How to count and adjust Inventory levels ( 1 at a time, or in cycle counts, or all items at once )
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-01994 Created: 2012-12-28 10:13 Last Updated: 2013-08-23 14:10 |
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This KBA article explains how to perform each of the following processes: - How to adjust the Qty in Stock for 1 item at a time.
- How to count and adjust inventory quantities in stock for ALL items ( for a FULL inventory count )
- How to count and adjust inventory quantities in stock for SOME items ( for Partial, Cycle Counts )
Please refer to the section heading that pertains to the type of inventory count or adjustment you are trying to perform.
How to adjust the Qty in Stock for 1 item at a time- Look up the item in the Inventory Management form (Press F10 to search for the item)
- Click on the In Stock tab.
- Click the Adjust Quantities in Stock button.
- Click Add to Inventory or Remove from Inventory
- Enter the Quantity qty you want to add or reduce from inventory
- Enter the Cost (each) that needs to be added or reduced from your GL Inventory asset account.
- Select the proper Warehouse.
- Enter any Comments as to why the inventory is being adjusted.
- Click OK to make the adjustment.
How to count and adjust inventory quantities in stock for ALL items ( for a FULL inventory count )
Print out 1 or more Inventory count sheets to give to the individuals counting the items.- Open the Report Selection Screen. (Reports > System Reports).
- Change the Report Category to Inventory.
- Scroll down the list until you see a number of reports that start with Stock Mgmt - Inventory Reconciliation.
- Select whichever Stock Mgmt report most closely matches the way you would like the items sorted and/or filtered.
- Note: A few pointers for helping you narrow down your search if desired:
- You can also print the report in sections by
print previewing the report and then pressing Ctrl+P and changing the Pages
value to something like 50-70 if you wanted to only print pages 50-70.
- Some
report show the inventory count already in OneSource and others do
not. Select the report that most closely fits your needs.
Enter the Inventory Counts in OneSource.VERY IMPORTANT NOTE - PLEASE READ: The following instructions are for the individual user who will ENTER the counts that are hand written on the count sheets. ONLY 1 PERSON CAN PERFORM THIS STEP AT 1 TIME.
After 1 user performs the steps below, if another user also opens the
Inventory Item Bulk Adjustments screen at the same time the first users
counts will be deleted. Due to this make sure that only 1 user perform
the steps below. - Click Inventory > Inventory Item Bulk Adjustments to open the Inventory Item Bulk Adjustments screen.
- Select Inventory Levels (Quantity Adjustments) and then click Next.
- Select All Items and then click Next.
- (When applicable) If you have the Force Back Order option turned OFF (in
the Company Setup & Preferences) you will be presented with a
confirmation message reminding you that negative quantities will be set
to the level you enter. (If prompted, enter Yes to continue).
- Next select the Warehouse the items will be counted for. Enter the appropriate Division (If you GL is split into separate Divisions for you company financials). Also select the Default Inventory (asset) GL Account and the Default Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
GL Cost of Goods account. (These GL accounts will be adjusted for any
items that do not already have a valid GL account setup for the item).
Then click Next.
- If you want to narrow the list of
items being counted and updated to a list of items where a given
Supplier is set as the Default Supplier for each item select a
particular Supplier. If not, then leave the value in the Supplier field as All. Then click Next.
- Next select the Sort Order by which you want to list the items. Special Note:
TO POTENTIALLY SAVE HOURS OF TIME, be sure to select the exact same
sort order - so the count sheet and the screen will be sorted in the
exact same order - so entry of the counts can be very easy.
- Click Finish. A few important notes:
- After
clicking the Finish button the process can take several minutes to
complete while numerous on the fly calculations are performed for each
item on the list.
- If you receive the following prompt: Records still exist from a Previous Adjustment Session. Do you want to delete these records? if you are coming BACK to a count you started previously and did not finish then you will want to click No. If you want to start fresh new list then click Yes. If you want to cancel the process click Cancel.
- Type
each of the counts (hand entered on the Stock Mgmt - Inventory
Reconciliation report) in the yellow column (next to the item that you
are updating the count for) and then press Enter or the down arrow button.
- When you are finished click the Make Adjustments (Post Date to All Items) - if you want to update the Last Inventory Date to today's date, or click the Make Adjustments (Post Date to Adjusted Items) if you want to only update the Last Inventory Date field for the items that have an Inventory count entered.
- Additional Notes and tips:
- Closing before done: If you want to close the screen before you are done counting and updating the inventory adjustments click the Close button and then No when prompted: You have adjustments entered that have not been processed. Do you want to delete these adjustments.
- Printing the counts: If you want to print the counts entered for All items or just the item counted click the option desired and then click the Print button.
- If
you want to print the report to a PDF rather than printing the report
out on reams of paper, after previewing the report press Ctrl+P and
select a PDF printer such as Bullzip or Adobe (if you have a PDF printer
installed already).
- What happens?
- The process only makes adjustments to the items that have a quantity (0 or greater) entered in the (yellow) Qty Counted on Shelf field. (NOTE: Since you selected to count All Items at the beginning of the process ALL items would have been originally set to 0 at the beginning of the process. So, assuming all items now have a count > 0 or still have the 0 then ALL items will be updated to the counts entered).
- The Quantity in Stock field (in the Inventory table) will be updated.
- All
'shipments' for each item (in the Inventory Products table) will be
deleted and replaced by a new 'shipment' for the correct quantity in
stock (and the Notes field will be updated with: Stock Adjustments made
from Inventory Adjustment form on x date by x user).
- The
Inventory - Transaction Log (tab) (in the tblInventoryProductsLog table)
will be updated with 1 or more log entries. The Form Name will show Inventory Batch Adjustment.
