Items - Item Detail screen - How To's
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02767 Created: 2020-12-16 10:03 Last Updated: 2022-07-05 17:49 |
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Help TopicsThe Item Details screen is a comprehensive screen that displays every significant information about an Item in your inventory all on one screen. It is divided into three (3) main sections to organize data and functions: - Main Fields (section)
- Description
- Bin Location
- Quantity on Back Order - quantity of the item ordered (from Vendor) for specific Customer(s) that are not yet received.
- Quantity on Order. This is the quantity of the item ordered (from Vendor) that are not yet received.
- Item Number
- Quantity in Stock. This is the Quantity you have on your shelf, in all bins and warehouses.
- To Sync (QBO) - (checkbox) gets checked automatically each time a new Item record is created in 1place then syncs with QuickBooks Online (QBO) when the record is saved.
- Resync Flag - (checkbox) gets checked when an Item record is changed in 1place then syncs with QBO.
- Last Synced - Date & time last synced with QuickBooks Online
- Tabs (section) - see below.
- Footer (section)
- New Item (button) - To create a new Item record.
- Delete Item (button) - To delete that Item.
- Save (button) - To save the actions/changes made on that screen.
- Help (button) - Leads you to self-help articles about the Item Details screen.
- Close (button) - To close that screen.
- Shortcut Key: Ctrl + F10, or
- On the Quick Start Menu, click the + icon and select Item, or
- Click the New button on the lower left part of the Item List screen, or
- Click the New Item button on the lower left part of the Item Details screen, or
- On any of the Quotation, Sales Order, Invoice, Credit Memo or Purchase Order screens under the Add/Edit Line Item table: When typing in an Item Number that is not found in the Drop down list, click + Add New (lowest part of the drop down list) to add a new Item record.
- On the Item List screen, click the Edit button and click on any particular item record that you prefer to edit (Note: Any changes made will be automatically saved), or
- On the Item Details screen, make the necessary changes then click Save (lower right part of the screen).
- Using Shortcut Key: F10, or
- On the Quick Start Menu, click the Search (magnifying glass) icon then select Items, or
- On the Quick Start Menu, click Find Parts, fill in the required information on the textboxes to filter then click Search, or
- (If already on the Item List screen) use the Search feature (magnifying glass icon) to type the Item number or any information/keywords to filter multi search, or
- From a Quotation, Sales Order, Invoice, Credit Memo or Purchase Order screen (under the Add/Edit Line Item table): Click on the Magnifying Glass button next to the selected Item Number.
- Shortcut Key: Shift+F10, or
- On the Quick Start Menu, click the List button and select Items, or
- On the Main Menu Bar, click Items.
- On the Item List screen, check the box/es (first column on the left) to select one or more records then click Batch Actions button and select Delete Selected, or
- Click the first box (topmost, on the fields row) to either select all records on a page or all records on the entire list then proceed with deletion, or
- On the Item Details screen, click Delete Item button (lower left part of the screen).
- Note: To preserve the integrity of the database, you cannot delete any Item record that has been used on any of the screens such as Purchase Order, Sales Order, Invoice etc. You can however uncheck the Active Checkbox - which will hide the item from most Inventory Item drop down lists.
- On the Main Menu Bar, click on Reports > Items.
- Define your Report.
- 1place allows you to generate different types of Inventory or Item Reports according to your needs. Pick from the type of Item Report (i.e. Items, Items - Date Added, Items Stock, Items Vendors, Total Sales By Item - in various Orders) from the Reports section.
- Note: You can adjust the period covered by your report. On the Report Period filter section, select from the drop down filter lists or manually input the dates 'from' and 'to'.
- Click on Run Report.
- Note1: There is an option to further customize your Report by clicking the Gear (gray) icon to make the Report Lists Settings popup screen appear. Check or uncheck box(es) of the column(s) that you prefer to show/hide.
- Note2: At this point, you may choose to Print, Email or Download your Report copy.
- After doing the instructions above, click on the Customize (blue) button to further modify and save your newly created Report.
- On the Customize Report popup screen:
- (Optional) Select the Min Access Level from the drop down icon.
- (Required) Type in the Report Name (whatever you want to call your Report).
- (Optional) Type in any Report Description.
