
What's New (or Changed or Fixed) in OneSource

Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02248 Created: 2015-03-04 09:47 Last Updated: 2018-03-28 19:32 0 Rating/ Voters

Version 4.15.6 (Released 10/31/15)

AR/AP ENTER BILLS: When the PO is marked paid the added costs are not showing when using the new option in CSP.
BANKING BANK ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS: Add a new button to make it simple to transfer funds from 1 bank account to another.
BANKING CHECK WRITER - DEPOSIT SLIP: Add a drop down list on the "How Paid" column to make it easier for user to select a value.
BANKING CHECK WRITER DEPOSITS: When you click New it is not opening the Deposit slip.
BANKING RECURRING PAYMENTS: Added additional fields and functionality on Recurring Payments screen to also have recurring deposits, ATMs, etc.
CONTACTS CUSTOMERS & PROSPECTS: When click the Recalculate button on the Pricing defaults button it is unchecking the paid check box on the invoices.
CONTACTS SUPPLIERS & VENDORS: Add a Purchase Order Line Items option (similar to the Line Items options on the Quote, Sales Order, and Invoice)
GL BATCH POST GL TRANSACTIONS: Problem batch posting Invoices.
HELP TEST MODE: Added a bright YELLOW 'TEST MODE' caption on all main screens--if OneSource is linked to a data file that contained certain keywords such as TEST or COPY etc..
INVENTORY ADD NEW INVENTORY ITEM: If you have the QPC open and you open the Add New inventory item and then click cancel (without adding the item) it gets stuck and will not close the form until you add an item.
INVENTORY INVENTORY ADJUSTMENT: When using the Bulk inventory item adjustment screen it is not working for the multi warehouse data.
INVENTORY INVENTORY IMPORT/EXPORT: When importing Supplier Costs, add a new option called 'Update Special Order Supplier (rather than Default Supplier)', so the Default Local (Special Order) Supplier Costs can be easily updated.
INVENTORY INVENTORY MGMT:  Add new option to Rename a List of items (using an Excel file) rather than just 1 item at a time.
INVENTORY INVENTORY MGMT: Create new tool (linked to the Inventory Mgmt screen Merge Item button) that allows for mass Item Number renaming using an Excel file.
INVENTORY INVENTORY MGMT: When Supplier is added to an item (that is inactive) prompt user to mark the item as Active.
INVENTORY INVENTORY MGMT: When using the Merge Part Number button (when merging a LIST of parts) the Merge button does not get enabled.
INVENTORY osSCAN: Make new option to import text files into osScan screen (so items scanned into a spreadsheet can be imported).
INVENTORY SHIPPING/RECEIVING: Refine the way items are selected (so you can select just 1 item from a shipment to transfer, or all items related to a shipment to transfer).
INVENTORY SHIPPING/RECEIVING: Transfer process let us link two sales orders to 1 part for a transfer.
JOBS JOB DETAILS: When you create a Job for a customer and you go to the AR Sales tab in the Job and click the Add new Button and select Sales Order it is not filling in the Bill to Ship to Customer info from the Job.
PURCHASING APO2: REDESIGN Auto PO Detail screen to make it much easier to change Special Order Supplier and Cost on the fly.
PURCHASING APO3: Lost Sales' figures are not being considered for APO's if item has no Sales History.
PURCHASING APO3: New parts not getting ordered by min/max
PURCHASING APO3: Wont work properly after 'merging' items..
PURCHASING APO3c: Fix mix up between PP1, PP2, PP3 on the APO 3c Detail screen. (Now PP1 shows the total # of unit sales--for the item--in the last 1 year, PP2 shows total # of unit sales 2 years ago, PP3 shows total # unit sales 3 years ago).
PURCHASING PURCHASE ORDER: PO is receiving into already received shipments and changing the warehouse.
PURCHASING PURCHASE ORDER: PO not being marked as received.
PURCHASING PURCHASE ORDER: When batch shipping Sales orders using the Funtions option on the PO getting error about SO form
PURCHASING PURCHASE ORDER: When Date Expected is changed on PO and it asks if you want to change for all lines it is not updating the Inventroy field for all items.
PURCHASING PURCHASE ORDER: When exporting a PO getting an error '5 Invalid procedure call or argument'
PURCHASING PURCHASE ORDER: When you open a PO and have it in the Edit mode and then click the Find or F9 it doesn't keep the next PO you find in Edit mode.
REPORTS NEW REPORT: Added Invoice Payments to Invoice with no Discount report
REPORTS REPORT SELECTION SCREEN: Fix problem with the new Custom Reports option.
REPORTS Sales Order payments are not showing on the report 'Daily Revenue Report-Payments only'
SALES CREDIT MEMO: Creating a Credit Memo (from returning items on an Invoice) isn't filling in the Company Name properly on the Credit Memo.
SALES INVOICE: Not putting the 'Paid' stamp on the Invoice screen (without closing and reopening the Invoice)
SALES MULTIPLE SCREENS:  User has had to use the same DELETE button to delete a single line item (when selected) or the ENTIRE record (when curser is NOT on a line item). Eliminated this confusion by adding new Delete (red 'X') buttons on the line items of all transaction type screens (Quotations, Sales Orders, PO's, etc).  Changed the DELETE button on all transaction type screens (Quotations, Sales Orders, POs, etc) to now only delete the ENTIRE record (after making the user type YES to confirm).
SALES QPC (AUTO): Add a TOTAL field for the LIST PRICE column.
SALES QPC (AUTO): It is not allowing us to mark an item as Lost sales when the only inventory left in stock in a damaged.
SALES QPC (AUTO): Need to LOCK the description field on the QPC-AUTO screen.
SALES QPC (AUTO): On Add to Order and Print button options (in the Company Setup) split up the functions to enable option to create Invoice (without printing the Invoice).
SALES QPC (AUTO): Prevent Searches that are incomplete.
SALES QPC (AUTO): The screen that shows the user when a Quote is already entered is missing the Sales Rep.
SALES QPC (AUTO): Track which sales rep marked the item as a Lost Sale.
SALES QUOTATION: Fix problem with Create Sales Order and Print button.
SALES QUOTATION: When adding item to Quote (from QPC Pricing tab) it is creating a runtime error (invalid use of null)
SALES QUOTATION: When creating an SO from a Quote where the BOM components are SO and over sold the cost is not getting filled in.
SALES QUOTATION: When deleting Quote showing blank form rather than closing the Quote screen.
SALES SALES ORDER: Dont allow Bin Location/Style/Color to be changed when the price on the Sales Order is changed.
SALES SALES ORDER: Items that are reserved for 1 SO are being allowed to be sold on other SO's without a prompt.
SALES SALES ORDER: Multiwarehouse. Automatically taking the damaged part even though damaged is not selected.
SALES SALES ORDER: Taking too long to delete Sales Orders.
SALES SALES ORDER: When batch shipping Sales orders (from the Batch ship form) it is poping up with an error and also poping up a warehouse form (even though they are not a multi warehouse company).
SALES SALES ORDER: When creating a Sales Order Back Order it is copying the Delivery Date, Delivery Time and Tracking number. These should be blank on new Back Order.
SALES SALES ORDER: When deleting a Sales Order (when the QPC is open) error message popping up.
SALES SALES ORDER: When inserting Bin Location/Style/Color do not over-write any existing values, but append them.
SYSTEM ADMIN UTILITIES: Modified the screen to make it easier to use.
SYSTEM HELP MENU: Change GoToMeeting to: Share My Screen (which now uses Join.Me)
SYSTEM LOGIN SCREEN: Modifications to how licenses are tracked.

