How To Hand Enter Open AR (Accounts Receivable) Invoice Totals
Author: Reference Number: AA-01466 Created: 2011-03-28 12:33 Last Updated: 2016-09-06 04:52 |
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- Create a special new inventory item to use for all balance forward invoices:
- Click Inventory > Add New Product or Service Item) and then type the following values in the following fields:
- Item Number: BF
- Item Description: Invoice Balance Forward
- Class: Non-Stock
- Our List/Retail Price: $0.00
- Taxable = No
- Sales Account: Select your Accounts Receive (Asset) account from your list of GL Account (rather than your typical Sales Account).
- Sales Discount Account: Again select your Accounts Receivable (Asset) account.
Note: When each of the balance forward Invoices are posted to the GL this will cause both the Debt and Credit to be the same GL Acocunt, which will make the AR ash out to $0 (since the total AR has been, or will be, entered as part of your beginning balance journal entry).
- Change a few settings in the Company Setup & Preferences to speed up the entry of the Invoices.
- Click Tools > Company Setup & Preferences
- Click (5) Sales (on the left) and then un-check the option 3.7 (to turn off the Display warning if cost exceeds Sales Price)
- Un-check the option 71.0 as well (to NOT warn if user tries to create an invoice without first create a Sales Order).
- On the left side click (13) Record Numbering and then under the Sales/Invoice Numbering section click None (to allow you to enter your own Invoice #).
Note: You will need to make arrangements to do this when no sales reps are creating Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, etc - Now close the Company Setup & Preferences screen.
- Next, print out a report of each unpaid invoice from your old system.
Entering the your Open Invoices
- Next, create an Invoice (with only 1 single line) for each open/unpaid Invoice following these steps:
- Click Sales > Add New Invoice (or Shift+F7)
- When prompted type in the Invoice # and then press Enter.
- Select the Customer Name
- Leave 1 as the Qty Ord and enter 1 in the Qty Sh field
- Type BF in the Item Number field
- Enter the Total unpaid amount of the invoice in the Price field and then press Enter.
- After the curser is on the next line item click the New button (or press Ctrl+N).
- Repeat this process again and again until the entire list of unpaid Invoices have been entered.
Double Checking Your Totals and Resetting Your Company Setup & Preferences
- Now double check the your total Accounts Receivable total:
- Click Reports > System Reports.
- Select A/R from the Report Category.
- Click on the report “AR Statement Summary (Historical)”
- Set the Date Range on the right hand side to all with the ending date as your cutoff date from your old system and print the report. The total should match the total of your outstanding invoices. Note: After you have entered your Beginning Balance Journal Entry (to enter your full Balance Sheet from your old system into OneSource, the Accounts Receivable figure on the OneSource Balance Sheet should equal this same number as well).
- Finally, reset the Company Setup & Preferences back to what they were following these steps:
- Click Tools > Company Setup & Preferences
- Click (5) Sales (on the left) and then re-check the option 3.7 (to turn ON the Display warning if cost exceeds Sales Price)
- Re-check the option 71.0 as well (to once again warn if user tries to create an invoice without first create a Sales Order).
- On the left side click (13) Record Numbering and then under the Sales/Invoice Numbering section click Sequential (to automatically create invoice numbers for you from now on).
- Close the Company Setup & Preferences screen