Sales Order Screen - How To's
Author: support 4 Reference Number: AA-02792 Created: 2021-06-28 18:05 Last Updated: 2024-05-01 15:03 |
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'Sales Order screen' is a comprehensive screen that stores and displays every significant information about a Sales Order transaction all on one screen. It is divided into four (4) main sections to organize data and functions:
- Main Fields (section)
- Bill To - The entity who will pay for the order.
- Ship To - The entity who will receive the order.
- SO # - Record numbering type can be set at Settings>System>Record Numbering as manual, sequential or date format.
- Status - Sales Order status is displayed here. The settings can be set at Settings>Warehouse>Shipping/Receiving>Shipping-Sales Order Statuses.
- Invoice # - The Invoice related to the Sales Order.
- Quote # - The Quote related to the Sales Order.
- Warehouse - The warehouse where the ordered item(s) will be taken to be delivered to the customer.
- Order Date - The date the Sales Order was created.
- Created By, Entered By, and Sales Rep (fields) - This auto fills with the name of the user logged in when it is created or converted from a Quote.
- NOTE: For reporting and commission tracking purposes, there are 3 fields that are similar to each other:
- Created By: By default, this is filled in with the logged in users name. However, if you are creating a Sales Order from a Quote (or an Invoice from a Sales Order) the original Created By user value is retained and copied over.
- Entered By: This is auto filled in with the logged in users name. (Even if the Sales Order or Invoice is 'converted' from a Quote or Sales Order, this will auto fill in the logged in users' name).
- Sales Rep: By default this field remains empty. If the selected Customer has a Sales Rep saved on its record, then that Sales Rep will be auto filled. There is also an option in the settings to auto fill the Sales Rep field with the logged in user that is creating and/or entering the sales transaction.
- Customer PO # - The Purchase Order # on the Customer's purchase document. (Optional) For document tracking purposes.
- Payment Terms - Payment terms and conditions you set as the seller. Pre-define your Payment Terms settings according to your company set conditions. Go to Settings>Sales>General Sales Settings>Payment terms (section).
- Sales Rep - The Sales Representative assigned to the customer. (There is an option to auto fill this field from the who communicated or closed the sale.
- Order Source - Where an order originated from.
- Shipped Via - The shipping method.
- Email
- Job ID - The Job record related to the Sales Order.
- Add/Edit Line Item (section)
- Audit Log
icon - Lets you view all updates (and details) made on this section. - Gear
icon - Click to view all Column Filters on this section. You may check/uncheck to show/hide these fields. - Double Arrow Down
icon - Click to show Line 2 fields. - Double Arrow Up
icon - Click to hide Line 2 fields. - Commit Line Item
button - Click to validate and save any data input or changes on the Add/Edit Line Item table. This button turns red when you need to do so.
Line 1 (Column Filters/Fields) |
Description |
Qty Ord |
Quantity Order |
Category |
Item # |
The unique code for each item in your inventory that is used on Sales Orders, Invoices, Purchase Orders, etc. |
DS (Drop Ship - checkbox) |
Check this box if opting for drop shipping. |
Qty Ship (Quantity Ship) |
The quantity (of the item) committed or shipped to the Customer. |
Qty BO (Quantity Back Order) |
The quantity (of the item) that needs to be purchased to fulfill an order. |
Prev Shp (Previous Ship) |
The quantity (of the item) previously shipped to the Customer (from the last transaction). |
Qty Rtn (Quantity Return) |
The quantity (of the item) returned by the Customer, if any. |
Description |
Specified item description which includes the Year, Make, Model and item category. |
PO (checkbox) |
This is checked when Qty Ord is greater than Qty Ship. |
PO# |
The Purchase Order Number generated by the system. |
List Price |
The basic price of an item in your catalog. Also known as the Suggested Retail Price. |
Unit Price |
Disc % (Discount) |
The discount % applied to the item on a Sales Order transaction. |
Net Price |
The final Price offer of an item (after any markups or discounts). |
Tax (checkbox) |
This is checked when an item is taxable. |
Line Total |
The total Price computation (before taxes) of each Line item on the Sales Order. |
Date Shipped |
Group |
Transfer From WH |
Shipped From WH |
Comments |
(Optional) Any specific notes for a particular Sales Order line item. |
Status |
The Shipping - Sales Order Status (i.e. New, To Print & Pick, Picking, To Dispatch, In Route, etc. |
Vendor |
Neme of Supplier or Vendor. |
Serial # |
The unique code or part identifier of a specific item. |
Invoice CM # |
Gross Margin |
Unit Cost |
Bin |
This is an alpha-numeric field used by the Stock Picking Tickets to arrange the order that items are to be picked off the shelf by Picking Order, then Location, then Bin. |
Lot/Serial # |
- Tabs (section) - see below.