Version 4.15.5 ( Items fixed or enhanced as of 9/4/15)

List of changes incomplete.
THIS WAS A MAJOR RELEASE THAT INCLUDED MAKING OneSource SQL SERVER COMPLIANT.  Customers can now choose between MS Access or MS SQL Server as the data store.  (When using the SQL Server option your data will be stored in SQL Server but will be 'processed' (when calculations are necessary) in MS Access).  Upon release of 4.16.2 the data will be stored in SQL Server AND calculations will be 'processed' using the SQL engine as well (making most time consuming processes--faster).

Version 4.15.4 ( Items fixed or enhanced as of 5/15/15)

List of changes incomplete.

Version 4.15.3 ( Items fixed or enhanced as of 4/16/15)

List of changes incomplete.

Version 4.15.2 ( Items fixed or enhanced as of 3/17/15)

List of changes incomplete.

Version 4.15.1 (Items fixed or enhanced as of 2/3/15)

List of changes incomplete.

Version 4.14.18 ( Items fixed or enhanced as of 6/20/14)

  • Fixed grouping from QPC to sales forms (24530)
  • Fixed manager approval warning in QPC (24424)
  • Fixed APO3 issues (24553)
  • Fixed drop ship feature when 'ship all' is selected (24571)
  • Fixed update all customer pricing templates (24592)
  • Adjusted Income Statement by Month report (24573)
  • Adjusted QPC placement when sales form is open (24574)
  • Adjusted screen, menu and form placements when opening to be more centered (24523)
  • Adjusted item merging tool to update all logs (24471)
  • Modified availability tab to auto calculate on selection (24558)
  • Modified 'missing tax code' popup (24560) 
  • Improved speed when filtering customer sales history (24503)
  • Fixed recent quotes periodically not visible in searches (24542)
  • Fixed grouping problems in QPC (24527)
  • Adjusted calculations in Inventory valuation reports to be more accurate (24511)
  • Removed category and sub category from drop down in QPC when  part type is inactive (24508)
  • Fixed items count totaling incorrectly in format 11 QPC (24546)
  • Added ability to search inventory items by default supplier item number (24492)
  • Added core charges to items from QPC to Sales form (24524)
  • Simplified importing and update inventory template (24534)
  • Fixed item fulfillment on Sales Orders (24522)
  • Fixed locking in 'Entered By' field on Credit Memo form (24497)
  • Fixed QPC format 11 issues (24510)
  • Fixed 'Sub Categories' to not show on QPC when marked inactive (24476)
  • Improved features in 'Inventory Import/Export' (24472)

Version 4.14.13 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/9/14 )

  • Fixed non automotive payment transfers (24444)
  • Improvements made to Inventory Asseblies features (24402)

Version 4.14.11 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 4/29/14 )

  • Added Single Print Enforcement overide feature (24202)
  • Added notation to 'Statement of Cash Flow' report (24399)
  • Fixed partial payment locking check number on invoices (24419)
  • Added pop up to change 'Bill To' customer when 'Ship To' is changed by user (24376)
  • New preference in Company Setup to allow 'Retail' price updates from sales forms (24365)
  • Fixed 'Summary' tabs (24383)
  •  NEW queue feature on QPC to store selected items from multiple makes and models (24167)
  • Reinstituted pop up for updating supplier cost from PO (24282)
  • Fixed rounding issues on PO (24359)
  • Fixed Ship All with single location vendors (24364)
  • Fixed visible checking account in A/P (24368)
  • Fixed Aging Date caclulation with customer statements (24353)
  • Fixed reports not opening from "My Favorites" (24373)
  • Fixed ability to change zero qty on Sales Orders (24369) 
  • Removed link on deleted stock transfers (24349)
  • Fixed tax calculation when using "Create Invoice and Print" button on QPC (24280)

Version 4.14.6 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 3/28/14 )

  • Dispatch screen updated (24307)
  • Fixed check stub query (24291)
  • Fixed ability to delete line item from PO when order qty is 0 (24235)
  • Preference added to turn off "Auto Apply Credit to Invoice" (24225)
  • Fixed special order purchase cost calculation from QPC (24284)
  • Added warning feature to require "YES/NO" to be entered when deleting a PO (24192)
  • Report selection list box refined (24124)
  • Added feature to move unrecieved items to an existing PO (24235)
  • Speed from QPC to Create Quote increased (24271)
  • Fixed average cost updating issue(24211)

Version 4.14.3 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 2/28/14 )

  • Fixed APO3C showing 12 month history (24263)
  • Fixed Create Invoice and Print button security error (24260)
  • Fixed invoice locking with return qty's and tax allocation for Credit Memo (24220)

OneSource - Version 4.13 (Revisions)

Version 4.13.69 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 12/31/2013  )

  • Fixed APO3c supplier qty's not updating (24094)
  • Fixed locked Sales Orders not deleting (24090)
  • Added Lost Sales and Last Cost to APO preview detail screen (24001)
  • Updated the Lost Sales function (24039)
  • Transfers for backordered items linked on instock tab (24058)
  • Fixed QPC maximizing after closing Inventory Management page (24054)
  • Updated pricing Markup by Average Cost feature (24056)

Version 4.13.64 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 11/27/2013  )

  • Fixed excel export function (24028)

Version 4.13.63 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 11/17/2013  )

  • Updated function to special order items when items in stock are damaged (21931)
  • Updated Ecommerce preferences in CSP (23796)
  • Fixed Purchase Order function buttons (22666)
  • Fixed Create Sales Order and Print function (23962)
  • Fixed deleted Sales Orders staying open (23971)
  • Fixed Quotation totals changing based on cursor location (23978)
  • Fixed Sales Order display (23885)

Version 4.13.60 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 10/30/2013  )

  • Updated Create Credit Memo from Invoice function (23778)

Version 4.13.56 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 10/04/2013  )

  • Added feature to unlink line item from sales order on the purchase order and visa versa (23741)

  • Updated Quote, Invoice, and Credit Memo Printed reports (23459) 
  • Fixed Quick Find auto filter (23459)

Version 4.13.55 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 9/24/2013  )

  • Updated cursor focus in AP Bills form (23798)

  • Removed locking line item function from the Quotation screen when adding items from QPC(23767)
  • Changed how AR Invoices post Discount line items (23799)
  • Fixed issue with adding two instock shipment id's when a quantity is updated on a credit memo (23801)
  • Fixed payments not transferring from Sales Order Payments to Invoice Payments (23753)

Version 4.13.54 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 9/17/2013  )

  • Fixed Customer drop down when creating a new Sales Order (23760)

  • Fixed cursor placement in the Payments form (23758)

