
24.0731 (scheduled for initial testing on 07/31/2024)

Author: support 2 Reference Number: AA-02977 Created: 2024-08-06 09:48 Last Updated: 2025-03-05 07:17 0 Rating/ Voters

24.0731 (Bugs fixed and added features to this version prior to its release)

Fixed in Version #  Date  Task #   ========
(or Report Name)
Description Requested by
Links to Additional Info

Bugs   This is a link to the list of bugs that were fixed on the 24.0122 version and before 24.0731 was released. See BUGS FIXED
  31768NewFind Parts
  • Add a new option to calculate the Sales Taxes based on Bill To Address. (related to Task#31178)
    • On the 24.0919, FIND PARTS > When entering the Ship To address and changing the Bill to address, the Sales Tax at the botttom should be set based on the Bill To address.
24.0122at09/03/2431174Update Invoice List - Add a column for Contact field on the Invoice List screen. And the same column on the Show/Hide Setting and make them searchable and sortable.
- Invoice/Credit Memo's Module Security. When the EDIT option (for a user) is enabled, AND IF the Invoice has already been paid, Keep ALL fields locked EXCEPT for certain fields.
OrlandoSee 9/3/24 Task Email
24.0122at08/30/2431660New FeatureItem Details Item Pictures
- Single Image upload irrespective of the version
- Multi Image upload mapping with file name and Item Number
24.0122at08/30/24 31332New FeaturePayments Testing all Calculations and Issue fixing
- When deleting Credit memo payments in Invoice, credit memo amount will double up the amount
- Apply the payment based on the existing un-applied payments. 
24.0122at08/28/2431695 UpdateCCC CCC not importing List price on Quotes (and possibly Sales Orders?).ADS  
24.0122as 08/27/2431694UpdateCCC 1.(ADS) Add 0 as prefix for Numberofdelivery field in CCCADS 
24.0122ar08/26/2431609New FeatureFind Parts UPC code to be searchable in the F3 field.Quickfit 
24.0122ar08/24/2431332New FeaturePayments- Payment Term Missing on Open Invoices
- Testing all Calculations
- Credit Memo Check Calculations
24.0122ar 08/23/2431332New FeaturePayments - Redirect to receive payment screen when clicking on the receipt id from payment info tab
- DO NOT AUTO SELECT INVOICES after entering Amount Received From Customer value.
24.0122ar08/22/2431688Update API CCC File Export & API > ITEM Export for CCC
On the Sales > Integrations > Part Type / Code Mapping TAB, lets make these changes.
- Move the column called: Your Equivalent Part Type Quality Code (see Quality Indicator Field on Item Detail screen) to the far left.
- Rename the moved column to: 'If the 1place > Item Detail > Quality Indicator field is...'
- Rename the column called: API Supplier Part Type Quality Code    to   'Then Make the CCC PartType value...'
(add another column with title) 'And Make the CCC Industry Certification value...'  (FIELD NAME: APIIntegrationCodeMapping.SupplierIndustryCertificationCode
- Then on the Sales > Integrations > CCC  File Transfer (for Export File or FTP File or Email file) when making the file for Part.txt insert the PartType value into Column 5 and insert the Industry Certification value into Column 10.
- On the API for Item, add a new tag called: IndustryCertification and insert the mapped value for the industry certification.
24.0122ar 08/22/2431332 New FeaturePayments- Amount Set Zero when editing Existing Receive payment line item
- Payment terms not showing on Edit Screen.
- Apply the Credit memo amount if partially applied when manually editing the amount paid on invoices
- On the Rec Payments screen, when a value is selected, turn the entire row light green like on the Find Parts line items when they get selected.
- Redirect to receive payment screen when clicking on the receipt id from payment info tab
- DO NOT AUTO SELECT INVOICES after entering Amount Received From Customer value.
24.0122ap08/20/2431679UpdateCredit Memo Remove the popup 'This Invoice has NOT been paid. Are you sure you want to create a Credit Memo for an Unpaid Invoice?'. Quality 
24.0122ap08/19/2431332New Feature Payments - Change, when Apply SOME OR ALL of 1 Credit Memo to 1 Invoice, on the Invoice screen, CM screen, or Rec Payments screen--save the Invoice, CM #s in the payment detail.  User will be able to go to Invoice and see the CM # that applied $x to it. User will be able to go to CM and see the Invoice # that applied $x to it.
