* Quick Start Guide for Accounts Receivable ( AR ) Personnel
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02475 Created: 2017-01-07 17:42 Last Updated: 2022-05-04 12:45 |
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High Level Basics
- Logging into OneSource:
- Double click the Green OneSource icon on your PC. Then enter your user name and password.
- Getting HELP with OneSource:
- Visit www.onesourcesoftware.com/help
- Or click the Help button on almost every screen in OneSource.
- How to find features using the OneSource MENU BAR (at the top of the screen):
- The File menu has options to login to OneSource, link to a different data file, etc
- The Contacts menu has options to add and find Customers & Prospects, add and find Suppliers & Vendors, see a list of Scheduled Activities (To-Do's), view Lists of Customers & Prospects, etc
- The Sales menu has options to find and quote (or sell) parts using the Quick Price Check (QPC), and options to manually add Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, and Credit Memo's, view Lists of Quotes, Orders, Invoices, etc
- The Inventory menu has options to add and find inventory items, import and update inventory items and prices (and Supplier items and prices), count inventory items, view and make inventory warehouse transfers, view List of Inventory Items, etc
- The Purchasing menu has options to add and find Purchase Orders, create PO's in various ways--automatically, view Lists of Purchase Orders, etc
- The AR/AP menu has options to add and find AP (Vendor) Bills, pay AP Bills, receive AR (Invoice) payments, print Customer AR Statements, etc
- The Banking menu has options to add and find Bank Account checks, deposits, and adjustments, view a check register, reconcile a Bank Account, etc
- The GL menu has options to add and find General Ledger (GL) accounts, make GL journal entries, setup GL Financial Periods, post GL Transactions, etc
- The Reports menu has options to view numerous reports related to Customers, Vendors, Jobs, Sales, Inventory, Purchasing, AR/AP, Banking, GL, etc
- How to ADD records:
- Using the Menu Bar: Click any of the Add...options on any of the menu's
- Use the New button on any of the screens
- Use Short-Cut keys such as Ctrl+F3 to add a new Customer or Prospect or Ctrl+F6 to add a new Sales Order. (Note: See the list of keyboard short-cuts below)
- NOTE: See various sections below for additional (BETTER/FASTER) ways to add records of various types.
- How to SAVE records:
- Records are saved automatically whenever you close the screen.
- All data on the screen is saved when you press Ctrl+S.
- Line items (on Quotes, Sales Order, Invoices, etc) are also automatically saved whenever you click the line above it or below it.
- How to FIND records:
- Using the Menu Bar: Click any of the Find...options on any of the menu's
- Use the Find button on any of the screens
- Use Short-Cut Keys such as F3 to find a Customer or F6 to find a Sales Order or Ctrl+Q to open the Quick Price Check screen. (NOTE: See the list of keyboard short-cuts below)
- How to PRINT records:
- Click the Print button on any screen.
- How to DELETE records:
- Click the Delete button on the record you want to delete. (The Delete button will delete the whole record. A small Red X button will delete a single line item).
- How to see LISTS of records:
- Using the Menu Bar: Click any of the LIST...options on any of the menu's
- Use Short-Cut Keys such as Shift+F3 to see Customers & Prospects Lists or Shift+F6 to see Sales Orders Lists. (See Keyboard Short-Cuts to Find Records below).
- Common buttons on most screens:
- Add button: Adds a new record of that type.
- Edit button: Unlocks the screen.
- Delete button: Deletes the record (or the line item selected)
- Find button: Opens the Simple Search screen for that type of record.
- Print button: Opens a Print Dialog box with Print options.
- Functions button: Open up a screen with additional functions and options for that screen.
- Help button: Opens up online help for that screen.
- Close button: Closes the screen.
Keyboard Short-Cuts to Find Records
- CTRL+Q - Opens tools to search for Parts, Prices, Inventory Levels, etc. and make Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices.
- F3 - Search for a Customer or Prospect.
- F4 - Search for a Supplier or Vendor.
- F5 - Search for a Quotation.
- F6 - Search for a Sales Order.
- F7 - Search for an Invoice.
- F8 - Search for a Credit Memo.
- F9 - Search for a Purchase Order.
- F10 - Search for an Inventory Item.
- Shift+F3 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Customers.
- Shift+F4 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Suppliers & Vendors.
- Shift+F5 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Quotes.
- Shift+F6 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Sales Orders.
- Shift+F7 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Invoices.
- Shift+F8 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Credit Memo's.
- Shift+F9 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Purchase Orders.
- Shift+F10 - View, Sort, Filter, or print a List of Items.
NOTE: You can ADD additional tabs on any list, or change any existing list, or delete any unused tabs on any list screen.