  • Individual cost added to sales order line items when items are not in stock (23745)

Version 4.13.53 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 9/10/2013  )

  • Adjusted QPC screen size after closing a sales order (23750)

Version 4.13.52 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 9/02/2013  )

  • Fixed comma appearing when entering a new customer number (21227)

  • Fixed single sales order printing enforcement override (22472)

  • Fixed the cancel option from the Auto PO (22863)

  • Fixed Default Supplier Cost Markup field in QPC (20947)

  • Default user security for sales and higher are able to open and view Invoice Payments (22304)

  • Delete Payment feature updated to be more user friendly (22517)

  • Updated the look of QPC format 10 to further differentiate from format 9 (24130)

  • Auto Correct feature now toggles on or off (21414)

  • Pricing is now editable at the QPC (21178)

  • Updated the APO export feature to reflect the selected supplier item number (23729)

  • Cursor placement after attaching a bill to a PO now scrolls to the field (20952)

  • UPC code field added to the Inventory Product Details tab (21219)

  • "Add to order and print" QPC function speed increase from 30 sec to 13 sec (23704)

  • Sales orders open maximized when multi warehouse function is un-selected in Company Setup (23701)

Version 4.13.51 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 8/29/2013  )

  • Fixed calculation problem with 0% margin sales (22162)

  • Fixed assembly stock replacement issue (21144)

  • Fixed printing problem in the "Open Sales Order" report (23664)

  • Auto maximize QPC screen when its in format 10 (21612)

  • When PO is created at a satellite location the Bill to/Ship to reflect that location's information (23659)

  • "Bin Location" option added to the simple search  (23666)

  • Added ability (for new Stock Transfers functionality) to cancel a Stock Transfer. (23662)

Version 4.13.50 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 8/23/2013  )

  • When the Net Price is changed on the QPC that price will be transfered to the Sales Order even with Stock Transfers (23689)

Version 4.13.49 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 8/18/2013  )

  • Orders from osOO might need a stock transfer with Multiple warehouses (23500)
  • Ship to and Bill to address populating on Credit Memos created from Sales Orders (23641)
  • Select All and Unselect All for Stock Transfers (23654)
  • Single Item Transfers when the part has multiple aliases (23661)
  • Drop Ship PO's with Different Ship to addresses (23638)
  • See Min/Max levels for indvidual items in multiple warehouses (23634)
  • Shipping Multiple Items from different warehouses on 1 sales order, the stock transfer is now attaching the Trans action Id to the correct Sales Order Line Item Number so the stock transfers can happen (23628)

Version 4.13.48 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 8/14/2013  )

  • Journal Entry Screen Refinements (23592)
  • Customer Warehouse selection improved (23610)
  • In House Stock Transfer Screen Refinements (23587)
  • QPC restores to full Height and Width (23492)
  • APO3c Refinements, Color, Columns, Rounding, duplicates and min/max (23629)
  • Popup if the Customer is missing a tax code even if the customer is exempt (21890)
  • Add New Supplier/Vendor next Button opens the 2nd tab. When adding a new Customer when the numbering is turned off the cursor will now appear in the number field (23537)

Version 4.13.47 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 8/5/2013  )

  • Deleting a payment from a specific Bill when multiple bills were paid with a single payment (23531)
  • When selecting a different warehouse the QPC will show the prices from that warehouse (23554)
  • Credit Memos now printing with complete addresses (23557)
  • When a credit Memo Payment is deleted the Paid Box is now Unchecked (23577)
  • Multiple Refinements to the AUTO PO3c (23549)
  • Correct List Price on Sales Orders (23583)
  • Rounding issues fixed to help the Balance Sheet match the AR Statement Summary (23606)
  • Distinction between suppier and vendor removed (23575)

Version 4.13.46 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 7/20/2013  )

  • Sales Order Line Item Numbers are releasing items for shipments (23544) 
  • Seperate user Security for viewing Summary Lists for Quotes, Sales Orders and Invoices (23567) 
  • QPC is now totaling both tax codes if available (23355)
  • Purchase Order Reports working better in Windows 2010 (23475)
  • Gross Margin on Sales Order is now hidden when Hide Gross margin is checked in CS&P (23547)
  • Inventory Products Table is getting the correct Sales Order Line Item number when the item on a PO is released from a sales order (23544)

Version 4.13.45 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 7/19/2013  )

  • Missing Summary Item Lists 1-8 have been added back to the collection (23536)
  • APO3 and APO3c have been updated for Multi warehouse (23495)

Version 4.13.43 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 7/17/2013  )

  • QPC Restores to Full Height and Width (23492) QA
  • Customer Profile now has Default Warehouse (23499) QA
  • APO3c is Deducting the DMG Items from the Quantity In Stock so more items will be ordered (23497) QA
  • Allow Lost Sales Tracking Regardless of Quantity in Stock (23496) QA
  • APO3 & APO3c allows the selection of a specific warehouse for ordering (23495) QA
  • Shipping Items from Multiple warehouses and stock transfers updated (23500) QA
  • When transfering Items between warehouses Items are not flagged as special order (23493) QA
  • Customers My warehouse on the QPC is updating to the Customers Default Warehouse (23503) QA
  • QPC Format 10 has DMG column based on the users default warehouse (23392) QA
  • QPC totals all Tax Codes for accurate Quotes (23355) QA
  • In Stock Tab Screen Refinements & Alignments updated (23505) QA
  • Year/Make Model button added to the QPC to show all vehicles this part fits (23509) QA
  • Warehouse Stock Transfers for in house and Sales Order Stock Transfers (23498) QA
  • Code Plus Discount has been updated for Quotes and Sales Orders (23471) QA

Version 4.13.41 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 7/10/2013  )

  • Line Items showing up twice when Invoice is created from Sales Order Fixed (23391) QA
  • Drop Down Menus for the Activities have been Updated (23446) QA

    Version 4.13.40 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 6/24/2013  )

    • Undeposited Funds sub Type Created for Chart of Accounts (23340)
    • Admin Credit Hold Updated Min/Max security on Credit Memos which have a negative balance (22273)
    • Show Inventory Button on QPC Updated (23417) QA
    • Sales Order Archiving Fixed (22725)

      Version 4.13.39 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 6/17/2013  )

      • Auto PO #4 Updated to be more user friendly (22720) QA
      • Tax Code Warning for Bill to Customers when the Tax Code is for the Ship To Customer (23351) QA
      • CS&P Sales Tab Updated Default Quick Display - Order History Search By 1.3 (23340) QA
      • Unique number of SO or Inv shown on Auto PO3c (22159) QA
      • New Sales Order Summary List tabs (Needs PO, Have PO/Not Yet Received, PO recvd / ready to ship (22744) QA
      • Inventory Product Log Updated Warning Popup if Item was not deducted from Inventory on Sales Orders(23374) QA
      • Auto Ship Back Orderd Items When PO is Received (23369) QA


        Version 4.13.38 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 6/15/2013  )

        • Multi-Warehouse Stock Transfers. Warehouse Code used to identify each line item (23154) QA


          Version 4.13.36 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 6/12/2013  )

