
25.0212 (scheduled for initial testing on 02/12/2025)

Author: support 2 Reference Number: AA-02993 Created: 2025-02-24 13:27 Last Updated: 2025-03-07 12:31 0 Rating/ Voters

25.0212 (released 02/12/2025)

Date  Task #   ========
(or Report Name)
Description Requested by
Links to Additional Info
02/21/25 32192 Bug  Purchase Order PURCHASE ORDER: When user click Recalculate button weight is not calculated.    
02/21/25 30808 Bug Reports  Exception Report - Sales Order Item Price Changes: Shows error while running. Quality 
02/21/25  32197 New Printing Add the time when a document was printed on All Document Print outs. APS  
02/20/25 32193 Bug Shipping and Receiving Not showing the correct values based on the status.
02/20/25 32191 Bug Purchase Order List PO List - When sorting the column for the Vendor Number an undefined error pops up.
PO List - Vendor Number Column should be named as Vendor Name. Vendor number is different.
02/19/25 32062 New Sales Order When the Qty Shipped is changed, check to see if the Lot Tracking true/false option on item is checked. If so, then POPUP a screen showing the Receipts in stock and allow the user to select WHICH receipt will be taken out of stock, rather than just taking First In First Out.    
2/18/25 32227   Reports When reports module is clicked , the sales order module is duplicated in the list. Similar issue occured in other companies in other modules.    
2/18/25 31873 Bug  Credit Memo  Credit Memo > Payment Info > Give Cash Back or Apply Credit:
--Even when the date chosen is greater than the Invoice date, it still gives the date validation error. Example: The Invoice was created on 10/14/2024. Date on the payment date is 10/15/2024.
--If the payment date was changed to 10/16/2024, the date on the "Date Paid" field still shows as 10/15/2024.
--"Last Synced" field is not showing properly on the Payments Screen
--"Give Refund" button is still working even without choosing any Payment Type of Refund. Also, I can still process a refund even after giving a full refund to the order.
--Action(x) is not functioning
2/18/25  32224 Bug Import Wizard  Customer List > Update Wizard > The file was imported successfully,
but some data (City) were not updated based on the file.
Express NH   
2/18/25 32194 Bug Settings User Settings >Edit User >Module Security:
Look for Invoices and uncheck the Edit box. >It restricts the user to access the Invoice screen. This should only restrict user to edit any info on the invoice and still show the invoice form. (Same applied to all Edit checkbox settings)
02/17/25 32218 Update Invoice Detail Receive/Edit Payments > Add new Card

Instead of a pop up message, the system should highlight the missing field so the user will know they forgot one of the details and they can properly store and save the credit card on file.
02/17/25 32217 Update Customer Detail CREDIT CARD TAB
When you add a new credit card and click the SAVE and SYNC button, it makes a copy of the other cards on file. Which shouldn't be happening.

Also, remove the space on "Master Card" should be "Mastercard". Automatically add a / symbol when a user types the expiration date on the field.

Also, do not allow the user to save the credit card if it is missing any details, I tried adding a card with just 6 digits and it was still saved instead of prompting the user to enter the whole credit card number. (most credit cards has 15-19 digits number)
02/17/25 32216 Bug Customer Detail CREDIT CARD TAB and Invoice Screen > PAYMENT SCREEN
When I use an existing card added thru the credit card tab on the customer detail screen to pay for an invoice, it does not work and error says invalid card number.

Tried adding the same card thru the ADD NEW CARD button on edit/receive payment screen and it worked fine.
--Allow user to Group by = None
--Sort by Invoice Number
--After report is generated, when user clicks the Invoice Number header, it does not sort the records. Pls fix
--Please put in newest branch version 25.0212
02/17/25 32150 Update Reports  Invoice/CM
--Group by = None
--Cannot Download to Excel File
--Cannot Print when clicking the Print button
--Must correctly show all the fields/columns from the report
--Must be sorted according to the sort option selected before generating the report.
--When user downloads to PDF, the sorting is default to Customer name. Please sort according to the sort option selected before generating the report.
02/17/25 32220 Bug Import Wizard  Encountered errors uploading files for Item stocks, item vendors and catalog. Proparts   
02/17/25 32192 Bug Purchase Order  The Recalculate button is not saving the values on the PO even when clicking save. Once the page is refreshed, the values are removed.
When the CuSqFeet is selected to show on Line 2, it does not show the correct CuSqFeet based on the Vendor Item #. It only shows 0.
If a PO has a lot of line items, the page loads, and will not work properly even when opening a new tab.
02/17/25 32188 Update Item Catalog  1d. DEFINE how the Item Description will be created. - When choosing option 1: Make Model Year Range - Partslink Description (Name) (Partslink Variables), it still shows the description based on option 2 format.
AC1000101 - Front bumper cover (LS; prime) 1993-1994 ACURA VIGOR
Some Partslink Items are showing the wrong year range. Instead of 12-17, it shows as 12-14.
02/17/25 32179 Bug  Customer List Exported file for customers (Express), the discount percentage shows more than 2 decimals Express NH   
02/14/25 32102 Update Printing Printing Options: Need to disable Printing Option settings to all transaction forms.    
02/14/25  32202  Update Customer Portal Customer Portal users should not be able to edit the Transaction info on Quotation Example: Date, Entered By, Payment Terms, Sales Rep, Order Source, Shipped Via and Job ID. Except for Customer PO #, Contact and Email fields.