- Footer (section)
- New (button) - To create a new Sales Order record.
- Delete (button) - To delete that SO screen.
- Refresh (button)
- Create Invoice & Print (button)
- Create Invoice (button)
- Create PO(s) (button)
- Send Email (button)
- Print (button)
- Save (button) - To save the actions/changes made on that screen.
- Help (button) - Leads you to self-help articles about the Sales Order screen.
- Close (button) - To close that screen.
- Shortcut Key: Ctrl + F6, or
- On the Quick Start Menu, click the + icon and select Sales Order, or
- Click the New button on the lower left part of the Sales Order List screen, or
- Click the New button on the lower left part of any Sales Order screen, or
- On any Quotation screen, click Create Sales Order button to make a Sales Order record for that particular customer.
- Using Shortcut Key: F6, or
- On the Quick Start Menu, click the Search (magnifying glass) icon then select Sales Order, or
- (If already on the Sales Order List screen) use the Search feature (magnifying glass icon) to type the Sales Order number or any information/keywords to filter multi search, or
- On any Quotation or Invoice screens, click the magnifying glass icon beside the Sales Order # (upper right part of the screen). This will display the particular Sales Order record associated with that Quotation or Invoice.
- Shortcut Key: Shift+F6, or
- On the Quick Start Menu, click the List button and select Sales Orders, or
- On the Main Menu Bar, click Sales>Sales Orders.
- On the Sales Order List screen, check the box/es (first column on the left) to select one or more records then click Batch Actions button and select Delete Selected, or
- Click the first box (topmost, on the fields row) to either select all records on a page or all records on the entire list then proceed with deletion, or
- On the Sales Order screen, click Delete button (lower left part of the screen).
- Note: To preserve the integrity of the database, you cannot delete any Sales Order record that has been used on any of the screens such as Sales Order PO's, Quotes, Invoice etc.
- Make sure to input the Customer name first (Bill To and Ship To textboxes) to enable the adding of Line Item/s. Fill in other detailed information as indicated on the upper part of the screen.
- On the Add/Edit Line Item table section, click on the Item# drop down arrow icon to select the particular line item. Input the Quantity Order then click Commit Line Item. Click Save & Submit Order.
- Note: You cannot Add/Edit Line Item/s on Sales Order screen when Invoice has already been created for that particular Sales Order.
- Optional Preferences:
- You may choose to enable Auto-Fill Ship Qty With Order Qty. This automatically fills in Ship Qty when Order Qty is filled. This also enables creation of Invoice on the Sales Order screen.
- To do this, go to Settings>Sales>Sales Order Settings. Under the Sales Order Preferences section, check Auto-Fill Ship Qty With Order Qty.
- Other icon functions:
Audit Log (icon): Allows you to view details of any changes or updates made on the Sales Order Add/Edit Line Item section.-
Gear (icon): Check to enable display of the fields on Lines 1 and 2 on the Sales Order Add/Edit Line Item section. Double down arrow (icon): Toggle to see Line 2 column of Sales Order Add/Edit Line Item table.
- On the Sales Order screen (under the Add/Edit Line Item section), click the X icon (under the Actions column) on the row of the particular Line Item that you want to delete. Click Yes then Save.
- Note: You cannot delete Line Item/s on Sales Order screen when Invoice has already been created for that particular Sales Order.
- On the Main Menu bar, click on Reports > Sales Orders.
- Define your Report.