          • Popup Warning for customers without a Tax Code (23317) 
          • Export Feature for PowerLink Customers (22096) QA
          • Ship All inputs a Warehouse Code on every Line item (23198) QA


            Version 4.13.35 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 6/11/2013  )

            • Automatic Purchase Order Preview and Saving Updated (23357) 
            • View Summary Forms Security Updated, Read Only will not have increased security levels(23336) 
            • APO3c #error and #type messages fixed (23361)
            • APO3c Saving and reloading saved PO issue Fixed (23357)


              Version 4.13.34 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 6/10/2013  )

              • SQL Server Conversion Project Continued (23334) 


                Version 4.13.33 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 6/7/2013  )

                • SQL Server Conversion Project (23334) 


                  Version 4.13.32 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/30/2013  )

                  • Popup Warning for customers without a Tax Code (23317) 
                  • Reserved Inventory and RMA's Updated Items on shelf and on orders are correctly reflected (23322) QA
                  • Notes and Comment Fields NowUnlocked by Default (23325) 
                  • Sales Order Line Item Numbering in SQL fixed, It will keep the Sales Order and the Invoice synced (23337) 


                    Version 4.13.31 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/29/2013  )

                    • Can Not Create Blank Sales Orders or Invoices (23302) 


                      Version 4.13.30 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/23/2013  )

                      • Deleting the payment from a single Bill when multiple bills were paid with a check (20885)
                      • Non-Stock Line Items Posting to the AR and Sales Account (23314)
                      • Purchase Order Function Tab #9 Updated to Correctly Split Multiple Items into single lineitems (23300)
                      • Issue with Deleting a PO and the Line Items were Deleted but the PO Remained is Fixed (23315)
                      • Alias drop dowm menu on Inv Mgmt form is no longer being populated from the TblMakes and Models table (23304)


                        Version 4.13.29 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/21/2013  )

                        • 0 Cost on Hand Entered Items Updated (23298)
                        • Deleting Purchase Order Line Items Updated (23315)
                        • Assembly Items costing procedures updated (23198)


                          Version 4.13.28 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/20/2013  )

                          • Ability to Restrict Changes to Sales Tax in User Security (22882)
                          • Ablility to Re-Dispatch Orders and Dispatching Refinements (23291)
                          • Restrict Users Ability to Change Bill To & Ship To in User Security (23287)
                          • Popup's Reduced on Non-Stock Items (23224)


                            Version 4.13.27 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/18/2013  )

                              • Inventory Import/Export for suppliers Round to Case will Round up to case qty (23278)


                                Version 4.13.26 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/17/2013  )

                                  • APO3 and APO3c "Show All Items" tested to show all inventory items (23259)


                                    Version 4.13.25 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/16/2013  )

                                    • Markup By Average Cost Pricing tool has been Updated (23273)
                                    • Pricing Tabs on QPC are refreshing when opened (23275)


                                      Version 4.13.24 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/14/2013  )

                                      • Undeposited Check Table Updated to Validate each entry (22738)


                                        Version 4.13.23 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/10/2013  )

                                        • Core Charge Available on the QPC working with Year Make and Model (23068)


                                          Version 4.13.22 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/9/2013  )

                                          • AR Sales Display Drop Down Menu is fully populated when the Jobs form is opened (23238)
                                          • Unit of Measure is added to the LineItems Table for items purchased or sold by the case (23326)


                                            Version 4.13.21 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/7/2013  )

                                            • Additional Fields added for the Automated PO: Last PO Cost, Last Supplier, Last PO Num Days (2311)
                                            • Matrix discount pricing on the QPC with corrected codes (23210)
                                            • 2 Decimal Places on Quotes (23158)
                                            • Able to Create Duplicate Sales Orders in SQL Server (23185)
                                            • Added Unique Number of Sales Orders on APO3c (22159)


                                              Version 4.13.20 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 5/3/2013  )

                                              • Tax Security Restrictions Moved to User Security (23136)
                                              • Sales Orders Open in Edit Mode (23174)


                                                Version 4.13.19 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 4/30/2013  )

                                                • Serial Numbers Can be Viewed from the Quick Display (23136)
                                                • User Must Recalculate the Pickup Discount When the LineItem is Changed (23132)
                                                • Removal of Auto Recieve Popup After Distributing Added Costs (23168)


                                                  Version 4.13.18 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 4/25/2013  )

                                                  • User Security Features Updated with Tighter Controls (23110)


                                                    Version 4.13.17 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 4/23/2013  )

                                                    • Exporting from Automatated Purchase Order Item 3c Correctly Exports all Items From Screen (22960)


                                                      Version 4.13.16 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 4/19/2013  )

                                                      • Splitting Line Items on Purchase Orders (23101)


                                                        Version 4.13.15 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 4/12/2013  )

                                                        • Automated Purchase Order APO4 shows all Items(22960)


                                                          Version 4.13.14 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 4/5/2013  )

                                                          • Date Edited and Edited by in Inventory table update correctly (23065)


                                                            Version 4.13.13 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 3/29/2013  )

                                                            • Customer pricing on Sales Orders applys correctly (23059)
                                                            • PO completely deletes (23013)
                                                            • APO4 now showing all Items when selected (22960)


                                                              Version 4.13.12 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 3/27/2013  )

                                                              •   Posting Invoice Error Debits don' equal Credits Resolved (23046) 


                                                                Version 4.13.11 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 3/19/2013  )

                                                                • Check Stock Button on QPC allows choice of Items and add to Order (23018)


                                                                  Version 4.13.10 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 3/12/2013  )

                                                                  • Inventory Valuation Historical Summary report Updated (23004)
                                                                  • Duplicating Sales Orders Updated for dispatching (23011)
                                                                  • APO3 updated (22987)
                                                                  • 4 Reports Fixed. Returns by Cat & Item, returns by Mo by cat, Sales Hist - 2 yr comp by cust, Stock Picking ticket with Barcodes (22993)


                                                                    Version 4.13.09 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 3/05/2013  )

                                                                    • Customer order number and comments fields are editable (22945)
                                                                    • Tax is recalculated on Credit Memos (22917)
                                                                    • Make & Model Drop Down boxes updated on the Inv Mgmt Screen (22980)


                                                                      Version 4.13.08 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 2/28/2013  )

                                                                      • Special Orders Shipping from Sales Orders (22913)
                                                                      • Sales Order Line Item Gap removed (22912)
                                                                      • Auto PO #3 revised and working correctly (22900)
                                                                      • Customers Shipped Via Dropdown Simplified (22906)
                                                                      • Canadian Tax Codes 1 & 2 Updated (22779)
                                                                      • Customer Screen shipped Via's consolodated (22906)
                                                                      • Sales Order Line Items Table Warehouse auto fils even when no warehouse is setup in user security (22904)
                                                                      • Location is updated on Sales Order Line Item Table when added directly from a Sales Order (22903)


                                                                        Version 4.13.06 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 2/22/2013  )

                                                                        • QPC search with OEM # working correctly (22849)


                                                                          Version 4.13.05 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 2/20/2013  )

                                                                          • Sales Order linked on PO and SO (22858)
                                                                          • All Items Showing up on APO #3 (22853)
                                                                          • RMA Pricing Items for return correctly (22530)


