Tasks - How To's
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02769 Created: 2020-12-16 12:06 Last Updated: 2022-06-28 17:16 |
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Help Topics- Your To-Do lists or Tasks can be recorded in relation to other records such as Customers, Vendors and Jobs which provides a very detailed and systematic way of recording them.
- Tasks appear on these screens:
- Task List screen
- Customer Detail > Tasks tab.
- Vendor Detail > Tasks tab.
- Job Detail > Tasks & Emails tab.
- A Task has a field called Job which displays the Job# if that particular Task is related to a specific Job.
- Shortcut Key: Ctrl + F12, or
- On the Quick Start Menu, click the + icon and select Task, or
- Click on the New button on the lower left part of the Task List screen, or
- Right-click on an existing Task Record on the Task List Screen and select Add New Task or Add New Completed Task.
- On the Customer Detail screen>Contacts tab, right-click any Contact Name and select Add New Task or Add Completed Task, or
- On the Customer Detail screen>Tasks tab, right-click any existing Task and select Add New Task or Add Completed Task, or
- On the Customer Detail screen>Tasks tab, click on the New button on the lower left part of the screen.
- On the Vendor Detail screen>Contacts tab, right-click any Contact Name and select Add New Task or Add Completed Task, or
- On the Vendor Detail screen>Tasks tab, right-click any existing Task and select Add New Task or Add Completed Task, or
- On the Vendor Detail screen>Tasks tab, click on the Add New Task button on the lower left part of the screen.
- On the Vendor List screen, right-click on any of the fields of a particular Vendor and select Add New Task or Add Completed Task.
- On the Jobs Detail screen, click on the Add New Task button on the lower left part of the screen, or
- On the Jobs Detail screen>Tasks & Emails tab, right-click any existing Task and select Add New Task or Add Completed Task, or
- On the Job List screen, click on any of the fields on any of the Job records and select Add New Task or Add Completed Task.
Below are different ways to edit Task records. - On the Task List screen:
- Click on the Edit button (bottom left) to unlock the screen where you can edit the following details:
- Task Complete checkbox, task priority codes ABC and 123, Company Name, Date, Description, Results, Scheduled For, Scheduled By, Billable and Task Billed checkboxes, Est Time, Start Time, Stop Time, Type, Private checkbox
- Click on the Lock button (bottom right, red box) to lock and save the changes.
- On the Task List screen:
- Click on any Task to show the Edit Task Pop-up screen to edit more details that cannot be edited on the Task List screen.
- Click Save.
- To edit Task/s related to a Customer (or Vendor):
- Go to Customer Details screen>Tasks (or Vendor Details screen>Tasks).
- Click on the X icon under Action column.
- Click No when prompted 'Are you sure? (to delete)'.
- Edit the details on the Edit Task screen.
- Click Save.
Below are different ways to delete Task records. - On the Task List screen:
- Click to check the box/es of the row/s of Tasks under the first (left-most) column that you want to delete.
- Click on Batch Actions dropdown button then select Delete Selected.
- On the Edit Task pop-up screen, simply click on Delete (red button).
- Click Yes when prompted 'Are you sure you want to delete this task?'.
- To delete Tasks related to a Customer (or Vendor):
- Go to Customers Details screen>Tasks (or Vendor Details screen>Tasks).
- Click on the X icon under Action column.
- Click Yes.
- On the Main Menu bar, click on Reports > Tasks.
- Click on the drop down icon to select the User under the Report Criteria section.
- Note: You can adjust the period covered by your report. On the Report Period filter section, select from the drop down filter lists or manually input the dates 'from' and 'to'.
- Click on Run Report.
- Note1: There is an option to further customize your Report by clicking the Gear (gray) icon to make the Report Lists Settings popup screen appear. Check or uncheck box(es) of the column(s) that you prefer to show/hide.
- Note2: At this point, you may choose to Print, Email or Download your Report copy.
- After doing the instructions above, click on the Customize (blue) button to further modify and save your newly created Report.
- On the Customize Report popup screen:
- (Optional) Select the Min Access Level from the drop down icon.
- (Required) Type in the Report Name (whatever you want to call your Report).
- (Optional) Type in any Report Description.
- (Optional) Check the box if you want to Make Report Private and/or Favorite. Check or uncheck box(es) of the column(s) that you prefer to show/hide.
- Click on Save.
- Note1: This Report will appear on the list of Custom Reports and on My Favorites (if you checked the Favorite box).
- Note2: You can always edit or update any Custom Reports. Go to Reports > Custom Reports and click on the Pencil icon (under Actions column). Do the necessary changes and click on Update.