- (Optional) Check the box if you want to Make Report Private and/or Favorite. Check or uncheck box(es) of the column(s) that you prefer to show/hide.
- Click on Save.
- Note1: This Report will appear on the list of Custom Reports and on My Favorites if you checked the Favorite box.
- Note2: You can always edit or update any Custom Reports. Go to Reports > Custom Reports and click on the Pencil icon (under Actions column). Do the necessary changes and click on Update.
- Note3: Click on the X button to permanently delete any Custom Report from the list.
- Note: You have the option to Email, Print or Download a Report copy (see instructions below).
- On the Item List screen:
- Select the record(s) by checking the box(es) .
- Click the
button to Print and to download (in Excel form). - There is also an option to Share
record(s) and this feature will be available in the future.
- For Item Reports, go to Main Menu Bar > Reports > Items, create your Report (*see previous instructions) then click on the
button (upper right). - The Print Preview popup screen will appear. (Note: You cannot preview on the screen if you selected more than 5000 records.)
button (upper right) to download the Report. Save in your PC. - EMAIL COPY: Click on
button (lower right) to send a copy of the Report through email. Create the body of the Email and input other necessary details on the left side of the Email popup screen. Click on button (lower right). - PRINT COPY: Click on
button (upper right) to print the Report. Adjust Print Settings then click on button (lower right).
You can enable (or disable) various tabs of information on the Item Details screen by clicking the Gear button (located on the same row of the tabs) and checking to select tabs. The following is a list of the tabs that can be used to enter or view additional information related to the Item record that you are on: Stock Details (section) - This shows a grid of these types of fields:
- Qty in Stock
- Qty on PO's
- Qty Reserved on BO's
- Net Available
- Qty Needed in Next 30 Days
- Last Updated
Sales Qtys (section) - # Units Sold Last 365
- # Units Sold 1 Year Ago
- # Units Sold 2 Years Ago
- Total # Sales Last 3 Yrs
- Trending
Sales $ (section) - $ Sales Last 365
- $ Sales 1 Year Ago
- $ Sales 2 Years Ago
- Total Sales Last 3 Yrs
- Trending
Profit Details (section) - Average Sales Price Last 365
- Average Cost Last 365
- Average Gross Profit $
- Average Gross Profit %
This tab sets and displays the following sections and fields describing the particular item in full details: Note: You may choose to show/hide the fields under this tab. Click on the Gear icon then check/uncheck the box(es). Categories & Part Numbers (section) | Description |
Type | | Search Category | What category is this Item in (Cooling)? | Search Sub Category | What sub Category is this Item in (More descriptive like Radiator)? | Years Range | What range of years does this Part Fit (90, 98)? | Years Listing | | Make | The brand of the car. | Model | What Model does this part fit (Titan)? | Quantity Indicator | Does this part have a quality certification like (Capa or Diamond Standard)? | Manufacturer | What is the 2 letter vehicle Manufacturer abbreviation for this part (FORD = FD, Nissan = NI)? | OEM # | What is the Original Equipment Manufacturers number for this part? | Other # | | UPC Code | The Universal Product Code of the item used in tracking Point of Sale items. | QPC Sort Order | | PartsLink # | What is the PartsLink Number that was assigned to this part? | PType | |
Purchase Order Details (section) | Description |
Last PO Qty | Quantity of that Item from the most recent purchase. | Last PO Date | Date of the most recent purchase. | Next Expected PO Delivery Date | Expected date of arrival of the next (earliest) item order. | Reorder Point(Min) | Your minimum level at which an Item stock needs to be replenished. | Stock Level(Max) | Your set upper limit of stock for a particular Item. | PType | |
Item Picture (section) | Description |
Item Image | |
Shipping Details (section) | Description |
Shipping Weight | Your vendor/supplier can provide you with the shipping weight. | Weight Unit | Your vendor/supplier can provide you with the weight per unit. | Freight Class | Shipping Companies need to know what they are shipping and all Items have a shipping class. Your supplier can provide you with the shipping class. | Volume | Your vendor/supplier can provide you with the SQ. Feet / Volume | Ecom Ship Length | How long is this item? | Ecom Ship Width | How wide is this item? | Ecom Ship Height | How high is this item? | Ecom Ship Type | How will this item be shipped to the customer? |
Other Details (section) | Description |
Active | Is this item marked as active. Only Active Items will appear in purchase orders and on the QPC | Taxable | Is this Item Taxable | Special Order | Do you need to special order this Item for each sale (Not an item that you carry in stock). | Lot Tracking | | Serialized | | Assembly | | eCommerce | Check this box if you want this item to appear on your integrated Website. | Commissionable | Check this box if opting to track Commissions for this item. |
Special Notes (section) | Description |
Special Notes (displayed on QPC) | Type any notes that you want to be displayed on the QPC screen. |
- This tab indicates the following information about the particular item:
- Last Inventory Date: Date when this particular Item was last physically verified (inventoried, moved, relocated or tagged).