                                                                            Version 4.13.04 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 2/18/2013  )

                                                                            • Sales Order Created from a duplicated Quote has all Info (22728) 
                                                                            • Income Statement by Month working correctly (22834)
                                                                            • Customizable button on Sales Order Form (22096)
                                                                            • Auto PO Exporting (22820)


                                                                              Version 4.13.03 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 2/11/2013  )

                                                                              • Not all Items on a PO are linked to a Back Order (22817)
                                                                              • Inventory screen on APO3 opens Quickly (22823)


                                                                                Version 4.13.02 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 2/8/2013  )

                                                                                • Sales Order form closes after deleting a Sales Order created from a quote (22639)
                                                                                • Popup for veiwing customer quotes for the same car in the past XX days (22628)
                                                                                • Special Order Supplier Pricing (22620)
                                                                                • Create a Back Order for an Item on a sales Order multiple times (22753)

                                                                                  Version 4.13.01 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 2/1/2013  )

                                                                                  • Sales Order Popup when Deleting a Sales Order (22806)
                                                                                  • Net Price on QPC working with Avg, Next, Supplier Costs (22804)
                                                                                  • Assess Finance Charge with a Minimum of Days Past Due (22783)
                                                                                  • Full Year 2013 appears on QPC Date Expected (22561)
                                                                                  • OSHide will remove Admin Menus in Access 2007 (22626)
                                                                                  • Sales Order Line Items Tab Order Corrected (22640)
                                                                                  • Special Order Purchase Orders created from Sales Orders with multiple Items (22786))


                                                                                  OneSource - Version 4.1.1231 (Revisions)


                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.93 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 12/28/2012 )

                                                                                  • PO's can be received after the qty ordered is changed to 0 (22454)
                                                                                  • Ship All will not result in a negative back order quantity(21362)
                                                                                  • QPC QTY in Stock is Updating dynamically (22384)
                                                                                  • Damaged and Non Damaged parts get correct labels (22399)
                                                                                  • QPC showing only the correct models for the year specified (22516)
                                                                                  • Price changes on a Sales Order are reflected in the Lineitems Table(22496)
                                                                                  • Ship All Button on the Sales Order Correctly ships from Stock and BO Remaining Order (21362)
                                                                                  • Cost Updates on a PO are carried through to the Supplier Cost and the Linked Sales Order (22498)
                                                                                  • Sales Order Created from a Quote display the correct Sales Order (22443)
                                                                                  • Items on a PO with Qty changed to 0 will not prevent the PO from being Received (22461)
                                                                                  • PO's Received are Marked as Received (22454)
                                                                                  • User Name setting for Job Status Tracking (22278)
                                                                                  • Tax Rate Changes Locked From Non-Managers (17372)
                                                                                  • PO's and PO Lineitems will not be deleted when the linked Sales Order is deleted (22560)
                                                                                  • When a PO is shipped to a customer and the Cost is changed you will be asked if you want to update the Supplier Cost (22579)
                                                                                  • Available Credits show up when show credits button is selected from an invoice payments popup (22369)


                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.92 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 12/4/2012 )

                                                                                  • Sales Order conversion only creates one sales order (22410)
                                                                                  • Admin Credit Hold will not allow inventory to be deducted without approval (22315)
                                                                                  • Write Conflicts when adding another item to a sales order is fixed (22486, 22490)


                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.91 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 12/3/2012 )

                                                                                  • Unselect button for Undeposited Funds has been reconfigured to work correctly (22354)
                                                                                  • 0 QTY Ordered & 0 QTY Shipped Changes on a Sales Order Keeps Inventory correct (22109)
                                                                                  • TAB button on Sales order is Faster (22155)
                                                                                  • Supplier / Vendor Bill form is closable (22362)
                                                                                  • Applying Payments through a Credit Memo (22232)
                                                                                  • Add the Bill to Customer quickly (22139)
                                                                                  • Customizable Purchase Order has a standard template that can be modified (17040)


                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.90 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 11/18/2012 )

                                                                                  • Locking Issue fixed on Sales Order Create New Button (22157)
                                                                                  • Invoice Number is now populating on the Sales order Correctly (22349)
                                                                                  • Back Orders tracking in inventory counts correctley (22207)
                                                                                  • Access Function Keys (F, B) for Del Date on Sales Orders restored (22279)
                                                                                  • Batch Posting (Debits don't match Credits) (22329)
                                                                                  • Admin Credit Hold Locking (22315)


                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.89 (Items Fixed or Added as of 11/15/2012)

                                                                                  • Speed Optimized on the Accounts Receivable Screen (22297)
                                                                                  • Label Printing by Category, Sub Category (21708)
                                                                                  • Sales Order not creating a popup automatically (22326)


                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.88 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 11/5/2012 )

                                                                                  • Auto PO system improved import pricing, date added, Auto PO save, and overwrite confirmation (17040)
                                                                                  • Auto PO System improved Min/Max, All Suppliers in the list, Mag Glass and Auto Detail Button functionality redone (22104 
                                                                                  • AP Bill screen will now close after deleting a Bill (22161)
                                                                                  • Correct Alternate Supplier part number when exporting a PO to Excel (22151) 
                                                                                  •  All Credit Memos marked to Print will print (21932)
                                                                                  • Dashboard recalculate is calculating accurately (21897)
                                                                                  • Automated PO will show Min/Max for New Products added after a specified date (22107)


                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.87 (Testing) 

                                                                                  • We have made significant changes to OneSource to allow the use of SQL Tables. The 5 primary forms (Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices / Credit Memo's, Purchasing, Quick Price Check) are the first to be completed.  


                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.86 (Items Fixed or Added as of 10/23/2012)

                                                                                    • All SR's Since Version 4.1.1231.80 through 4.1.1231.85 have been redone to insure stability and accuracy.
                                                                                    • Return Authorization Popup when Credit Memo Comes Through After the Months Books are closed (Change CM to Today's Date?)(22194)
                                                                                    • Improved Purchase Order Preferences, Auto Link an Item to a Supplier that you are trying to order a part from (22191)
                                                                                    • Improved Speed when creating a Sales Order from the QPC (22191)
                                                                                    • Sales Order Form closes after the Sales Order is deleted (22190)
                                                                                    • 2 New Inventory Reconciliation Reports added. Allows the user to see the beginning inv levels, PO's, CM, Sales, Inventory Differences (22164)
                                                                                    • Old CM/RA that are in closed Financial Periods will propmt you to change the date if you update the quantity from 0 to -1 (22194)


                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.85 (Items Fixed or Added as of 10/16/2012)

                                                                                    • Improved Sales Order And Sales Order Line Items Locking (22150)
                                                                                    • Improved Speed when Tabbing from the Bill to Customer to the Ship to Customer (When the Customer has over 10,000 Orders) (22136)


                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.84 (Items Fixed or Added as of 10/9/2012)