- 1place allows you to generate different types of Sales Order Reports according to your needs. Pick from the type of Sales Order Report (i.e. Sales Order By Customer, Sales Orders - Back Orders, Sales Orders - Totals Per Dasy, etc.) from the Reports section.
- Note: You can adjust the period covered by your report. On the Report Period filter section, select from the drop down filter lists or manually input the dates 'from' and 'to'.
- Click on Run Report.
- Note1: There is an option to further customize your Report by clicking the Gear (gray) icon to make the Report Lists Settings popup screen appear. Check or uncheck box(es) of the column(s) that you prefer to show/hide.
- Note2: At this point, you may choose to Print, Email or Download your Report copy.
- After doing the instructions above, click on the Customize (blue) button to further modify and save your newly created Report.
- On the Customize Report popup screen:
- (Optional) Select the Min Access Level from the drop down icon.
- (Required) Type in the Report Name (whatever you want to call your Report).
- (Optional) Type in any Report Description.
- (Optional) Check the box if you want to Make Report Private and/or Favorite. Check or uncheck box(es) of the column(s) that you prefer to show/hide.
- Click on Save.
- Note1: This Report will appear on the list of Custom Reports and on My Favorites if you checked the Favorite box.
- Note2: You can always edit or update any Custom Reports. Go to Reports > Custom Reports and click on the Pencil icon (under Actions column). Do the necessary changes and click on Update.
- Note3: Click on the X button to permanently delete any Custom Report from the list.
- Note: You have the option to Email, Print or Download a Report copy (see instructions below).
- On the Sales Order List screen:
- Select the record(s) by checking the box(es) .
- Click the
button to Print and to download (in Excel form). - There is also an option to Share
record(s) and this feature will be available in the future.
- For Sales Order Reports, go to Main Menu Bar > Reports > Sales Orders, create your Report (*see previous instructions) then click on the
button (upper right). - The Print Preview popup screen will appear.
button (upper right) to download the Report. Save in your PC. - EMAIL COPY: Click on
button (lower right) to send a copy of the Report through email. Create the body of the Email and input other necessary details on the left side of the Email popup screen. Click on button (lower right). - PRINT COPY: Click on
button (upper right) to print the Report. Adjust Print Settings then click on button (lower right).
Input any comments or notes related to the particular Sales Order transaction.
This tab shows any advance or deposit payments for the particular Sales Order.
- To Apply a Deposit/ Pre-Payment on a Sales Order:
- On the Sales Order screen, click on the Payment Info tab then click on the Receive/Edit Payment(s) button.
- The Payments popup screen will show.
- GL Account: If necessary, select a specific GL account. Otherwise, select 'Undeposited Funds' account (to make a deposit later on).
- Date Paid: If necessary, change the (default) date.
- Payment Method: Choose the type of payment.
- Check #: If necessary, enter a check or card number.
- Authorization #: Enter the credit card authorization number.
- Amount Tendered: Input the Deposit Amount.
- Click on Apply Payment.
- Note: You cannot add or edit any payments on the Sales Order that has already been invoiced.
Article coming soon.
Article coming soon.
An Invoice is made after the fulfillment of Customer's order. On the Sales Order screen, creating invoice is enabled once the Qty Ship (on the Add/Edit Line Item table) has been filled.
- On the Sales Order screen, click Create Invoice button (bottom part of the screen).
- Optional Preferences:
- You may choose to enable Auto-Print Invoice to make the Create Invoice & Print button visible (just beside the Create Invoice button). This will automatically direct you to the print options instantly after creating the invoice.
- To do this, go to Settings>Sales>Sales Order Settings. Under the Sales Order Preferences section, check Auto-Print Invoice.
When Qty Ship is less than Qty Ord, creating a Purchase Order is enabled as an option to accommodate the Sales Order.
- Do the following to create a Purchase Order that is initiated by a Sales Order or what we call the Sales Order Purchase Order.
- On the Sales Order screen, click Create PO(s) button.
- On the Sales Order Purchase Orders (to create) screen, click on the Vendor drop down list to select the vendor or supplier from which you intend to buy the particular item.
- On the Sales Order screen, input the item number with back order.