- Item Added Date: Date when the Item was added to your inventory.
- Item Last Edited: Date when any of the Item's information on the Main field section was last edited.
- Bin: This is an alpha-numeric field used by the Stock Picking Tickets to arrange the order that items are to be picked off the shelf by Picking Order, then Location, then Bin.
- This tab also displays all other relevant information (below) about the particular item in tabular form (Note: there is an option to show/hide the column fields by clicking the Gear icon
on the right, just above the table). - Receipt ID - a system generated code for receipt of the Item.
- Qty Received (Quantity Received)
- Cost
- Vendor Name
- Bin
- Warehouse Code
- Stk Transfer (Stock Transfer)
- Date Received
- Qty in Stock
- Additional Cost
- Purchase Order Number
- Lot / Serial #
- Spec Order (Special Order)
- Notes - system notes who made the adjustment, the # of item/s and the exact date and time the update was made
This tab keeps a record of all the Vendors from whom the particular Item is usually purchased (or can be outsourced). - The tab indicates the following information about the particular Item with relation to the vendor:
- PO Category: What category is this Item in? (e.g.Cooling)
- PO Item Description: The description used for PO's if different from the description used on Quotes, Orders, Invoices, and Purchase Orders
- Last Order Date: When did you place the last order for this item?
- Special Notes: Any notes that you will need to remember for ordering this part e.g. "Item can only be ordered in case Qty of 12"
- This tab also displays the following fields all about the latest historical transaction with the default vendor for that particular item:
- Vendor Name: Who is the main vendor/supplier for this part?
- Vendor Item #: What is the Item Number provided by the Vendor/Supplier?
- Vendor Cost: This is the cost of the part from the vendor/supplier that you have listed as your default supplier.
- Lead Time (# Days)
- Case Pack: How many items per case?
- CSF/Volume: Your supplier can provide you with the SQ. Feet / Volume
- Qty On Order (Quantity On Order)
- Rnd Case Qty: When creating an Auto PO, do you want to automatically round your order UP to the next full case amount?
- Conv Case Qty
- Last Order Date: When did you place the last order for this item?
- Cost Last Updated:
- Ven QIS (Vendor Quantity In Stock)
- Pricing (section)
- List Price - The item's suggested retail price.
- OEM Price - Original Equipment Manufacturer Price
- Fixed Cost (for Markup Pricing)
- Average Cost (for Markup Pricing)
- Last Additional Cost
- Service Cost
- Pricing Category
- PO Category
- Core Charge Item (section)
- Price Unit
- Last Price Change
- Core Charge Item #
- Core Charge
- QuickBooks Online GL Accounts (section)
- Sales / Income GL Account
- COGS / Expense GL Account
- Inventory GL Account
- This a tabular data where you can easily view the Status (whether "Open POs" or "Received POs") of ALL related Purchase Orders of the particular Item.
- Also include other important details such as the PO Number, PO Date, Exp. Date, Days, Qty Order (Quantity Order), Qty Recd (Quantity Received), Date Recd (Date Received), Supplier or Vendor, Cost, Ordered By, Color, Style, Warehouse.
- Note: Clicking anywhere within the row of a PO on this list will open the Purchase Order screen of that particular PO Number.
This tab contains three (3) clickable tabular data related to the particular item, as follows: - Invoices/Credit Memo button - Click on this button to view all Invoices and Credit Memos related to the particular Item.