                                                                                    • Credit Memos Marked to Print. All Marked to print Items will print. (21932) 
                                                                                    • Enter Parameter Value not prompted when using the Create Invoice and Print Button (22071)
                                                                                    • Date Expected. Will now show the date the Purchased Item will arrive (Showing the closest Date). (22101)
                                                                                    • Added Costs are negative. Added Cost feature has been updated to make certain the added costs are not subtracting from the total cost. (22038)
                                                                                    • Focus to remain on the selected Report. This will keep the Report in front of all of the forms for easy viewing. (21442)


                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.83 (Items Fixed or Added as of 10/8/2012)

                                                                                    • Give the Auto PO #3 the ability to use Sales Order History or Invoices and Credit Memo's. This will assist in making accurate purchasing decisions based on 2 seperate methods.
                                                                                    • Payment Date Locked (Not changeable with shortcuts) The payment dates will not change inadvertantly when using OneSource Short Cut Key Strokes. (21657)


                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.82 (Items Fixed or Added as of 10/4/2012)

                                                                                    • QPC-The Show Inventory button. Click on the Check Stock Button and see what is in stock and the PO's for that Item (SR22051)
                                                                                    • Create Invoice and Print. The recalculation of taxes happens after the print function so the Printed copy will have correct tax info. (SR22042)
                                                                                    • New inventory field alignment. all field in the Inventory Management Screen have been Realigned. (SR21759)
                                                                                    • Printing Labels, need a way to be able to easily select/unselect labels to print..and by Cat / Sub Cat. (SR21708)

                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.81 ( Items Fixed or Added as of 10/3/2012)

                                                                                    • Emailing PDF's (for transactions) with Bullzip not working. On the Global tab of the Customer Setup and Prefferences Chose BullZip as the default PDF Printer. (SR21793)


                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.80 (Items Fixed or Added as of 10/3/2012)

                                                                                      • New way to select or unselect labels for printing. Select by Cat or Sub Catr(SR 21708)
                                                                                      • Tab control on the inventory item management screen. Moves through each field on the left and then the fields on the right if tab through al fileds is selected in the company setup and preferences. (21922)
                                                                                      • Only 1 tab stop for paying Multiple Bills. Just press enter or use the up down arrow to get to the next check box. (21756)


                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.79 (Items fixed or added as of 9/24/2012)

                                                                                      • Cannot Ship items from stock on SO on .74 version. (SR21761)
                                                                                      • System slowness. (SR21896)
                                                                                      • Need help with Commission report (it takes over 3 hrs to run). (SR21762)
                                                                                      • System is locking up (SR21898)
                                                                                      • Auto PO Detail Preview system (SR21900)


                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.78 (Items fixed or added as of 9/20/2012)

                                                                                      • FW: Printing checks issue. (SR21882)
                                                                                      • Add new step in Markup by Average Cost to get average cost for Price calculations (SR21717)
                                                                                      • Added costs are being entered as negative amts. (SR21876)
                                                                                      • If 1 part is out of stock (on QPC), all selected parts on Sales Order (whether in stock or not) getting marked as Back Order. (SR21892)

                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.77 (Items fixed or added as of 9/18/2012)

                                                                                      • Change Dashboard - Customer Sales reports changes and additions. (SR21463)
                                                                                      • #Error prints on Amount Due on Invoice report. (SR21421)
                                                                                      • Please remove the given reports from the ezr_Report List in the tables of VSS OneSource. (SR21866)
                                                                                      • Revamp Auto PO system - see notes. (SR17040)
                                                                                      • When Item is oversold it is marking the item as SO on the instock tab. (SR21865)
                                                                                      • QPC:Need to make the QPC-Auto, Models drops down box show ALL models (unless the Make is selected, then needs to requery then). (SR21864)

                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.76 (Items fixed or added as of 9/14/2012)

                                                                                      • Add ability to edit the Date Added field (SR21726)
                                                                                      • Enter Bills screen  (SR21731)
                                                                                      • Prompt to save price change before leaving the line item (SR21733)
                                                                                      • PO label printing  (SR21626)
                                                                                      • Sales Order items will now ship even if the item is marked as a special order (SR21766)
                                                                                      • Customizable Auto PO. (SR21744)
                                                                                      • Payroll commission calculation speed issue. (SR21762)
                                                                                      • "printed by" not working. (SR21654)
                                                                                      • Items deducted from stock (SR21742)
                                                                                      • Bank Account balances (SR21806)
                                                                                      • Customization to PO report. (SR21754)
                                                                                      • Invoices with discounts make rounding unexact (SR21775)
                                                                                      • Check Register form Print button (SR21789)

                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.75 (Items fixed or added as of 8/31/2012)

                                                                                      • DB Logo header now printing. (SR21740)
                                                                                      • PO is Able To Change SO Number after Duplicating an old PO. (SR21699)
                                                                                      • The tax is now recalculating on the Quotes. (SR21672)
                                                                                      • Report 'Stock Mgmt - Inventory Reconcilliation (Catagory, Sub, Item - No Qty)' (SR21037)
                                                                                      • Swapping Alternate suppliers for default supplier. (SR21637)
                                                                                      • Inventory Mgmt, the Alias Item Desc table, Cat and Sub Cat have drop downs. (Need to auto refresh too). (SR21706)
                                                                                      • New step in Markup by Average Cost (Price calculations) for Default Special Order Suppliers (when item is out of stock). (SR21717)
                                                                                      • The QPC Format #10 needs pre-configured to look like Format #9. (SR21681)
                                                                                      • Auto PO#2 showing Qty and Items checked to order. (SR21741)
                                                                                      • Over payment Msg. (SR21739)
                                                                                      • Can now ship Items when SO/PO link for SO line item exists. (SR21738)

                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.74 (Items fixed or added as of 8/24/2012)

                                                                                      • New CZ AutoPO (SR21621)
                                                                                      • APO showing the CTC and RTC values (SR15829)
                                                                                      • The fast order entry (SR15959)
                                                                                      • Fixed bug when unreceiving a special order item on a PO SR21235)
                                                                                      • A/R Statement Summary (by Due Date) (SR21634)
                                                                                      • SO linking issue with PO when Special Order items are used. (SR21668)
                                                                                      • Invoice Posting issue Fixed. (SR21666)
                                                                                      • Change Dashboard - Customer Sales reports changes and additions. (Sr21463)


                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.73 (Items fixed or added as of 8/21/2012)

                                                                                        • Unlink and delete PO when deleting Sales Order (SR21572)
                                                                                        • Edit the List Price fom the Sales Order. (SR21342)
                                                                                        • Received PO linked to So & Item Sold on Different SO (SR21541)
                                                                                        • Customer selection in SO. (SR21636)
                                                                                        • Inventory log updated (SR21591)
                                                                                        • Researched and fixed speed problem on XWare tab on Summary of Inventory Items list. (SR21597)
                                                                                        • Sales Order and PO linking. (SR21564)
                                                                                        • Cash back when a customer overpays an invoice? (SR21221) 
                                                                                        • SHIP ALL button (SR21674)

                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.72 (Items fixed or added as of 8/16/2012)

