Invoice SubTotal field. It should represent the total of the Line Items. If this field is left blank $0 will be inserted. |
FreightOrOtherChanges |
This is the Invoice Freight / Other field. If this field is left blank $0 will be inserted. |
TotalTax |
This is the Total Tax amount for this Invoice. If this field is left blank a $0 will be inserted and NO taxes will be changed for this Invoice or Credit Memo. |
GrandTotal |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the Grand Total of the Invoice or Credit Memo. |
TotalPayments |
This is for the Total Payments already applied to this Invoice or Credit Memo. If this field is left blank the Balance Due will be = GrandTotal. |
BalanceDue |
If this field is left blank the value will be set to $0. |
InvoiceType |
This field will usually have an 'I' (for Invoice) or a 'C' (for Credit Memo).' If this field is left blank any transaction that is imported where the Total is a 'positive' number this field will automatically be set to 'I' (and will be imported as an Invoice). Any transaction where the Total is a 'negative' number this field will automatically be set to 'C' (and will be imported as a Credit Memo. |
PaymentTerms |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the Payment Terms. (Note: If this field is left blank the 'Net 30' will be auto inserted). |
CustomerPONumber |
This is the Customer PO #. |
SourceOfOrder |
This is the Source of the Order. |
InvoiceComments |
This is the Comments (customer notes) field. |
EnteredBy |
This is the name of the user who created the Invoice. |
JobID |
This is the Job ID #. |
Invoice & Credit Memo LINE ITEMS (Import After Headers)
- This file is to be used to create LINE ITEMS that relate to the INVOICE HEADERS file.
- Every Invoice # in this file MUST exist in the HEADERS file.
- Every ItemNumber in this file MUST exist in the Item list file.
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
InvoiceNumber |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This field must be a unique alpha numeric Invoice #. |
ItemNumber |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the Item Number that should already be added or imported into 1place.
QtyOrdered |
Yes |
This is the Quantity Ordered by the Customer. |
QtyShipped |
Yes |
This is the Quantity Shipped to the Customer for this Order. Set at 0 if none shipped. |
BOQty |
This is the Quantity that have been Back Ordered and not Shipped yet. Set this value to 0 if none. |
PrevShipped |
This is the Quantity that were Previously Shipped on a related Sales Order, if this is a Sales Order Back Order. Set this value to 0 if none. |
PrevQtyReturned |
This is the Quantity that have been returned for this item on this Sales Order. Set this value to 0 if none. |
ItemDescription |
Yes |
This is the Item Description. |
ListPrice |
This is the List Price. This field is optional. |
UnitPrice |
This is the Unit Price. This is the Price BEFORE any Discount has been applied. |
Discount |
This is the Discount given off the Unit Price. Set to 0 if none. |
NetPrice |
Yes |
This is the final Net Price, including any discount given. |
Taxable |
Was this line item Taxable? If so type Yes, if not type No. |
LineTotal |
Yes |
What is the EXTENDED Line Total? (QtyOrdered x NetPrice) |
DateShipped |
What date was this item shipped? This field is optional. |
LineItemComments |
Internal line item comments not visible to the Customer. |
SerialNumber |
This is the Serial # of the item, if applicable. This field is optional. |
UnitCost |
This is the Unit Cost. The COST 'each' is $5 then you would enter $5.00. |
Sales Orders HEADERS (UNSHIPPED) (Import Before Line Items)
- This is the HEADER file for Sales Order Header information.
- Sales Tax Codes and Rate will be auto calculated upon import.
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
SalesOrderNumber |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This field must be a unique alpha numeric Sales Order #. |
SalesOrderDate |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This field must contain a valid date. |
BillToCustomerNumber |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This must be a valid alpha numeric Bill To Customer #. |
BillToContactName |
This is the Customer contact name, such as John Doe. |
BillToCompanyName |
This is the Bill To Company Name, such as: ABC Company |
BillToStreet |
This is the Bill To Street address, such as: 12345 Somewhere Street |
BillToCityStateZipPostalCode |
This is the Bill To City, State Zip, such as: 12345 Somewhereville, UT 84092 |
ShipToCustomerNumber |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This must be a valid alpha numeric Ship To Customer #. |
ShipToContactName |
This is the Ship To Contact name, such as: Jane Smith |
ShipToCompanyName |
This is the Ship To Company Name, such as: ABC Company |
ShipToStreet |
This is the Ship To Street, such as: 456 Some Ave |
ShipToCityStateZipPostalCode |
This is the Ship To City, State, Zip / Postal Code, such as: Happyville, CA 92806 |
SubTotal |
This is the Sales Order SubTotal field. It should represent the total of the Line Items. If this field is left blank $0 will be inserted. |
FreightOrOtherChanges |
This is the Sales Order Freight / Other field. If this field is left blank $0 will be inserted. |
TotalTax |
This is the Total Tax amount for this Sales Order. If this field is left blank a $0 will be inserted and NO taxes will be changed for this Sales Order. |
GrandTotal |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the Grand Total of the Sales Order. |
BalanceDue |
If this field is left blank the value will be set to $0. |
SalesOrderStatus |
Each Sales Order Status field should have ONE of these values: 'New', 'To Print & Pick', 'Picking', 'To Invoice', or 'To Load/Ship'. If this field is left blank the default value inserted will be: 'To Print & Pick'. |
PaymentTerms |
This is the Payment Terms. (Note: If this field is left blank the Net 30 payment term will be auto inserted). |
CustomerPONumber |
This is the Customer PO #. |
SourceOfOrder |
This is the Source of the Order. |
SalesOrderComments |
This is the Comments (notes to the customer) field on the footer of the Sales Orders. |
EnteredBy |
This is the name of the user who entered the Sales Order. |
JobID |
This is the Job ID #. |
Sales Order LINE ITEMS (UNSHIPPED) (Import After Headers)
- This file is to be used to create LINE ITEMS that relate to the SALES ORDER HEADERS file.