Creating Invoices
The following are various ways to create Invoices:
- (Recommended) Create a Batch of Invoices using the Dispatch Screen.
- Sales > Dispatching (Ctrl+D) > Print (This method will allow you to create invoices for the Items you have shipped out the door, as they go out the door).
- Create an Invoice from a Sales Order
- With the Sales Order open click Create Invoice button.
- Or, with the Sales Order open click Create Invoice & Print button.
- Create an Invoice using the QPC
- With the Quick Price Check (QPC) screen open click the Create Sales Order & Print button. (Note: This button can be configured to Create and Print an Invoice as well).
- Create a Batch of Invoices using the Batch Create Invoices screen
- Sales > Invoices - Batch Create
- Create an Invoice from scratch (NOTE: Do NOT use this method if you sell Inventory Items)
Creating Credit Memos
The following are various ways to create a Credit Memo:
- Create a Credit Memo from scratch
- Sales > Create a Credit Memo (or RA)
- Create a Credit Memo from an Invoice Line Item
- Open the Invoice (F7)
- Find the item you want to return and enter the quantity you want to return in the Qty Rtrn field
- Click Functions > option 4a > OK
- Create a Credit Memo from an entire Invoice
- Open the Invoice (F7)
- Find the item you want to return and enter the quantity you want to return in the Qty Rtrn field
- Click Functions > option 4b > OK
Receiving Payments on Invoices - Using the Receive Payments screen
NOTE: This is typically the fastest way to receive a batch of payments received in the mail.
- Click AR/AP > Receive Payments
- Select Customer Name
- Enter Date Paid, How Paid, DEP (if you want the payment to show up on Deposit Slip), Ck/Card Numbr (last 4 digits), and Amt Paid
- Note: To make the DEP option auto select (depending on the Terms of Payment) goto: Tools > Company Setup > (14) Drop Down Lists, and then select Auto Deposit for each Payment Term desired.
- Click the Yellow money icon (next to each Invoice you want to allocate the payment toward), (or type in a different amount in the Amt to Allocate field).
- Click the Apply Payments button.
- Additional Notes:
- You can use the Auto Allocate button to automatically allocate funds from the oldest Invoice to the newest invoice. You can also quickly clear all allocations and start over using the Clear Allocations button.
- You can apply 1 or more Credit Memo's as a payment on the Receive Payments screen using the Zero Payment Credit option.
- To learn more about the Receive Payments screen see: Using the Receive Payments screen.
Receiving Payments on Invoices - Using the Invoice screen
- Press F7 to search for an Invoice
- With the Invoice open click the Payments (tab)
- Click Add or Edit Payments (button)
- Enter payment details.
- Click Apply Payment.
- Additional Notes:
Receiving Payments on Sales Orders - Using the Sales Order screen
Follow these steps of your business requires customers to make a deposit on a Sales Order (such as if you are special ordering an item).
- Press F6 to search for a Sales Order
- With the Sales Order open click the Payments (tab)
- Click Add or Edit Payments (button)
- Enter payment details.
- Click Apply Payment.
- Additional Notes:
- When a Sales Order is converted to an Invoice the payment rolls over to the Invoice (by creating a 'credit' to the Sales Order payment (for the exact amount) and then creating another 'Payment' to the new Invoice created).
- To learn more about the Sales Order screen see: Using the Sales Order screen.
Applying Payments from Credit Memos
- You can apply open credits (Credit Memo's) on the Customers account to open (unpaid) Invoices using the Zero Payment Credit option on the Receive Payments screen.
- To open the Receive Payments screen click: AR/AP > Receive Payments.
Printing Statements
- You can print (or email) Customer Statements using the Customer Statements screen.
- To open the Customer Statements screen click: AR/AP > Customer Statements.
Creating Finance Charge Invoices
- You can create and print 'finance charge' Invoices using the Assess Finance Charges screen.
- To open the Assess Finance Charges screen click: AR/AP > Assess Finance Charges.
Additional tips and tricks:
- What if you want to see any of the LISTS (mentioned above) differently?
- Right-click (on any column) and select Sort Ascending to sort the list in ascending order on that value.
- Right-click (on any column) and select Filter by Selection to FILTER the list down to the any records that have the exact value of the field where your cursor is (OR to the records that 'CONTAIN' the value you have HIGHLIGHTED)
- Right-click (on any column) and select Filter Excluding to REMOVE any records that have the exact value of the field where your cursor is (OR the records that 'CONTAIN' the value you have HIGHLIGHTED)
- If you want to make a NEW LIST or modify an existing list please Contact Us.
Keywords: training-AR trainAR