OneSource V4 (for Access) Conversion to V4 for SQL - Checklist
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02813 Created: 2021-08-23 15:20 Last Updated: 2021-08-24 17:13 |
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- Windows Server setup
- SQL Server Setup
- Data Conversion
- All known tables and fields (from past conversions)...
- ...
- Sales Order LineItems!ItemPickedDateTime and ItemPickedBy must be brought over with table conversion (along with Picked Date/Time)
- If there is an osoo user in the sql logins list, ensure it still has access and permissions to the database after the final conversion
- OneSource (Final Steps)
- ...
- Move Custom Queries?
- Move Pictures?
- Developers Setup to Help Julian do osOO Setup
- Tell Julian we are getting ready to convert.
- Tell Julian if they are switching from the Non [Net Price] [Line Total] version to the version with those fields
- Copy over C:/Inetpub/wwwroot to the new server
- Copy osOnlineOrders.mdb (usually in C:\Onesource\data) to the new server
- osOnlineOrders (scan, B2B,CCC,PartsTrader,OPSTracks,APU etc) Setup
- Install IIS and convert services to applications on the server
- Update config files if the directories have changed
- Open port and point to 80 on the server
- On the Azure osOO server, change the B2B, PartsTrader, CCCRouter and Scan settings to point to new url/ip address
- Notify CCC, OPS or APU of new IP/URL as needed
- Setup osoo user for SQL Server with permissions to access the new osCompData (or whatever its named if not that)
- Add ODBC SQL Authentication connection to server using above osoo user
- Re-link/re-point to the newly made ODBC
- Test each individual service.
- ...
- osOnlineOrders Last Minute Steps/Changes to Settings
- Plan final cutover date with Julian....
- ...
- ...