- When a Payment is made that combines 2 or more Credits to pay 1 or more Invoices then we will insert MULTIPLE as the Invoice # or CM# that appears on the Invoice Payments tab and the CM payments tab.  Then on the CM Payments > Invoice # column, turn the Invoice # value (such as the Invoice # 1001, or the word MULTIPLE into a link that will open up the Receive Payment screen
- RECEIPT if the value = MULTIPLE, or open up the Invoice screen to the Invoice it paid, if the value is NOT EQUAL to MULTIPLE.
On the Rec Payments screen, when a value is selected, turn the entire row light green like on the Find Parts line items when they get selected.
24.0122an08/15/2431655Update APIAPI-Count by Bin, Count by Item - Be able to scan an item by the item OEM #, or Other Number, or SKU #, or Alt1, or Alt2 and then have it map to the item # (if found), or give message at end of scanning process if not found. Fitz, Quickfit 
24.0122an08/15/24 31332New Feature PaymentsShow applied invoice number on  Credit Memo Payment info tab  
24.0122an08/14/2431656New FeatureItem ListMake a way for user to see the items in 1 or more bins, to count or verify.
- On Item List > Item Receipts screen by the Bin #. 
Fitz, Quickfit 
24.0122an08/13/2431626New FeatureSettingsUSER SETTING >DO NOT ALLOW TAB > User Cannot reprint Quotes
- User cannot reprint sales Orders
- User cannot reprint Invoices
- User cannot reprint Credit Memos
24.0122an 08/13/2431653Update API Alter FetchItem and Inventory Bin API to get a data based on OEM #,Other #,UPC Code,Alt #1,Alt #2 fields.    
24.0122an 08/13/24 31332 New Feature Payments- (BUG) Place a small right hand arrow button to the LEFT of the Discount Amount.  When clicked, auto calculated, and insert the DIFFERANCE between the Net Balance Due and then Amount Paid.  The purpose is to help the user calculate and enter the 'Difference' paid and applied to the Invoice vs the Amount Due. In this case, for example, if the Amount STILL due after entering the Amount Paid was $3.23 cents.  When the button is clicked it will insert $3.23 cents into the Discount Amount field and will change the Net Balance Due to $0.00.
- When user clicks CHECKBOX to apply a CREDIT, lets calculate the Amount to Apply (on the selected Credit) based on this logic:
   1. If the REMAINING CREDIT < or = the NET UNAPPLIED, lets set the Amount Applied (on the Credit) to be = REMAINING CREDIT.
   2. If the REMAINING CREDIT > the NET UNAPPLIED, lets set the Amount Applied (on the Credit) to be = NET UNAPPLIED. 
24.0122an08/12/2431636UpdateImport Wizard ITEM PRICE LEVEL >Import wizard:
- Import New Records >When importing records that matches with the record in 1place, there should be a data validation to show the item prices that are already exist to avoid any duplication of data.
- When updating records, it should only update those that matches the item number and the MatrixPriceCode and create a data validation for those that does not exist in yet in record.
24.0122an08/12/2431630NewAPI Item Count API:
- Alter Bin count API to get a data based on OEM #,Other #,UPC Code,Alt #1,Alt #2 fields.
24.0122an 08/09/2431332New FeaturePayments- Show receive payment on the invoice and Credit memo screen
- Add receipt number when creating receive payments from invoice screen
- Redirect to receive payment screen when clicking on the receipt id from payment info tab
- Place a small right hand arrow button to the LEFT of the Discount Amount.  When clicked, auto calculated, and insert the DIFFERANCE between the Net Balance Due and then Amount Paid.  The purpose is to help the user calculate and enter the 'Difference' paid and applied to the Invoice vs the Amount Due. In this case, for example, if the Amount STILL due after entering the Amount Paid was $3.23 cents.  When the button is clicked it will insert $3.23 cents into the Discount Amount field and will change the Net Balance Due to $0.00.
24.0122an08/09/2431642UpdateAPI Check Stocks API: Alter Check Stocks API to get a data based on OEM #,Other #,UPC Code,Alt #1,Alt #2 fields.Fitz 
24.0122am 08/02/24 31332 New Payments
  • Add 2 quick calculation buttons:
    • Place a small right hand arrow button to the RIGHT of the Payment Terms.  When clicked, regardless of # of days, if the Payment Terms 'could' have a discount, calculate it and insert the Discount Amount , %
    • Place a small right hand arrow button to the LEFT of the Discount Amount.  When clicked, auto calculated and insert the DIFFERANCE between the Net Balance Due and then Amount Paid.  The purpose is to help the user calculate and enter the 'Difference' paid and applied to the Invoice vs the Amount Due. In this case, for example, if the Amount STILL due after entering the Amount Paid was $3.23 cents.  When the button is clicked it will insert $3.23 cents into the Discount Amount field and will change the Net Balance Due to $0.00.