- Every Sales Order # in this file MUST exist in the HEADERS file.
- Every ItemNumber in this file MUST exist in the Item list file.
- For reconciliation simplicity, it is recommended that only OPEN Sales Order by imported into 1place.
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
SalesOrderNumber |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This field must be a unique alpha numeric Invoice #. |
ItemNumber |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is the Item Number that should already be added or imported into 1place. |
QtyOrdered |
Yes |
This is the Quantity Ordered by the Customer. |
QtyShipped |
Yes |
This is the Quantity Shipped to the Customer for this Order. Set to 0 if none shipped. |
BOQty |
This is the Quantity that have been Back Ordered and not Shipped yet. Set this value to 0 if none. |
PrevShipped |
This is the Quantity that were Previously Shipped on a related Sales Order, if this is a Sales Order Back Order. Set this value to 0 if none. |
ItemDescription |
Yes |
This is the Item Description. |
ListPrice |
This is the List Price. This field is optional. |
UnitPrice |
This is the Unit Price. This is the Price BEFORE any Discount has been applied. |
Discount |
This is the Discount given off the Unit Price. Set to 0 if none. |
NetPrice |
Yes |
This is the final Net Price, including any discount given. |
Taxable |
Was this line item Taxable? If so type Yes, if not type No. |
LineTotal |
Yes |
What is the EXTENDED Line Total? (QtyOrdered x NetPrice) |
DateShipped |
What date was this item shipped? This field is optional. |
LineItemComments |
Internal line item comments not visible to the Customer. |
SerialNumber |
This is the Serial # of the item, if applicable. This field is optional. |
UnitCost |
This is the Unit Cost. The COST 'each' is $5 then you would enter $5.00. |
Taxable |
Was this line item Taxable? If so type Yes, if not type No. |
Purchase Order HEADERS (Import Before Line Items)
- This file is to be used to create PURCHASE ORDER HEADERS.
- Every VendorID in this file must relate to a Vendor in the Vendors table.
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
PurchaseOrderNum |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This field must be a unique alpha numeric Invoice #. |
PODate |
Yes |
This field contains the Date of the PO. Must be in proper Date format. |
POStatus |
If this field is left blank then 'Waiting For Delivery' will automatically be inserted in this field. |
POReceived |
Yes |
This value needs to be = 'True' or 'Yes' or '1' if the PO has been received. Or 'False' or 'No' or '0' if the PO has NOT been received. If this field is left blank the field will be set to True. |
DateExpected |
This is the date you expect to receive the PO. |
VendorID |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This field must contain a valid Vendor ID from your old accounting system. |
VendorStreet |
This is the Vendor's street. |
VendorCityStateZip |
This is the Vendor's City, State Zip/Postal Code concatenated together into 1 string of data. |
BillToWarehouseCode |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This field must contain a valid Warehouse 'Code' (which you can get from the Warehouses entered in the settings of 1place). |
BillToWarehouseStreet |
This is the Bill To Warehouse street. |
BillToWarehouseCityStateZip |
This is the Bill To Warehouse City, State, Zip/Postal Code |
ShipToWarehouseCode |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This field must contain a valid Warehouse 'Code' (which you can get from the Warehouses entered in the settings of 1place). |
ShipToWarehouseStreet |
This is the Ship To Warehouse street. |
ShipToWarehouseCityStateZip |
This is the Ship To Warehouse City, State, Zip/Postal Code |
POTotal |
Yes |
This is the total of all PO Line Items. |
POWeight |
This is the total of the weight from all of the PO Line Items. |
POVolume |
This is the total of the volume from all of the PO Line Items. |
OrderedBy |
Enter a User Name that is included in your list of 1place users, or this field will be left blank. |
Terms |
Enter a Payment Term that is in 1place or this field will be left blank. |
This is the Free On Board value. |
ShippedVia |
This is the Shipped Via. |
Comments |
This is for any comments about the PO. |
CreatedBy |
This field must be a valid 1place User Name. If not it will be left blank. |
CountryOfOrigin |
This is for the Country of Origin. |
ContainerNum |
This is for the Container Number, if applicable.
Purchase Order LINE ITEMS (Imort After Headers)
- This file is to be used to create LINE ITEMS that relate to the PURCHASE ORDER HEADERS file.
- Every PurchaseOrderNum in this file MUST exist in the HEADERS file.
- Every ItemNumber in this file MUST exist in the Item list file.
Field Name |
Required |
Special Instructions (to User) |
PurchaseOrderNum |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This field must be a unique alpha numeric Invoice #. |
LineItemNum |
Yes |
(REQUIRED). This is a valid 1place Item Number. |
LineItemQtyOrdered |
Yes |
This is the Qty Ordered. |
LineItemQtyReceived |
Yes |
This is the Qty Received. |
LineItemReceived |
Yes |
This is a Yes or No value. Has the item been received? |
LineItemDescription |
Yes |
This is the PO Line Item Description. |
LineItemCost |
Yes |
This is the PO Line Item individual unit Cost. |
LineItemAddedCost |
This is the PO Line Item individual unit cost for 'extra' landed costs (which are costs not associated with the actual cost of the item). |
LineItemPOLineTotal |
Yes |
This is the PO Line Total. This is calculated: LineItemQtyOrdered x LineItemCost. |
LineItemWeight |
This is the PO Line item weight of the item. |
LineItemVolume |
This is the PO Line Item volume. |