                                                                                        • Customer check number is encripted. (SR20959)
                                                                                        • Adding images issue. (SR21575)
                                                                                        • Change Item Number issue. (SR21606)
                                                                                        • Enter Bill Screen issue. (SR21624)
                                                                                        • Needs to be able to lock tax for non-managers (SR21625)
                                                                                        • Date Expected  (SR21635)
                                                                                        • Inventory update. (SR21633)
                                                                                        • Matrix Pricing Tab focus issue. (SR21630)
                                                                                        • Received PO linked to So & Item Sold on Different SO. (SR21541)
                                                                                        • Dispatching - Walk In Customer (SR21566)


                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.71 (Items fixed or added as of 8/9/2012)

                                                                                        • All Invoices not marked as printed  after printing a group marked to print. (SR20887)
                                                                                        • Adding images (SR21575)
                                                                                        • Total Period payables by supplier report (SR17936)
                                                                                        • Tax on Credits (SR21601)
                                                                                        • Customization to reports. (SR21596)

                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.70 (Items fixed or added as of 8/3/2012)

                                                                                        • Change Reports dBs to look for OCR.mdb, and OSR.mdb instead of the long file names. (SR21130)
                                                                                        • Put customers on admin credit hold when over 90 days. (SR20939)
                                                                                        • All Reports appear in front of other screens (21569)
                                                                                        • Admin credit hold not showing on QPC. (SR21558)
                                                                                        • Add an option to be able to auto update the Retail price from the QPC screen. (SR17710)
                                                                                        • RMA created from the Functions button on a Credit Memo screen.  (SR21011)
                                                                                        • Adding images in Features tab. (SR21575)
                                                                                        • APO #3 showing the sales history. (SR21464)
                                                                                        • New option to tab through all fields (Item #, OEM #, PL #, etc). (SR17135)
                                                                                        • SQLCart integration changes. (SR20766)


                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.69 (Items fixed or added as of 7/31/2012)

                                                                                        • Recalculate button. (SR21258)
                                                                                        • Bin and Location Numbers  (SR21499)
                                                                                        • Emailing a PO (SR20960)
                                                                                        • Delete/Modify A/P bill. (SR21264)
                                                                                        • Return items from Invoice at same cost (SR21543)
                                                                                        • Close & Print. (SR21370)
                                                                                        • Changing item Numbers (SR21425)
                                                                                        • Customer and Prospects form  (SR17934)
                                                                                        • Speed issue. (SR21546)
                                                                                        • Rebuilt/Reimport JOBS related forms (SR21552)
                                                                                        • RMA created from the Functions button on a Credit Memo screen. (SR21011)
                                                                                        • The Print Dialog box showing the Counts and Print opions. (SR21176)
                                                                                        • Date Expected Working on all Parts. (SR21554)
                                                                                        • Dispatching - Walk In Customer  (SR21566)
                                                                                        • New fields in OneSource inventory for online shipping. (SR21249)
                                                                                        • Total Period payables by supplier. (SR17936)


                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.68 (Items fixed or added as of 7/19/2012)

                                                                                        • Attaching invoices to a job made easier. (SR21472)
                                                                                        • Simple Search Display by due date.  (SR16049)
                                                                                        • New QPC Auto Format 10. (SR21210)
                                                                                        • Customer Dashboard recalculate button. (SR21258)
                                                                                        • AR/AP create new bill menu improved. (SR21264)

                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.67 (Items fixed or added as of 7/13/2012)

                                                                                        • Frieght charges carried over to invoice. (SR21269)
                                                                                        • Writting off bad debts. (SR21285)
                                                                                        • QPC will enter the LAST INVENTORY date for an item on the Top Center of QPC, when an item is clicked. (SR21395)
                                                                                        • User Interface (GUI) Improved. (SR16059)
                                                                                        • Picture renaming utility. Used to also make duplicates for Capa Items.(SR17014)


                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.66 (Items fixed or added as of 7/11/2012)

                                                                                        • Auto created bills improved. (SR21433)
                                                                                        • Quick Price Check (QPC)  now shows the date expected. (SR21451)
                                                                                        • MS Access 2010 caused Purchase Order Simple to print an extra page. (SR21351)
                                                                                        • Dashboard - Cash Flow report improved. (SR21020)
                                                                                        • Update on invoice payments date. (SR21104)
                                                                                        • Job Report (SR21450)
                                                                                        • Customer Dashboard Improved (SR21463)
                                                                                        • QPC drop down lists to find Year, Make, and Model from Inventory Alias table. (SR21211)
                                                                                        • Back Orders included in Auto PO calculations. (SR21473)
                                                                                        • Ship To Notes now included in Quick Display. (SR21438)

                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.65 (Items fixed or added as of 7/04/2012)

                                                                                        • Commission report improved. (SR21383)
                                                                                        • SQLCart integration changes. (SR20766)
                                                                                        • OneSource will allow you to change the Expected Date on PO's (SR21311)
                                                                                        • QPC will narrow its search when you enter the Year to only vehicles Made in that Year. When you enter the make of a vehicle OneSource will only show the vehicles made in that year by that manufacturer, Etc... (SR21288)
                                                                                        • Unchecking the box called "Allow bill creation for Received Pos only" in CSP Purchase Orders tab will allow OneSource to create bills for partially received RMA's that may need a back order to be recieved latter. (SR21357)
                                                                                        • OneSource will allow you ship an item has been received on the PO and is linked to this Sales Order. (SR21329)
                                                                                        • AutoPO will auto open the folder where it is saved. (SR21417)
                                                                                        • Duplicated Sales Orders will keep the same discounts. (SR21428)
                                                                                        • With Status of "To Dispatch" on the dispatch screen OneSource will auto fill the other information. (SR21374)
                                                                                        • Date on invoice payments will remain consistant. (SR21104)
                                                                                        • Inventory Valuation report will show the top 20% of Items and give each part number a ranking from #1 on down, that gives user ability to filter between x and y.  (SR21431)

                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.64 (Items fixed or added as of 7/03/2012)

                                                                                        • Orphaned Sales Orders reunited . (SR21234)
                                                                                        • The default number of lines on the Sales Order will display properly as set in the Company Setup and Preferences. (SR21350)
                                                                                        • When selling a line item that is already linked to a PO special ordered item (that has not been received). This feature will allow you to ship the item you already have and remove the 'link' from the Sales Order line item and the PO line item?  (Note: This process will NOT delete the PO line item) (SR21012)
                                                                                        • Pictures show up on QPC and in Inventory Management screen. (SR21367)

                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.63 (Items fixed or added as of 6/28/2012)

                                                                                        • Refinements to Load from entry screen (and printing). (SR21330)
                                                                                        • When selling a line item that is already linked to a PO special ordered item (that has not been received). This feature will allow you to ship the item you already have and remove the 'link' from the Sales Order line item and the PO line item?  (Note: This process will NOT delete the PO line item) (SR21331)
                                                                                        • find/update invoices not linked to Sales Orders. (SR21356)


                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.62 (Items fixed or added as of 6/26/2012)

                                                                                        • Refinements to load from entry screen (and printing). (SR21330)


                                                                                        Version 4.1.1231.60 (Items fixed or added as of 6/7/2012)