  • In company field, typed zTEst and then pressed TAB, then it sometimes hangs.  When repeating the process again and again it hangs each time.  But pressing ENTER does NOT seem to hang.
  • We have a few invoices that appear that show $0 due, for zTest (0602 McDonalds Anaheim).
  • There is still an issue where the user tries to CHANGE the Discount Amt or % and is being prevented from doing that.  We need to remove ALL controls and let the user make any changes to those 2 fields, before or after the eligible discount date.
24.0122am 08/01/24 31616 New  Integration  CCC
- Made changes on the ftp files.
24.0122am 08/01/24 31615 New Dispatch Screen  Show columns Elite Dispatch status and Elite manifested name Quality  
24.0122am 08/01/24 31208 New Sales Order  Allow to add and save Qty Rtn. Before adding Qty order & qt ship enter on line items.
24.0122am 08/01/24 31614 New Catalog Management ITEM LIST AND ITEM CATALOG:
- Download the following columns for item list: Item Number, year, make and model and description.
- Download all columns for item catalog.
24.0122am 08/01/24 31332 New Payments - DO NOT AUTO SELECT INVOICES after entering Amount Received From Customer value.
- When selecting a customer with an Invoice that is partially paid, AND has a discount payment term, AND is within the range to receive an early payment discount, then re-calculate the full % and discount and insert into the fields, even if there already is a partial payment applied.
- Be able to Select or Unselect the CHECKBOX using the SPACE BAR OR ENTER keys.
- After saving, when completely saved, clear screen, make a BEEP sound, and set focus on Company name, ready to enter the next Payment.
- There is still an issue where the user tries to CHANGE the Discount Amt or % and is being prevented from doing that.  We need to remove ALL controls and let the user make any changes to those 2 fields, before or after the eligible discount date.
- So we had a $200 Credit.  We applied $50 toward an Invoice to pay the Invoice in full.  Then the Credit Memo no longer showed the remaining $150 open. 

24.0122am 07/31/24 31456 New Integration  Change all CCC file name in Capital  ADS  
24.0122am 07/31/24 31612 New API Alter Bin count API to get a data based on OEM #,Other #,UPC Code,Alt #1,Alt #2 fields.    
24.0122am 07/31/24 31332 New Payments - When selecting a customer with an Invoice that is partially paid, AND has a discount payment term, AND is within the range to receive an early payment discount, then re-calculate the full % and discount and insert into the fields, even if there already is a partial payment applied.
- When click CHECKBOX to apply a CREDIT, lets calculate the Amount to Apply (on the selected Credit) based on this logic:
  • If the REMAINING CREDIT < or = the NET UNAPPLIED, lets set the Amount Applied (on the Credit) to be = REMAINING CREDIT.
  •  If the REMAINING CREDIT > the NET UNAPPLIED, lets set the Amount Applied (on the Credit) to be = NET UNAPPLIED. 
- In company field, typed zTEst and then pressed tab.  It then gets hung.
  • After saving, when completely saved, clear screen, make a BEEP sound, and set focus on Company name, ready to enter the next Payment.
24.0122ak 07/29/24 31606 New  CCC Integration  Change CCC true FTP File name to capital letters.  ADS  
24.0122ai 07/15/24  31332 New Payments List the Un applied Payment amount on the Credit Memo table, so that user can apply the over paid amount to the open invoices    
24.0122ah  07/11/24 31151 New Settings SUBSCRIPTION INFO prices.
- Please change the Pro from $70 to $65 and the Enterprise from $90 to $80 and all related calculations.
24.0122ah 07/11/24 31564 New Server  0001 Server Auto Scale Up / Down    
24.0122ag 07/04/24 31556 Update  Purchase Order  Purchase Order screen and print out
- On the screen and print out, column indentation:  'Qty Ord', 'Qty Recd' and 'Sales Order#'  should be right indented.