- Also include other important details such as the Ship To Customer, Invoice Date, Type, Qty Sold, Ship Qty, Price, Discount, Net Price, Cost, Warehouse.
- Note: Clicking anywhere within the row of an Invoice/Credit Memo on this list will open the Invoice or Credit Memo screen of that particular Invoice/CM record.
- Sales Orders button - Click on this button to view all Sales Orders related to the particular Item.
- Also include other important details such as the Ship To Customer, Sales Date, Qty Sold, Ship Qty, Price, Discount, Net Price, Cost, Warehouse.
- Clicking anywhere within the row of a Sales Order on this list will open the Sales Order screen of that particular SO record.
- Quotations button - Click on this button to view all Quotes related to the particular Item.
- Also include other important details such as the Ship To Customer, Quotation Date, Qty Sold, Price, Discount, Net Price, Cost, Warehouse.
- Note: Clicking anywhere within the row of a Quotation on this list will open the Quotation screen of that particular Quotation Number.
This is still under construction. The Catalog is used on the Quick Price Check (Auto) to help users search and find parts by the vehicle or item Year, Make and Model. You can enter unlimited data under columns Year, Make and Model for a particular item. - Manage Catalog button
- The Add New Row button - This button is used if you want to add Catalog search records for an Item. You can enter unlimited number of catalog entries per item. This feature enables you to find a particular item on the Find Parts screen using a different Year, Make, Model combination.
- To add Catalog search record:
- Click on the Catalog tab (on the Item Detail screen of that particular part) then click on Add New Row button.
- Enter: Year Range, Make, Model, Category, Sub Category, Item Description and Years Listing.
- Click Save.
This is still under construction. This is still under construction. This tabular data displays all transactions made related to a particular Item. It shows the: - Date & Time
- Action
- Source
- Form Name
- User Name
- Transaction
- Item Cost
- AVG. Cost (Average Cost)
- Flag
- On Receipt ID
- QTY Recvd (Quantity Received)
- Adjustment
- QTY in Receipt (Quantity in Receipt)
- Total in Stock
- All changes made on the Item Detail screen are automatically recorded on this Audit Log. This tab shows the following details:
- Updated By - Shows the name of the specific User who made the update.
- Date - Shows the exact date and time when the update was made.
- Item Number
- Change Type
- Column Name - The title of the text field where the update was made.
- Old Value - The recorded value/information before the update.
- New Value - The newly entered value/information.
Go to Settings > Items > Item Settings. - New Item Defaults
- Item Type: Select 'Inventory' if you want 1place to track your inventory by default.
- Taxable: Check this box (as the default) if the majority of your items are taxable (and just uncheck the box when adding an item that is not taxable).
- Special Order: Check this box if the majority of your items are ordered at the time the Sales Order is created and not kept on hand. This option allows you to create purchase orders from the sales orders for the special order items.
- Location / Bin Tracking: Check this to enable tracking of your Items' location (and which Bin) in your warehouse.
- Show on eCommerce: Check if you want your Items (by default) to appear on your integrated Website.
- Commissionable: Check this if you want to track commissions for your Items.
- Round up to Case Qty on PO Batch: Check this if by default you want to automatically find your order UP to the next full case amount (when Creating an Auto PO).
- Order and Receive as Case on PO: If you receive as a case then the 24 items in the case will appear as 1 item on your inventory.
- Add item to searchable Catalog: Check this if you want all newly added items to be added to your searchable Catalog.
- QuickBooks Income Account: The default Income GL journal entry of your Items on QuickBooks online per sales transaction.
- QuickBooks Expense Account: The default Expense GL journal entry of your Items on QuickBooks online per sales transaction.
- QuickBooks Asset Account: The default Asset GL journal entry of your Items on QuickBooks online per purchase and receipt in your stock/inventory.
- Item Preferences - Select if Yes or No according to your business operations.
- We stock inventory.
- We deliver the products we sell.
- We assemble (bundle) some of the items we sell.
- We assemble (bundle) some of the items we sell, but need to change the components on the fly.
- We sell some items that have a "LOT" #
- We sell some items that have a "SERIAL" #.
- We store (and sell) inventory in multiple warehouses.
- We bar-code (or would like to bar-code) our inventory to scan items in and out of stock.
