How to double check the accuracy of Supplier and Vendor records before going live with OneSource
Compare the number of Supplier and Vendor records in your old system to the number of records contained in OneSource
Look for obvious data entry errors:
Open up your list of Suppliers and Vendors in datasheet view. (If necessary, remove the form filter to display all records in the form or datasheet).
With all of your Supplier and Vendor records displayed in datasheet view, right-click on one of the records in the first column and select Sort Ascending (or Sort Descending) to view the values in the column in a particular order.
Scroll up and down to look for any obvious (or less obvious) problems with the way the data was entered or imported.
Repeat the process for each column.
Note: You may want to widen, narrow, auto-resize, or move any of the columns displayed in the datasheet to simplify the process of viewing the data in a way that is most helpful to what you are trying to accomplish
Look for incorrect or missing field values:
Supplier Address Fields: Look for missing or incorrect values in the fields that are automatically inserted on Purchase Orders, including the following fields: Organization Name, Primary Contact, Title, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State/Province, Zip, Region, Country, Main Phone, Fax, etc
Supplier vs Vendor setting: Look at the Supplier/Other column heading. All records with a "1" are classified as Suppliers in OneSource. All records with a "2" are classified as Vendors in OneSource. Make adjustments as necessary.
Default GL Accounts for Supplier Records: Make sure each Supplier record has the appropriate Default InventoryAccount and Default Discount Account. (NOTE: When viewing the records in Datasheet view, the name of the column that stores the Default Inventory Account may be entitled Default Expense Account if the cursor is on a Vendor type of record)
Default GL Accounts for Vendor Records: If the record is classified as a Vendor (rather a Supplier), make sure each Vendor record has the appropriate Default Expense Account and Default Discount Account. (NOTE: When viewing the records in Datasheet view, the name of the column that stores the Default Expense Account may be entitled Default Inventory Account if the cursor is on a Supplier type of record)
Payment Terms: Double check the Payment Terms values. This will help simplify the process of entering bills and calculating the due date of the bill and the discount amount. (Note: If the value entered in the Payment Terms field is not listed in the Terms of Payment listed in the Company Setup & Preference, the automated calculation of the due date and discount amount will not work when entering a new bill).
Shipped Via: Double check the Shipped Via value. This value is auto inserted on new Purchase Orders
Supplier Discount Fields: You may want to double check the values of the Min. Discount Amount field. This field displays the minimum order expected from the supplier to receive some type of discount on freight or some other type of preferred rate. The Discount Notes field is used to store more info about the details or terms of the discount.
Other Fields: There are various other fields that may or may not be important to your company that you may want to check for accuracy as well.
Create a few test Bills in OneSource using various Supplier and Vendor records
Create the Bills using real or test data
Look for the proper insertion of the:
Supplier Type
Supplier Name
Due Date (after entering the Invoice Date)
Correct Calculation of the Discount Taken (after entering the Invoice Amount and pressing the button to the right of the Invoice Amount field)
Delete the bills if necessary
Create a few test Purchase Orders in OneSource using various Supplier records:
Look for the proper insertion of the:
Supplier Name
Payment Terms
Ship Via
Bill To and Ship To address info (which are typically based on your Default PO Ship To Location and your Default PO Bill To Location)