- Print out:
  - Columns 'Qty Ord', 'Qty Rec'Shipped', and 'Line Total' should have a comma separator every 3rd digit from the right and right indented
  - Should be left indented: 'Vendor #' column
24.0122ag 07/04/24 31555 Update Invoice Invoice screen and print out
- On the screen and print out, column indentations:  'Qty Ord', 'Qty Ship', 'Qty BO', 'Prev Shp', and 'Qty Rtn'  should be right indented.
- Print out: Columns 'Qty Ord', 'Qty Ship', 'Qty BO', 'Qty Prev Shipped', and 'Line Total' should have a comma separator every 3rd digit from the right.
- Print out, payment section:
- Columns should be right indented: 'Ck/Card #', 'Amt Paid', and  'Amt Applied'.
- Should be left indented: 'How Paid' column
- Columns should have a comma separator every 3rd digit from the right: 'Amt Paid' and 'Amt Applied'
24.0122ag  07/04/24 31554 Update Sales Order Sales Order screen and print out
- On the screen and print out, column indentation:  'Qty Ord', 'Qty Ship', 'Qty BO', and 'Prev Shp'  should be right indented.
- Print out: Columns 'Qty Ord', 'Qty Ship', 'Qty BO', 'Qty Prev Shipped', and 'Line Total' should have a comma separator every 3rd digit from the right.
24.0122ag 06/17/24 29951 New Feature Purchase Order  NEED A WAY TO DELETE UNRECEIVED INDIVIDUAL PO LINES. 
- Check the AP Bill status when edit Qty Received value
- PO--> when user receive the item manually during that time received checkbox are not enabled automatically. as well sales order auto ship popup is not shown.
24.0122ac 05/29/24 31410 New Feature Customer Portal - Add a SORT ORDER field and icon for the Item Detail > Pictures tab (in the Item Images table).
- Display the picture for the item, using the URL for the picture of the item (with the lowest sort order), usually the one with a 0.
- MOVE the HORIZONTAL search fields from the top of the screen to the left side of the screen and make the search fields section movable by the use in case the area is too wide or not wide enough.
24.0122aa 05/22/24 31439 New Feature Replenish Stock - REP STOCK (for MIN/MAX SOBO Calculations). Programming Code for Min/Max Calculation Method
- NEW ON 5/21/24: When we calculate the QBO we do NOT use the Item.QtyOnBO field.  To Make it more accurate we recalc the # on BO on Sales Orders where there is NO Invoice.
24.0122y 05/14/24 30893
Cash Management  - Will you please update the CASH MANAGEMENT screen ‘data’ to hide all unreconciled payments from 1/17/24 and back? 
- I am meeting with him on Friday at 11am MST. Can you join us to help us test/use it/train us.
- Will you please DELETE the Default BIN LOCATION for ALL ITEMS in the ITEMS.
- On the Cash Management screen, when the screen is first opened, please check to see what the OLDEST records are.  Then pop this message to the use:  ‘You have [x[ days of Cash Receipts to reconcile.  Please type in the field below the # of days to KEEP to be reconciled.  The rest will be removed from the reconciliation screen.’
(Where X is the # of days of the oldest unreconciled payment from today). (When it hasn’t been in use for weeks or months it usually freezes.
- Please give Quality the very latest version on their server in preparation to run the Batch Printing test with Ray on Thurs 1/18 in afternoon, and Cash Management changes you make on 1/18 for meeting with Tom on 1/19. 
24.0122w  05/10/24 31384 New Feature Reports  INVOICE/CREDIT REPORT >Report Criteria
- Add on the Group By: Entered By and Created By.
24.0122u 05/08/24  31375  New Feature
Purchase Order
Total Cubic Square Feet / Volume:
- Should calculate the Qty x Volume for each part and show the total.
- DO NOT SHOW the Value of the Total Volume (by default),
- then (2) add a small white button to the right of the field called Calculate. Then when pressed it could do the work to calculate it on the fly.
24.0122u  05/08/24  31393 New Feature Item Detail Add QPC SortOrder column on item list import.    
24.0122t 04/25/24  31043  New Feature Sales Order Bill to and Ship to search field
- Typing Core & Main maximize the search drop-down from A to Z. (all the list that begins with Core & Main)
24.0122r  04/22/24 31294  New Feature Invoice Payment > When changing the payment date to an older date, remove the popup that restricts the user to change the date.    
