
OneSource System Administration

41 Windows 2012 Server How To's

Common Tasks How To... Install Windows Server 2012 (see How to Install Windows Server 2012 section below) View the Desktop (when the TILES are visible): Press ESC. Search for a Program or App: Start > start typing the user friendly name (the search options…

42 Windows Server Support Site Links

Microsoft TechNet

43 Windows User Security How To's

How to add a userHow to change permissionsHow to change the folder ownershipHow to run a a batch file with Administrative Priviledges Right-click on the .Bat file and select Run As Administrator How to run MS Access as an Administrator Find MSAccess.exe and…

44 Working with MS Access system.mdw files

Notes: Access will not open if it cannot find the system.mdw file (which stores ms access user security). The system.mdw file is typically located here: C:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\Application Data\Microsoft\Access Wrkgadm.exe is used to direct which…