- A
record will be added to the Inventory Adjustments tab (in the
tblInventoryAdjustmentQueue table) on the Batch Post GL Transaction
screen, for later review and posting to the GL.
How to count and adjust inventory quantities in stock for SOME items ( for Partial, Cycle Counts )Print out 1 or more Inventory count sheets to give to the individuals counting the items.- Open the Report Selection Screen. (Reports > System Reports).
- Change the Report Category to Inventory.
- Scroll down the list until you see a number of reports that start with Stock Mgmt - Inventory Reconciliation.
- Select whichever Stock Mgmt report most closely matches the way you would like the items sorted and/or filtered.
- Note: A few pointers for helping you narrow down your search if desired:
- If you want to count just a particular Category of items select one of the reports that have a Category selection box on the bottom right corner of the screen.
- If you want to count just a particular Supplier of items (where the Supplier is the items 'Default Supplier') select one of the reports that have a Supplier selection box on the bottom right corner of the screen.
- If you want to count the top x best selling items, select the report called Stock Mgmt - Inventory Reconciliation (Top Selling By Picking, Loc/Bin, Category, Item) and then enter a Starting Rank and Ending Rank. For instance, if you wanted to count the top 100 selling items you would enter a Starting Rank = 1 and an Ending Rank = 100. Then, if the following day you wanted to count the top 101 to 200 best selling items you would enter a Starting Rank = 101 and an Ending Rank = 200. (Please note that these are real time totals, so if you count the items over a period of days, entering successively higher Starting and Ending Ranks, some of the items may have shifted its ranking up or down so it may show up to be counted again).
- You can also print the report in sections by print previewing the report and then pressing Ctrl+P and changing the Pages value to something like 50-70 if you wanted to only print pages 50-70.
- Some report show the inventory count already in OneSource and others do not. Select the report that most closely fits your needs.
Enter the Inventory Counts in OneSource.VERY IMPORTANT NOTE - PLEASE READ: The following instructions are for the individual user who will ENTER the counts that are hand written on the count sheets. ONLY 1 PERSON CAN PERFORM THIS STEP AT 1 TIME. After 1 user performs the steps below, if another user also opens the Inventory Item Bulk Adjustments screen at the same time the first users counts will be deleted. Due to this make sure that only 1 user perform the steps below. - Click Inventory > Inventory Item Bulk Adjustments to open the Inventory Item Bulk Adjustments screen.
- Select Inventory Levels (Quantity Adjustments) and then click Next.
- Select Partial Count and then click Next.
- (When applicable) If you have the Force Back Order option turned OFF (in the Company Setup & Preferences) you will be presented with a confirmation message reminding you that negative quantities will be set to the level you enter. (If prompted, enter Yes to continue).
- Next select the Warehouse the items will be counted for. Enter the appropriate Division (If you GL is split into separate Divisions for you company financials). Also select the Default Inventory (asset) GL Account and the Default Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) GL Cost of Goods account. (These GL accounts will be adjusted for any items that do not already have a valid GL account setup for the item). Then click Next.
- If you want to narrow the list of items being counted and updated to a list of items where a given Supplier is set as the Default Supplier for each item select a particular Supplier. If not, then leave the value in the Supplier field as All. Then click Next.
- Next select the Sort Order by which you want to list the items. Special Note: TO POTENTIALLY SAVE HOURS OF TIME, be sure to select the exact same sort order - so the count sheet and the screen will be sorted in the exact same order - so entry of the counts can be very easy.
- Click Finish. A few important notes:
- After clicking the Finish button the process can take several minutes to complete while numerous on the fly calculations are performed for each item on the list.
- If you receive the following prompt: Records still exist from a Previous Adjustment Session. Do you want to delete these records? if you are coming BACK to a count you started previously and did not finish then you will want to click No. If you want to start fresh new list then click Yes. If you want to cancel the process click Cancel.
- Type each of the counts (hand entered on the Stock Mgmt - Inventory Reconciliation report) in the yellow column (next to the item that you are updating the count for) and then press Enter or the down arrow button.
- When you are finished click the Make Adjustments (Post Date to All Items) - if you want to update the Last Inventory Date to today's date, or click the Make Adjustments (Post Date to Adjusted Items) if you want to only update the Last Inventory Date field for the items that have an Inventory count entered.
- Additional Notes and tips:
- Closing before done: If you want to close the screen before you are done counting and updating the inventory adjustments click the Close button and then No when prompted: You have adjustments entered that have not been processed. Do you want to delete these adjustments.
- Printing the counts: If you want to print the counts entered for All items or just the item counted click the option desired and then click the Print button.
- If you want to print the report to a PDF rather than printing the report out on reams of paper, after previewing the report press Ctrl+P and select a PDF printer such as Bullzip or Adobe (if you have a PDF printer installed already).
- What happens?
- The process only makes adjustments to the items that have a quantity (0 or greater) entered in the (yellow) Qty Counted on Shelf field.
- The Quantity in Stock field (in the Inventory table) will be updated.
- All
'shipments' for each item (in the Inventory Products table) will be
deleted and replaced by a new 'shipment' for the correct quantity in
stock (and the Notes field will be updated with: Stock Adjustments made
from Inventory Adjustment form on x date by x user).
- The
Inventory - Transaction Log (tab) (in the tblInventoryProductsLog table)
will be updated with 1 or more log entries. The Form Name will show Inventory Batch Adjustment.
- A
record will be added to the Inventory Adjustments tab (in the
tblInventoryAdjustmentQueue table) on the Batch Post GL Transaction
screen, for later review and posting to the GL.