- Item Tabs - Checking the boxes of the fields will make them appear as 'tabs' (by default) on the Item Details screen. *See 'Item Details Screen Tabs' for the explanation of each tab.
- Item Pricing Levels - This section allows you to define an unlimited number of Item Price Levels.
- Price Code - can be any given name of your choice.
- Discount % - can be assigned as the Default Pricing Method for any 1 or more customers and can also be used in Customers' Custom Pricing settings (can be set when you go to Customer Details screen > Custom Pricing tab of the particular Customer); can also be assigned when making general Pricing Templates (go to Main Menu Bar 'Sales' > Pricing Templates).
- Click on the X button under the Action column to delete a defined Price Code.
- This function allows you to manually edit, add or delete Quantities in Stock.
- To do this, go to Item Detail screen>Stock tab then click on Adjust Quantities in Stock button.
- The Adjust Inventory Stock Form will be displayed. Fill in the required details as follows:
- Select by clicking the radio button whether to Add to Inventory or to Remove from Inventory.
- Quantity: This is the number of items to be added or deleted.
- Warehouse: Select the warehouse name when adding item/s.
- Receipt ID: Select the Receipt ID from the drop down list when deleting item/s.
- Note: You might need to remove inventory from more than 1 Receipt if the number of items in that particular Receipt ID is less than the quantity to be deleted. In this case, you just need to make another adjustment entry.
- Cost:
- When deleting item/s, the item cost cannot be edited and the system auto-fills the cost as recorded on the Receipt ID.
- When adding item/s, the system auto-fills this with the Average weighted cost of the items in stock. This value can be adjusted/edited.
- Date Received: This will be displayed (auto-filled) when the Add to Inventory radio button is clicked.
- Vendor: Vendor name is optional.
- Log Notes: This automatically displays (when item Quantity is entered) who made the adjustment, the # of item/s and the exact date and time the update was made.
- User Notes: You may enter any notes about the adjustment.
- NOTE: Any adjustment in Qty in Stock shall be reflected on the record table on Item Details screen>Stocks tab and on Warehouse>Item Adjustments screen.
This special function has been added to be able to instantly see a big picture of how much (of that particular Item) you currently have in your Warehouse(s) and how many units are coming in soon. - To view Item by warehouse, go to Item Detail screen>Stock then click View Item By Warehouse button (lower part of the screen) to see a popup table summary (or the Item By Warehouse popup screen) of the Item's status per warehouse. The table has the following fields:
- Warehouse
- Qty in Stock (Quantity in Stock)
- Qty on Order (Quantity on Order)
- Qty Arriving - Expected quantity (of that particular Item) to be received (based on the quantity on order).
- #Days from Now - The number of days until the arrival of the items.
- This special function allows the transfer of item stock from one warehouse to another.
- To do this, go to Item Detail screen (of the particular Item to be transferred) > Stock tab then click on Transfer Inventory button (lower part of the screen) to open the Stock Transfers screen.
- Click the To Warehouse drop down and select from the list the Warehouse where you want to transfer the Item.
- Note: The User Name and Transfer ID are auto-filled and auto-generated by the control system.
- Fill in the Item Number filter box (and the Category/Sub Category, optional) and click on the Search
button. - Note: The table just below it will show you where that particular Item is currently stored (Warehouse) as well as the quantity per Receipt ID (which is a system-generated ID for every batch of receipt of an Item and is the primary data point in tracking the movement of items in your Warehouse).
- Select from the rows or batches of items by clicking the box (first column). You may need to check more than one row if Qty in Stock is not enough.
- Type in the quantity to be transferred on the Transfer column.
- Click on the Transfer
button (bottom right).
- NOTE: Any Stock Transfer made shall be reflected on the record table on Item Detail screen>Stocks tab and on the Transaction Log (Item Detail screen > Transaction Log tab).
- Go to Settings > Warehouse > Warehouses.
- To add a Warehouse:
- Click on the
button. - On the New Warehouse popup screen, select the Address Type from the drop down list.
- Input the Warehouse Code, Warehouse Name, Attention (optional), Address Info.
- Click on Yes if Default Warehouse.
- Select a QuickBooks Online Location from the drop down list (to allow the P&L and other reports to display Sales & Expenses figures by Warehouse (Location).