- Note3: Click on the X button to permanently delete any Custom Report from the list.
- Note: You have the option to Email, Print or Download a Report copy (see instructions below).
- On the Task List screen:
- Select the record(s) by checking the box(es) .
- Click the
button to Print and to Download (in Excel form). - There is also an option to Share
record(s) and this feature will be available in the future.
- For Task Reports, go to Main Menu Bar > Reports > Tasks, create your Report (*see previous instructions) then click on the
button (upper right). - The Print Preview popup screen will appear.
button (upper right) to Download the Report. Save in your PC. - EMAIL COPY: Click on
button (lower right) to Send a copy of the Report through email. Create the body of the Email and input other necessary details on the left side of the Email popup screen. Click on button (lower right). - PRINT COPY: Click on
button (upper right) to Print the Report. Adjust Print Settings then click on button (lower right).
- Tasks can be viewed all on 1 screen, for all related Customers, Vendors or Jobs (assigned to the Logged In User) by pressing F11.
- It is divided into three (3) main sections to organize data and functions:
Section: Header- Filters (section):
- Assigned To: ALL, (Logged in User--which is the default value), All other users will be in the drop down list.
- NOTE: If i am logged in as User X and I select User Y (or All) I will only see the Tasks assigned to UserX (or All users) for the tasks that are listed as Visibility: Public.
- Completion: ALL, Open, Closed (Open is the Default)
- Type: ALL (default), and other types of Tasks entered by all users (for that company)
- From Date: This is a field that shows the From Date (with a Calendar popup selection box). By default it will show 1/1/2000.
- To Date: This is a field that shows the To Date (with a Calendar popup selection box). By default it will show Today's date.
- NOTE: Each time any of the filters are changed by the user the list will refresh.
Section Line Item Header- Batch Actions: This will include options to:
- Delete Selected: This will delete all selected records that do NOT have any dependencies. Dependencies for each type of list will be listed below.
- Export Selected: This will work the same as if the user selected a few records and then clicked on the download button.
- Search box: This will search by keyword in ALL visible columns and narrow the displayed list of records to match the search criteria (after the user presses the Enter key).
- Include Inactive: This is a checkbox that will include the Inactive records in the list. Inactive records will be displayed in a light grey color (so the user can see the records but also is able to easy identify the record as an Inactive record).
- Gear Icon: This is located on top of the column headers over to the far right. When clicked this will drop down a small window with a section called Columns that will have a list of fields that can clicked to display the column or unclicked to hide the column.
- Share Icon: When clicked this will give the user the option to export 1 record via Email or Text. (If the user has more than 1 record selected then pop this message: "Please limit your selection to only 1 record before proceeding. "
- Print Icon: Pop up the Print Dialog for that screen (to show the various options to print).
- Upload Icon: Pop up the Data Upload Wizard.
- Download Icon: Pop up the Download Download Wizard.
Section: Line Item Columns- Column Headings: All headings will be bold.
- Columns: There will always be a checkbox column on the far left and a magnifying glass column to the right of the checkbox column. All columns will be movable and resizable.
- Sort Order (icon) for Drag and Drop sorting.
- NOTE: The ABC and 123 fields will be the ultimate SORT ORDER. However, if the user uses the drag and drop sorting icon then (if possible) we will need to change the ABC and 123 to match the new position.
- Task Completed (Required)
- ABC: (This would be an alpha numeric field)
- 123: (This would be a number field that allowed decimals)
- Company Name (Required)
- Contact Name (Required)
- Date (Required)
- Time
- Description (Required)
- Results
- Sched For
- Sched By
- Role
- Job
- Time Scheduled
- Billable?
- Est Time
- Start Time
- Stop Time
- Actual Time
- Billable Time
- ContactType (Hidden)
Section: Footer- New button: Add a new Task.
- Edit Button : Edit Tasks.
- Refresh button: Refresh the screen based on the filter selections on the header.
- Help button: Display help topic for that screen.
- Close button: Close the form (and the tab).
Section: Batch Actions- Delete Selected.
- Create Invoice For Selected.
- This option assumes the user will select 1 or more tasks, where the Billable = True and the Task Billed = False. When the option is executed it will open up a NEW Invoice and auto fill in the Company for the First task that has a task, and auto fill in LINE ITEMS for each task, and auto insert the Billable Time (in the task, if there is one) and then auto calculate the PRICE for the that item for that customer (Based on that Customer's Custom Pricing options and/or Default Pricing Options--if there are NO custom prices for that item for that customer).