24.0122r 04/18/24 30867  New Feature Reports Invoice/Credits by Payment Details. The Group by on the report criteria is locked.  Lets REMOVE the GROUP BY criteria and just make it group by default on the report by Payment Type (Please remove the Date group by that is currently there). The goal of the report is to be able to run it for a date range of 1 day, or a few days, and to have it show each payment, by payment type, such as Cash, Check, Credit Card, etc with the detail of each receipt of that type below the grouping header, and the TOTAL of all payments for that payment type being in the header for the Payment type, over to the far right side. so it is easy to see the total and easy to see the smaller details of each payment of that type below it.  Make sure it sorts by date in ascending order, then by Customer Name ascending. Alliance  
24.0122q 04/16/24 31323 New Feature  AP Bill   AP Bill Vendor Invoice number validation with 21 Characters  IPC  
24.0122p  04/12/24 31255 New Feature Shipping and Receiving  Make a few changes to streamline how it works.
When the user is on the Ship/Rec > To Dispatch screen and clicks a DRIVER name, if the Sales > Integrations > Elite Extra IS NOT enabled, then do NOT do run any other code, except to COPY the driver name over to the field, like it does now. 
- M
ake sure the Drivers and Shipped Via buttons are displayed in Alphabetical Order.
In the top right corner there is a SEARCH field called Find Order.  When the user types in an order # and then presses enter (or scans an Order barcode and the scanner makes a carriage return / Enter) have it run the code to find/select the order, and then set the focus BACK on the same search field and HIGHLIGHT the Order # entered BEFORE.
On the In Route screen make it sort, by default, the the Sales Order #. Make these columns sortable in ascending order (if clicked once time) and descending order if clicked again: Sales Order #, Dispatch #, Date, Delivery Date, Customer Name, Shipped Via.
- On the Sales > Integrations, add a new integration on the list (at the top of the list) called '1place Warehouse Management (Scanning)'.  Then add a single checkbox option that looks like this: [   ] Enable 1place integration with 1place Warehouse Management (WMS)'
- On the Ship/Rec > To Dispatch, change the Dispatch Selected button to a BUTTON (not a drop down list) that has options to select from in a short drop down list with these values: 'Dispatch Selected' and '1 Click Print'
Then have it remember which option was last selected so the next time the screen is opened it will auto select it.
24.0122p 04/12/24 30117 New Feature Credit Memo Make a way to give money back (cash, check, or credit memo).    
24.0122n 04/09/24 31297 New Feature Sales Order To extend the 'Unit Price' and 'Net Price' to 6 decimals. Reliable  
24.0122n 04/05/24  31292 New Credit Memo Customer wants to return an item for LESS than the amount paid on invoice, then we will allow the creation of the CM to proceed.    
24.0122k 03/20/24 31230 New Feature QBO Sync When we are syncing Invoices into QBO that have items NOT in QBO and NOT allowed to be added to QBO for whatever reason, Add new Item called ‘default’ item to automatically create an Use that item for QBO Transactions. IPC  
24.0122j 03/16/24  31086 New Feature QBO Sync  New Syncing buttons on PO and Payments forms. 
On the Last Synced field for the PO AP Bill, Invoice, Invoice Payments, SO payment, Customer, Vendor, Item put a Sync/Resync 'link' on the far right side of the field that when pressed will sync/resync.  Then if there is a problem re-syncing because the QBO record is no longer there, then we can just clear out the QBO ID and start over and sync it again like it was being synced for the very first time.
- Note: If the SAVE button is RED or any other flag is in place to normally run the sync process, lets avoid syncing it again. - Invoice and Credit Memo (done)
24.0122i 03/12/24 31059 New Feature QBO Sync Comparison  Make QBO Syncing Errors Log. IPC   
24.0122i 03/07/24 31059 New Feature QBO Sync  QBO SYNC COMPARISON & LOGGING TOOLS. IMPROVE QBO SYNC COMPARISON screen.
- Add Go-Live Date and functionalities
- Combine the Sync Center, Sync Comparison, and Syncing Errors Log onto ONE tab with 3 sub tabs.
24.0122e 02/29/24 31130 New Feature  Purchase Order - PRINTED PO Report on PO screen. Please REMOVE the SO# option from the optional settings for the HEADER.  Then please ADD another line item option called SO#, TO THE LEFT of the QTY Ordered on the PO. Fitz  
24.0122d 03/01/24 31059 New Feature QBO Sync Comparison - Lets add a SELECT column on the far left side.  (Start with the Invoices/CMs and Invoice Payments lists).  Then add a Batch Actions buttons (like on Customers list) with option called: Re-Sync Selected.  (Also if any are selected that do NOT have the SYNC checkbox selected already, please update those first to True and then loop (with progress bar) and sync all selected.         