- Click on Save.
- To add another Warehouse (if having two or more Warehouses):
- Check the Enable Multi-Warehouse Functionality box.
- Follow instruction above to add the Warehouse(s).
- To change Default Warehouse,:
- Click on the pencil
icon of the Warehouse that you want to set as default. - Click on Yes for Default Warehouse.
- Note: You can only set one Default Warehouse.
- Open the Add New Product or Service Item screen in different ways:
- Press Ctrl + F10, or
- On the Quick Access Keys (top left), click the + icon and select Item, or
- Click the New button on the lower left part of the Item List screen, or
- Click the New Item button on the lower left part of the Item Details screen, or
- On any of the Quotation, Sales Order, Invoice, Credit Memo or Purchase Order screens under the Add/Edit Line Item table: When typing in an Item Number that is not found in the Drop down list, click + Add New (lowest part of the drop down list) to add a new Item record.
- On the Add New Product or Service Item screen, fill in the following needed information:
- Item Number, Description, Type, Search Category, Search Sub Category, Year, Make, Model etc.
- Click Save.
- NOTE: When you add a new part (following the instructions above) the Year, Make, Model, Category, and Subcategory are all used to automatically create a record in your Find Parts Catalog. (This enables you to find parts using the Find Parts (F1) screen by Year, Make, Model, etc)
There are 3 ways to import and update items in your item list AND searchable Catalog: - Option 1 - Import and update Items (automatically) using the 1place Manage Catalog screen.
- Go to Item Detail screen > Catalog (tab) > Manage Catalog button (middle left).
- From the Catalog Management screen, click on Add New Items From Catalog Items button (bottom right).
- Click on Display New Items To Add ( red button at the bottom left). This will generate a temporary file or list of items that meet the Manage Catalog and Year/Make/Model filter criteria but are not yet on OneSource.
- Check the items to be added then click on Add All Selected Items to 'Item' List in OneSource (green button, bottom left).
- Upon successful import, you may check the added items already included in your Item List.
- Option 2 - Import and update Supplier Item #'s and Costs using the Import/Export function in 1place.
- On the Item List screen, click on the Upload (arrow up) button on the top right of the screen. This will display the Import Wizard screen.
- On the Import Wizard screen:
- Click the drop down on the Import Type and select either 'Vendor Item Numbers (All Vendors)' if trying to import items under 2 or more vendors, or 'Vendor Item Numbers (1 Vendor)'.
- You have the option to update item status and set to 'Active' by checking the box just below the Item Vendor.
- Click Download Excel Template (blue button) and fill in that excel file with the Item records information. Save this file on your PC.
- Go back to the Import Wizard screen, click on the Browse button and select the previously saved file from your PC.
- Click Proceed (bottom right). A pop-up message will be displayed when import has completed.
- ***If you already have an existing Item data file, you may choose to upload that file and manually map the database columns with the excel columns by clicking on the drop down arrow (under the Excel Columns).
- Option 3 - Ask OneSource Software customer support to import your data for you.
- Get connected to any OneSource Customer Support agent.
- SEND AN EMAIL: Send your query to support@onesourcesoftware.com to get answer to your concern(s).
- VOICE CALL: Talk to a live tech support agent at 1 (801) 748-4804
- On the Item Detail screen of the particular Part you want to modify, click on Item Details tab.
- In the section called Categories & Part Numbers you can see the details of the particular item/part (Type, Search Category, Years Range, Make, Model, etc.) NOTE: These details are used by the Find Parts screen to find parts.
- Changing the Years Range will auto update the Years Listing field (below it) which is the actual field the Find Parts screen uses to search for the Year of the part.
- Click on the Catalog tab (on the Item Detail screen of that particular part) then click on Add New Catalog Entry.
- Enter: Year Range, Make, Model, Category, Sub Category, Item Description and Years Listing.
- Click Save.
- Note: You can enter an unlimited number of catalog entries per item. This feature enables you to find a particular item on the Find Parts screen using a different Year, Make, Model combination.
- Note: For faster entry (if adding another catalog entry), you may 'duplicate' a particular row by clicking on the Duplicate Catalog button under Action field. Edit necessary information then click Save.