
1place vs OneSource - Why 1place is way better...

Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02966 Created: 2024-06-20 09:45 Last Updated: 2024-08-19 13:53 0 Rating/ Voters

1place vs OneSource - Why 1place is way better...

  • Newer, Better Technology.
    • It is WAY more convenient.  Login to 1place from any browser, from any locations. (No more REMOTE DESKTOP required).
    • It is WAY faster.  Depending on the screen or function, 1place is anywhere from TWICE as fast to TEN TIMES faster.
    • Its newer, nicer looking, and easier for new users to learn.
    • It auto resizes to fit the width of the screen. (OneSource being built on Microsoft Access is FIXED in size—It doesn’t auto resize to bigger or smaller screens).
    • You can also auto resize all fonts to be bigger or smaller--on the fly.
    • 1place allows you to easily hide fields/columns, move columns, resize columns, sort columns, etc.  
  • You are out of the hardware business.
    • It requires no server (at least not in house, and not managed by you).
    • No buying / upgrading / maintaining a server.
    • No worrying about viruses and data backups.
    • You CAN however pay extra to have your own 'dedicated' cloud server, if you want to have direct access to the database, and more control over database speed.  With this option, data resources (DTUs) can be manually or automatically scaled up or down to give you more power during business times of day.
  • Your data is safer.
    • Data is replicated every SECOND from a SQL Server database on the EAST side of the US to the WEST side of the US.
    • Hosted in a very reliable, very redundant MICROSOFT ‘data center’.
    • Your data is stored in a cutting edge Microsoft SQL Server in the Microsoft Azure Cloud.  (This database is 10x more stable than Microsoft Access).
    • Additional long term backups are made each night and stored on Microsoft Azure Cloud, Google Cloud, and Amazon AWS Cloud.
  • It is more stable:
    • MOST of the bugs we (and you) encounter are NOT OneSource bugs, but rather random MS Access bugs that come and go, depending on a long list of variables that are always changing.
    • 1place is created using HTML5, CSS3, C#, and JavaScript, which are all more modern and stable.
  • 10X better method of receiving (or unreceiving) version updates to fix bugs and roll out new improvements.
    • You can roll back to an earlier version in a matter of seconds.
    • You can much more easily test new versions, without losing access to the older version. 
  • More and better (real time) Integrations (for all types of companies), including:
    • QuickBooks Online (for better access to AP, Banking, Payroll, and Financial Reports).
    • eBiz Charge (for real time credit card processing and the ability to save credit cards in a PCI compliant data center)
    • Elite Extra (for easier dispatching, routing, and tracking of delivery routes and drivers)
    • eBay (with 1-click creation of eBay ads)
    • Shopify (with 1-click creation of items in Shopify sites)
    • Amazon (coming soon)
  • More and better (real time) Integrations (for Auto Parts companies), including:
    • CCC True
    • OPSTrax / TraxCollision
    • PartsTrader
    • APU Solutions
    • PartsLink data catalog inserts and updates
    • With others coming soon.
  • It has many more features as well.  (The older version is either very limited version of, or NO version of these features).
    • (Duplicate but worth putting on this list) Login from any browser.
    • Email Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, PO’s etc.
    • Customize screens and reports on the fly.
    • View (or download) any report in Excel or PDF.
    • Dashboards on the home screen.  (These are very basic now, but much better ones are coming).
    • Automated PO much faster, more customizable, easier to import and export Excel.
    • Automated stock transfers to analyze and move inventory from 1 warehouse to another.
    • Shipping/Receiving screen:
      • Print pick tickets from warehouse (rather than blindly from the sales desk). Some of our OneSource customers pay a person to double check every order to make sure all orders printed.
      • Track who is picking what, when they started, how long it took, and if they could not find any parts.
      • Send an email from the Shipping & Receiving screen with a single click to notify the front office what could not be located—which item, for which customer, which order.
      • Dispatching. (Old system has this but very, very limited).
      • Easier method to transferring parts to another warehouse.  
    • Elite Extra (Mapping/Routing) integration. 
    • Cash Management screens.
    • More multi warehouse reports.
    • Auto calculation of delivery costs.
    • Batch printing of Orders.
    • Better user controls (including manager over-ride with any random/changing password)
    • Import/Export wizard to allow self serve data management for all data types.
    • Easier / faster ability for our support team to view your screen (after accepted by you) with 1 click. 
    • Many, many additional small improvements.