- Error Log Writing
24.0122c 02/16/24 31065 New
Sales Order Sales Order Print Documents
- Add the other print documents to the new server. Like Packing Slip (by Bin) and (by Item) to fix the issue on the duplicate line items.
24.0122c  02/14/24 31020 New Feature QBO Sync We need a way to Programically MASS DELETE ALL Invoices in IPCs QBO FROM 12/31/23 and BACKARDS (*** WE MUST NOT DELETE ANY Invoices or Credits dated 1/1/24 or newer). IPC  
24.0122c 02/13/24 31045  Update Credit Memo Print out template (Credit Memo and Credit Memo 2): List Price, Net Price, Line Total, Amount (payment details) should have a $ sign and a comma in every after 3 number. Reliable  
24.0122c                 01/22/2430766 New Feature           Shipping and Receiving          SHIP/REC screen. ALL screens need a SHOW ALL option at bottom right corner.  The Next and Record Totals on bottom right need to be visible when the screen view is 100% or more (right now we have to scroll a lot) WHEN THE PAGE IS STILL PAGINATED. When the Show ALL is clicked it needs to retain the  SORT ORDER already applied by the user. Also When SHOW ALL is set and then user clicks a column to sort differently, it needs to NOT LOSE the Show All view
24.0122 01/22/24 30621New Feature Month EndThis screen will simplify the processes to: (1) Compare the SALES, AR, COGS and INVENTORY values in 1place and QuickBooks, month by month, (2) Create a journal entry to square QuickBooks with 1place, if differences in COGS exist, and (3) Allow Accounting and Admin users to Close (lock changes to) periods in 1place to prevent further changes to any related transactions related to Sales, AR, COGS, and Inventory values.ImpactSee kba: 02947
24.0122 01/19/2430903 New FeatureShipping and Receiving Quality To dispatch driver name has value from Elite even if the Elite SO Status is on held.Quality 
24.0122 01/18/2430852New FeatureCredit MemoThe details in the payment info tab should be printable. Reliable wants to print the information, where most of his advance payments are done via CM.Reliable 
24.012201/16/24 30808New FeatureReportsMake a new Exception Report called: Exception Report - Sales Order Item Price Changes. Quality                                            
24.012201/10/2430784New FeatureCatalog Manager - Make option to change the way the ITEM DESCRIPTION is created on Catalog Manager (to allow for Part #, Cat, Sub, Y, Y, M)
- Make a way to add exclusions based on the YEAR of the vehicle.  By Make, Make/Model, Make/Model/YearRange
- Make a way to add exclusions based on the YEAR of the vehicle.  By Make, Make/Model, Make/Model/YearRange
- DEFINE how the Item Description will be created
- UPDATE all (PartsLink type) Items with No PType (where the Item # format = XX#######)
24.012201/09/2430650 New FeatureInvoiceOn the Invoice screen, on the Printable invoice called Invoice 2, please make these changes to make the Invoice more condensed, so it can print multiple line items without having to print another pageQuality 
24.012201/05/2430802NewPicking TicketAdd customer name to the Pick Ticket (ask Steve for the layout) Alliance 
24.012201/05/2430750New Feature1PlaceWe need to quickly design a way to allow customers to login to a version of 1place on Server X, without having to have a DNS Name, such as  Rather something like:  
24.012201/02/2430401NewShipping and RecevingDesign new Batch Dispatching & Invoice Printing for Elite Extra Orders on the Ship/Rec. To Dispatch screenElite 
24.012212/29/2330785NewCustomerupdate the tax rate for these customers on ORLANDO BODY PARTS account.OBP 
24.012212/29/23 30778New FeatureFind PartsShip to & bill to address dropdown. make that header background on blue color. It should disable to the user while selecting from dropdown. it shows undefined error.ALL                                                                                                                                          

24.0731 Version Releases History

Version #Date Released

24.0731 (Known Issues Fixed in this Version)

Fixed in Version # Date Task #  ========
(or Report Name)
DescriptionRequested by
Links to Additional Info
 08/21/2431677 BugCredit Memo When applying a CM partially on an invoice, the Total Unapplied/Applied amount is calculated incorrectly.Quality 
 08/20/2431680Bug Credit MemoWhen user returns a part and typed in NO on the popup to ask to put back the item into stock, it still adds it in the recordQuality