
1place. The new & improved cloud version of OneSource.

Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02966 Created: 2024-06-20 09:45 Last Updated: 2025-02-19 06:02 0 Rating/ Voters

Announcing the Brand New Version of OneSource called 1place.

OneSource Software created and has been supporting OneSource since 2002.  In 2016 we began re-writing (from the ground up) a newer, HTML version of OneSource called 1place.  

1place is 100% cloud (browser) based and runs in a Microsoft Azure Data Center using Microsoft's flagship database called Azure / SQL Server.  

Overall, 1place is considerably faster, more stable, and more easily upgradable than OneSource.  If you are a OneSource customer, we would greatly appreciate the opportunity to give you a short demo of 1placeWe trust you will love it! 

What's the Difference Between OneSource and 1place? (newer)OneSource (older)
Developed By.OneSource Software SolutionsOneSource Software Solutions 
Year of First Release.20202002 
Requires Windows Server (including server maintenance). x
Runs on Microsoft Access.
Require Login Using Remote Desktop (from Windows Server). 
Requires You to Make Your Own Data Backups (or pay for someone else to). x
Significant chance of database corruption when 2 different users change data on the same screen at the same time. 
Includes all basic features of OneSource (Customers, Vendors, Items, Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices/Credit, PO's, Auto POs, Dispatching, etc).x
Quick Search screens can be accessed with keyboard Function keys, such as F3, F4, F5, etc.. xx
Can Login from any Browser. 
Looks and runs almost identical to OneSource (but on a newer, fresher looking, 'responsive' user interface). 
Most screens are 2-10x faster than OneSource. 
Backups created for you every night (on Microsoft Azure Cloud + Google Cloud + Amazon AWS Cloud).x 
Runs on SQL Server (faster and more stable). 
Runs in a secure Microsoft data center (on highly redundant hardware). 
Replicates (copies) your data to another redundant server (1000+ miles away) in Real Time.  
Auto Resizes All Fields to Fit (newer, larger) Screens. 
Able to Resize Columns on the fly. 
Able to Permanently Hide or Display Certain Columns and Fields (Depending on Preferences). 
Able to Change Font Sizes. 
Able to make all fields and fonts larger or smaller, on the fly, using mouse. x 
Email Quotes, Orders, Invoices, Credits, and POs with a few clicks. (very limited)
Customize screens and reports on the fly.(Easy) (possible, but complicated) 
View (or Download) any report in Excel or PDF.(Easy)(possible, for most, but complicated) 
Dashboard on Home screen.  
Automated PO's (Stock Management screen) faster / easier 
Automated Stock Transfer's (to replenish satellite warehouses)  
Warehouse Management screen (to track status of every Order)  
Multi-Warehouse Stock Transfer integrated with new Warehouse Mgmt screen(limited, and more time consuming) 
Option to automatically charge a Delivery Fee  
End of Day Cash Management screen  
Import / Export Wizard (if you authorize the user)  
Numerous Real-Time Integrations (for Auto Parts Supply companies, such as CCC, PartsTrader, OPSTrax, etc) x
Catalog Manager screen with Built in PartsLink Wizard (for Auto Parts Supply companies) x 
Receive Payments screen
Print & Email Statements (coming soon) 
AP system (requires QuickBooks Online integration)
Banking system(requires QuickBooks Online integration)x
Numerous Customer, Sales, Purchasing, Inventory, and AR Reports
GL & Financial Reports (requires QuickBooks Online integration)x
Integrate with QuickBooks Online (to perform Banking and AP, and print Financial statements). x 
Option to use Elite Extra to route and track drivers using GPS. 
Option to publish Parts on eBay with a few clicks (from the Item Detail screen).x 
Option to publish Parts on Shopify with a few clicks (from the Item Detail screen).x 
Option to store and authorize/run credit cards on file (in PCI compliant environment) x 
Option to integrate with ShipStation (or similar shipping software) (coming soon)  
Optional Warehouse Management (Scanning) System 
Optional Customer Portal (to login to check pricing, availability, place Orders, etc) 
Built in screen sharing (when you request support)x 
Easier Updates to newer versions. x 
Roll back to a previous version in minutes. x 
Numerous other enhancements. 
Each New User License Included$2,400 
Monthly Support / Updates (per user)$80 $40-$65 
Data Conversion Costs to Move all Data from OneSource to 1place$4,800 ($400 a month for 12 months) n/a
GoLive Training & Project Management Cost $4,800 ($400 a month for 12 months) n/a
Continuous Support AvailableIndefinitelyUntil End of 2026