- Click on Create PO(s) button on the bottom part of the screen. This will direct you to the Sales Order Purchase Orders (to create) screen.
- The default will show the current Sales Order with the back ordered item. You can click on Show All to look all the other back orders.
- Check the Sales Order you want to create a PO.
- Select Vendor on the drop down.
- Click on the Proceed (Show Prebuild Summary) button. A Sales Order PO's - Prebuild Summary popup will be displayed.
- You can either add the back ordered item on an existing PO by selecting the PO number under the Existing PO drop down arrow or create a new PO by checking the Create PO box.
- Click on Create/Add to PO's button.
- Look in the Purchase Order List screen to find the newly created PO.
- Add a new Sales order (Ctrl + F6).
- On the Sales Order screen:
- Input Bill To, Ship To etc as you usually do when creating a Sales Order.
- Add the item by selecting the specific Item # from the drop down list.
- Check the DS (Drop Shipping) box. (Note: If you cannot find DS column, click on the Gear
icon (above right of the table) then check the box for DS field to make it appear on the table columns.) - Input Qty Ord and Qty BO. (Important Note: The Qty Ship must indicate '0' value because you will not be shipping from your warehouse but from your Vendor to your Customer).
- Click on Commit Line Item (red) button. (Notice that the PO box column is checked and the PO # column is still blank which means that the system is suggesting that you create a PO)
- Click on Save & Submit Order button.
- Note: At this point, the system will not allow (yet) the creation of Invoice because line items are not yet shipped. We then proceed to PO creation (instructions below).
Follow the steps below if you need to fulfill a Sales Order by shipping the items from a Vendor directly to your Customer.
- On the Sales Order screen of the Dropship Order:
- Click on Create PO(s) button. This will automatically open the Sales Order Purchase Orders (to create) screen.
- On the Sales Order Purchase Orders (to create) screen:
- Tick the circle icon for Customer (Drop Ship)
found above right of the screen. - Select your Vendor from the drop down list.
- Input Vendor Cost.
- Click on Proceed (Show Prebuild Summary) button.
- On the Sales Order PO's - Prebuild Summary popup screen:
- Click on Create/Add to PO's button.
- You have just created the Dropship Purchase Order.
- Confirm item availability of the item(s) with the Vendor by sending an email (to the Vendor) with PO attachment.
- To do this, (on the Purchase Order screen) click on
button to create an email and send the Purchase Order to the Vendor. - At this point, you may close the Purchase Order screen and just come back later when you receive your Vendor's confirmation.
- Once item availability is confirmed:
- Go back to the Purchase Order screen of that particular PO transaction.
- Click on the Rcvd checkbox (second column on Add/Edit Line Item section).
- An auto prompt will appear asking if you want to Auto Ship Sales Order Back Orders. Click Yes.
- Click on the related Sales Order of the Line Item (magnifying glass icon of the Sales Order # on the Add/Edit Line Item section).
- Note: At this point, you may proceed with Invoice creation:
- On the Sales Order screen:
- Click on Create Invoice button.
- Email the Invoice to ShipTo Customer.
- On the Invoice screen, click on
button to create an email and send the Sales Invoice to the ShipTo Customer.
- (NOTE: As of 1/31/23) Stock transfers created to ship a Sales Order that doesn't have enough stock in the local warehouse must be created using the Find Parts - Auto screen.
- Step 1: A Sales Order is created with special characteristics that help us track the shipment:
- SalesOrderLineItems (table)
- TransferFROM Warehouse (visible on line 2 of the Sales Order line items)
- ShippiedFROM Warehouse (visible on line 2 of the Sales Order line items)
- PickType (visible on the Warehouse > Shipping & Receiving screen)
- SOStatus (Sales Order LineItem STATUS) (only visible in the tables)
- TransferComplete (As of 2/1/23 coming soon: visible on line 2 of the Sales Order line items)
- StockTransfer
- TransferStatus (Hidden in tables)
- StockTransferStatuses
- NextStatus (Hidden in tables)
- Step 2:
- The item is displayed on the Ship/Rec screen of the TransferFROM Warehouse UNTIL the Sales Order Line Item Transferred checkbox = TRUE.