On the Line items table, these fields should also not be editable by users:
Expiration Date
02/14/25 32175 Bug  Reports  Invoices/Credits The following Reports have issues where once you download the file either to PDF/Excel, the webpage would either freeze or send you to a different web page where it will have a webpage error message: INVOICES / CREDITS BY CUSTOMER AND ITEM VENDOR (Excel) INVOICES / CREDITS BY MONTH (TOTALS) (Excel) INVOICES / CREDITS BY TYPE (Excel) SALES HISTORY - 2 YEAR COMPARISON BY ITEM (ALPHA) (Excel) SALES HISTORY - 2 YEAR COMPARISON BY ITEM (BEST TO WORST) (PDF)    
02/13/25 32201 Bug Customer Portal Customer Portal > Find Parts: After adding an item you want to add to your shopping cart using the right arrow button, and then when the user reduce the quantity to buy using the left arrow button to Zero, the shopping cart keeps the item with quantity of 1, even though it should be removed already since the Qty to buy is 0 already.    
02/13/25 32122 Bug Credit Memo  ADDITIONAL COST FOR RETURNED PARTS FROM CREDIT MEMOS >When returning parts from the Credit memo to stocks, the additional costs for the returned part gets wiped out/zeroes out.
REPORTS >INVOICE/CREDITS REPORT >When running the report with a CM with unreturned parts, it shows the amount for the additional cost and when the item is returned to stock, the additional cost gets wiped out.
Need to double check and update the Returned CM that have additional cost wiped out from Jan 1, 2025 till present date to correct the error.
02/13/25 32204 Bug Shipping and Receiving PENDING/ FUTURE DELIVERY:
The Future delivery screen should have the features we used to have for Quality. We need to restore it back.
02/13/25 32206 Bug Sales Order PO  SOPO>PO:
When creating PO from the SOPO screen, it only opens a blank tab.
When opening POs, it directs to blank tabs.
02/12/25 32226 Bug Receive Payments Worked in the issue where the Customers are not shown when the open invoices customer is selected.    
02/12/25 32225 Update Settings In Sales > General Sales Settings > Payment Terms table -only the Payment Term Name, # of Days, # Days for Discount, Discount percent is shown and updated.    
02/12/25 32196 Bug Manifest Showing duplicate orders on the list.    
02/12/25 32187 Update Receive Payments --Change the title Payment Reference # to CK#/CC#
--Add a new field below called Authorization # this is the same Authorization # field in the Payments Info tab on the Invoice/CM detail screen.

25.0212 Version Releases History

Version # Date Released
25.0212.01 02/19/2025

25.0212 (Known Issues Fixed in this Version)

Fixed in Version #  Date  Task #   ========
(or Report Name)
Description Requested by
Links to Additional Info
25.0212.02 31377UpdateShipping and Receiving DISPATCH SCREEN > MANIFEST
>Remove extra spaces in the box, or make the customer column wider so we can maximize the space, and or make the font smaller?
>Add a new column in between the Your Order # and Amount Previously Received called Total # of Pieces.(The Total # of Pieces will be the total Qty Shipped per order, only the ready to be shipped)
>At the bottom table, add Total # of Pieces after the Total No. of Orders and move the other 2 tables to the right. (The Total # of Pieces will be the total Qty Shipped for the entire manifest, only the ready to be shipped)
>Change the name Total No. of Orders to Total # Orders.
 25.0212.0302/27/25 32223BugReportsINVOICES/CREDITS BY SALES REP (TOTALS) >REPORT CRITERIA: SALES REP FILTER >When selecting names aside from Luis and Ana, the other sales reps are not auto populating the report.Orlando  
25.0212.0302/27/2532192Bug Purchase OrderThe Recalculate button is grayed out for some POs.Quickfit  
25.0212.0302/27/2532253BugAll TransactionsSales Tax Code - The sales tax code for the city of MARRERO is not calculating the correct tax.Quickfit 
25.0212.02 02/26/25 32062 New Sales Order * Lets add a button called: Ship from Different Lot or Bin to the popup form to re-display the change options.
* Make the Bin and Lot columns inherit the Label settings for those columns, like on the Item Detail screen.
* The Qty will have a - button on the left of the QTY and a + button on the right of the Qty to allow the user to quickly change the Qty UP or DOWN.
* Don't allow the user to ship more or less than what is in the Qty Shipped field. Display a standard, editable popup if they try to.
25.0212.02 02/26/25 32249 BugCredit Memo Payment Info > Give Cash Back or Apply Credit:
--When giving a refund, it creates a duplicate transaction.
--If the duplicate is deleted, the refund info will not show in the Payment Info Tab even when the page is refreshed.
25.0212.02 02/26/25 32187 New Receive Payments  --Change the title Payment Reference # to Check /CC#
--Add a new field below called Authorization # this is the same Authorization # field in the Payments Info tab on the Invoice/CM detail screen
--handled the tab function in the inputs.
25.0212.02 02/21/25 32192 Bug  Purchase Order PURCHASE ORDER: When user click Recalculate button weight is not calculated.    
25.0212.02 02/21/25 30808 Bug Reports  Exception Report - Sales Order Item Price Changes: Shows error while running. Quality 
25.0212.02 02/21/25  32197 New Printing Add the time when a document was printed on All Document Print outs. APS  
25.0212.01 02/20/25 32193 Bug Shipping and Receiving Not showing the correct values based on the status.
25.0212.01 02/20/25 32191 Bug Purchase Order List PO List - When sorting the column for the Vendor Number an undefined error pops up.
PO List - Vendor Number Column should be named as Vendor Name. Vendor number is different.