
OneSource System Administration

31 Misc PC How To's

How to download a video from YouTube Click on the video link. In the URL Address field replace the word youtube with voobys . For instance if the URL to the video is, then you would change the URL to

32 MS DOS Commands

MS DOS / Microsoft DOS and Windows Command Line A ansi.sys | append | arp | assign | assoc | at | atmadm | attrib B backup | batch | bcdedit | bootcfg | bootsect | break C cacls | call | cd | chcp | chdir | chkdsk | chkntfs | choice | cipher | clip | cls…

33 Networking, TCP/IP, Router, Firewall How To's

How to Test Network Connectivity (PING)(Ports) HOW TO PING: Open a Windows COMMAND PROMPT then type: Ping x.x.x.x (where x.x.x.x is the IP Address) or Ping (where is a URL like HOW TO CHECK IF A PORT IS OPEN:…

34 OneSource V4 (for Access) Conversion to V4 for SQL - Checklist

Windows Server setup ... ... ... SQL Server Setup Data Conversion All known tables and fields (from past conversions)... ... Sales Order LineItems!ItemPickedDateTime and ItemPickedBy must be brought over with table conversion (along with Picked Date/Time)…

35 Outlook How To's

Helpful Outlook Tips & Tricks (For Outlook 2013) Add a Send/Receive button to your HOME tab. Right-click on the ribbon and select Customize Ribbon. In the Main Tabs box (on the right) click Home (Mail), then right-click and select Add New Group Then click…

36 Remote Desktop Services ( RDP ) How To's ( Terminal Server )

Remote Desktop Administration and Management How to open the Remote Desktop Connection app (without using a desktop shortcut icon) Windows XP Start > Run > MSTSC.exe Or, Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > Remote Desktop Connection…

37 Server Options: Cloud Servers, Physical On-Premise Servers, OneSource Hosted Servers

OneSource (Version 4) requires the use of a Window Server 2008 or 2012 or 2016. This server can reside at your place of business, or you can 'rent' the use of a server in the cloud. This kba discusses various options that you may want to consider. Hosting…

38 Thunderbird How To's

Where the Thunderbird files stored and which files are which Windows Server 2003/Windows XP Where stored: User folder > ApplicationData (hidden folder) > Roaming > Thunderbird > Profiles > %UniqueProfileName.default% Windows 2008R2/Windows…

39 Troubleshooting Label Printers

Zebra Label Printers Zebra 2844 Zebra 105SL 203DPI Navigating the front panel: Press Setup/Exit 1--Darkness (15) 2--Print Speed (3 or 4 is best) 3--Tear Off 4--Print Mode (Tear Off) 5--Media Type (Continuous) 6--Sensor Type (Web) 7--Print Method (Direct-Thermal)…

40 What if OneSource will not open up using Access 2007 or Access 2010 (on the first try)?

Broken or Missing References? When OneSource (which is developed in Access 2003) is opened in Access 2007 or Access 2010, OneSource (Access) needs to change the Code Libraries (DLLs) to newer versions of the DLL's and/or link to versions of the files that…