Which Company Setup & Preferences are unique to Quotations? (tab 2)


The following Company Setup & Preferences, located on the Sales/Invoicing (2) tab, are unique to the Quotations form.  


  1. Default Quote/Estimate Title: This option allows you to decide what the default title will be when you create a new Quotations, such as Quote, Estimate, Proposal, etc

  2. Auto-Fill Ship Qty With Qty Ordered Quote to Sales Order Conversation: This option automatically marks the Qty Ship to the Qty Ordered.

  3. Automatically Expire Quote in x Days : This option automatically inserts a Quotation expiration date a given number of days beyond the Date of the Quotation.  This date can be used to automatically purge a range of Quotes in a given date range.

  4. Quotation Footers:  This option allows you to place and footer on each Quotation created.


Topic ID: A1036