* Tools - Distributed Data Files
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-00214 Created: 2011-02-07 18:23 Last Updated: 2016-12-17 12:07 |
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What it means to 'distribute' your OneSource Company Data file
- By default, OneSource uses 1 single Company Data file. This works great unless your company begins to approach the 2 gigabyte MS Access database size limit. If this happens to your company then you can makes use of the 'Distributed Database' option.
- When you turn on the Distributed Database option OneSource distributes (moves) your most database intensive tables into 13 smaller data files. (See the list of databases created in the section below called: 'Distributed Data Files'.
How to 'distribute' your OneSource Company Data file
- Click Tools > Company Setup & Preferences > Global (tab) > Select 'Link to a
Distributed Set of Company Data Files’.
- Next ‘File’ menu and select ‘Link to company Data File’
- Click Update Table, then click the (newly enabled) Create Distributed Database button. Then click Yes when prompted to create the files.
- If you get a Process Terminated popup stating: 'Default.mdb' file not exist in Data File Path. Create a new MS Access database in the same directory of your original OneSource Company Data file, and then click the Create Distributed Database button again.
Distributed Data Files
- osar.mdb (AR)
- osap.mdb (AP)
- Payables
- Payables Items
- Payables Payments
- osbk.mdb (Banking)
- Check Writer
- Check Writer Deposit Detail
- Check Writer Items
- oscsa.mdb (Contacts)
- Customers
- CustomerSpecific
- Suppliers
- tblActivities
- tblContacts
- osgl.mdb (General Ledger)
- GL Transactions
- GL Transactions Archive
- osinv1.mdb (Inventory1)
- All tables that start with Inventory…
- osinv2.mdb (Inventory2)
- All tables that start with tblInventory
- osicm.mdb (Invoices/Credit Memos)
- All tables that start with Invoice
- oslog.mdb (Event Logging)
- ospo.mdb (Purchasing)
- Purchase Order
- Purchase Order Line Items
- tblPOLineItemsAddedCosts
- osqu.mdb (Quotes)
- Quotation
- Quotation Lineitems
- ossa.mdb (Sales Orders)
- Sales Orders
- Sales Order Lineitems
- Sales Order Lost Sales
- ossa-a.mdb (Sales Orders Archived)
- Sales Orders Archived
- Sales Order Line Items Archived