
How to Use OneSource

111 How to link pictures to inventory items (and mass rename pictures)

How to link pictures to inventory items Create a folder to store your pictures in. As an example create a folder called Pictures in the data folder. C:\OneSource\Data\Pictures Open Company Setup and Preferences Select the Global Tab Select the Document Management…

112 How to make .bat (Batch File) that will backup OneSource AND append date and time to end of file.

Rem @echo off @For /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%A in ('Date /t') do @( Set DayW=%%A Set Day=%%B Set Month=%%C Set Year=%%D Set All=%%A-%%B-%%C%%D ) @For /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=:,. " %%A in ('echo %time%') do @( Set Hour=%%A Set Min=%%B Set Sec=%%C Set…

113 How to make a deposit/pre-payment on a sales order

Located at the bottom of the Sales Order form, is a small section for receiving deposits or pre-payments. Payments cannot be made to a Sales Order once an Invoice has been created. To make a deposit or pre-payment, follow these steps: Press the Payments button.…

114 How to make a deposit/pre-payment with a credit card on a Sales Order

There are two ways of making a credit card payment. The first option is to submit the transaction using the OneSource credit card add-on module. The second option is to enter the credit card information, and then perform the transaction manually. Using the…

115 How to Make a New PO and Import PO Items from Excel

Make a new PO (with 1 line items. Purchasing > Add New PO Enter the Supplier Name Enter the Bill To Company (which is you) Enter the Ship To Company / Location (which will be where you want the items shipped to) Enter other fields like the Date, etc ADD…

116 How to make Customer Notes pop up when creating a new Sales Order

Open the Company Setup and Preferences Click on the Sales/Invoicing (1) tab Enable the Auto Pop Up Customer General Notes Note : Once this is enabled, any Customer that has any notes entered in the Order Entry/Sales Notes notes field will pop-up after the…

117 How to Make The End of Year Balance Sheet Correct if I Want to Make a Single Journal Entry

Post all items for the year being balanced / closed. Make sure your AR Aging Summary – Historical report (which shows your true Accounts Receivable as of the end of the year – which you will need to enter when you run the ) matches with your Balance Sheet…

118 How to modify the initial PTypesWeSell_Template.xls file

In order to get your data uploaded properly into OneSource we need your help in determining which 'Types' of parts you sell (and do not sell). Please download a copy of the PTypesWeSell_Template.xls file (linked below), make any desired changes, and email…

119 How to perform online credit card authorizations in OneSource

Setting Up OneSource to Process Credit Cards You will need an account. You will need to enter certain Authorize.Net settings in OneSource. Note: If you do not have an account click here for more information. Using the Sales Order…

120 How to post payments on a Credit Memo

The payments section of the Credit Memo allows you to create payments to reimburse your customers for returned/damaged product. Before you begin entering payment information, make sure you have the correct AR (Accounts Receivable) selected on the credit memo.…