                                                                                        • After selecting the contact from the create job form the Contact does not carry forward on to the job form. (SR21089)
                                                                                        • Print Preview hides behind the forms. (SR21170)
                                                                                        • SQL Cart modfication done to fix Auto Data export. (SR20766)
                                                                                        • Sales Order Tax not re-calculating before printing. (SR21162)
                                                                                        • Customer Pricing and Transaction forms, Discount and Markup showing format changed back to old way. (SR18195)
                                                                                        • The Check Stock Button on the QPC  (SR21171)
                                                                                        • Adding "ALL" on invoice number field in the Sales Order. (SR21012)
                                                                                        • Trying to delete 1 line item and it deleted ALL of the line items.(SR20976)
                                                                                        • Delete whole invoice issue. (SR21000)
                                                                                        • The Customer Order number and the comments field are locked. (SR20899)
                                                                                        • Needs Date Expected field on the Export/Import of the PO function. (SR21188)
                                                                                        • Fix the bug when unreceiving a special order item on a PO (creating a negative shipment in stock linked to Sales Order). (SR21235)


                                                                                          Version 4.1.1231.59 (Items fixed or added as of 6/6/2012)

                                                                                          •  Move Auto Select Spec Order (when not enough in stock) over to Sales2 CSP tab. (SR17827)
                                                                                          •  Deleting an invoice payment that was associated to a sales order payment. (SR18078)
                                                                                          •  When I uncheck the Special Order check box on a sales order because the item is marked as special order it automatically ships the item even though I don't want it to ship. (SR18218)
                                                                                          • Blank FC invoice displays as paid in the status column. (SR17617)
                                                                                          • When duplicate Quote that is a 'recurring Sales Order' it does not duplicate the recurring Order Info on the Quick Display. (SR18123)
                                                                                          • Bills Coming Due (# Of days) can not be printed. (SR16058)

                                                                                          Version 4.1.1231.58 (Items fixed or added as of 6/5/2012)

                                                                                          • In the jobs form on the PO, SO, or the Quotes the ship to , Bill to information is not correct. (SR21088)
                                                                                          • Need system reports and custom reports merged into one list by adding back end custom reports table. (SR21150)
                                                                                          • Paying commissions. (SR21157)

                                                                                          Version 4.1.1231.57 (Items fixed or added as of 5/31/2012)

                                                                                          • Default Freight Method not working with QPC. (SR21046)
                                                                                          • Add a button called Total on the Undeposited Checks form, to prevent flickering problem on that form. (SR14855)
                                                                                          • Fix problem with inability to change the Address Type to something else (from Both), on Add New Customer and on Customer screen too. (SR21137)
                                                                                          • On the F2 Jobs form need to make the Customer Custom Pricing work. (SR21132)


                                                                                          Version 4.1.1231.56 (Items fixed or added as of 5/28/2012)

                                                                                          • Enhance MW functionality on QPC-Pricing tab and SO. CM. (SR20936)
                                                                                          • Access auto deleting error. (SR21107)


                                                                                          Version 4.1.1231.55 (Items fixed or added as of 5/25/2012)

                                                                                          • Auto PO jumping back to the top of the screen when opened  (SR21052)
                                                                                          • Need to make changes to PO Import and Export to fix a problem. (SR21098)
                                                                                          • RMA receiving issue. (SR21078)


                                                                                          Version 4.1.1231.54 (Items fixed or added as of 5/23/2012)

                                                                                          • When Sales Order relink to Invoice it auto assign "All" as the Invoice Number. (SR21012)
                                                                                          • Purchasing: LOT # Column added on Excel Import and Export. (SR20842)


                                                                                          Version 4.1.1231.53 (Items fixed or added as of 5/22/2012)

                                                                                          • Inventory Quantity in Stock error. (SR20970)

                                                                                          Version 4.1.1231.52 (Items fixed or added as of 5/17/2012)

                                                                                          • Added new Report Category called Dashboards. (SR17971)
                                                                                          • Added new 'Dashboard - Cash Flow' report. (SR21020)
                                                                                          • Inventory Quantity in Stock error. (SR20970)
                                                                                          • Inventory Valuation Report not accurate. (SR20998)
                                                                                          • ECommerce: Fix Auto Data export. (SR20766)


                                                                                          Version 4.1.1231.51 (Items fixed or added as of 5/16/2012)

                                                                                          • Need to make the Adjust Inventory button more intuitive (work without having to click on Edit button). (SR20915)
                                                                                          • Fixed inaccuracies in Inventory Valuation Report. (SR20998)


                                                                                          Version 4.1.1231.50 (Items fixed or added as of 5/15/2012)

                                                                                          • When opening QPC getting Resize error 2 times. (SR20999)
                                                                                          • "COST WARNING" message not consistent. (SR21009)
                                                                                          • RMA's being cleared. (SR20987)


                                                                                            Version 4.1.1231.49 (Items fixed or added as of 5/14/2012)

                                                                                            • Back Ordered Sales Orders show in the BO list even after the Invoice created. (SR20967)
                                                                                            • RMA's being cleared. (SR20987)
                                                                                            • DEP TO ACCT default goes blank after first payment. (SR21004)
                                                                                            • Find RMA - received vs. not. (SR20941)
                                                                                            • Sales Tax Reports don't calculate correctly. (SR20995)


                                                                                            Version 4.1.1231.48 (Items fixed or added as of 5/10/2012)

                                                                                            • Some of the Invoices not marked as printed  after printing a group marked to print (SR20887)
                                                                                            • RMA's being cleared. (SR20987)


                                                                                            Version 4.1.1231.47 (Items fixed or added as of 5/9/2012)

                                                                                            • One item deleted from sales order but not shown in transaction log. (SR20896)
                                                                                            • Fix PO Category drop down list (SR20810)
                                                                                            • Trying to delete 1 line item and it deleted ALL of the line items. (SR20976)


                                                                                            Version 4.1.1231.46 (Items fixed or added as of 5/7/2012)

                                                                                            • When selecting the Option to pay Invoice with Credit memo the tax is not calculating. (SR20958)
                                                                                            • Added cost on po can't be entered as bill (SR20807)
                                                                                            • Extra validations added for Sales Order LineItems linked to POs. (SR20825)


                                                                                            Version 4.1.1231.45 (Items fixed or added as of 5/3/2012)

                                                                                            • Invoice won't post. (SR20897)
                                                                                            • PO Imports not working (updates didn't get into latest version) (SR20940)
                                                                                            • Inventory getting off. (SR20880)
                                                                                            • Fixed Customer Dashboard report (hanging halfway through calculation process). (SR20914)
                                                                                            • Revised Customer Dashboard report to filter out items called Discount. (SR20933)


                                                                                            Version 4.1.1231.44 (Items fixed or added as of 5/2/2012)

                                                                                            • Sales Orders are not linked to Invoice. (SR20898)
                                                                                            • All Menus Grey out after pulling up a Sales Order (SR20909)


                                                                                            Version 4.1.1231.43 (Items fixed or added as of 5/1/2012)

                                                                                            • Commissions are not calculating for all users (SR20817)


                                                                                            Version 4.1.1231.42 (Items fixed or added as of 4/30/2012)

                                                                                            • Some Invoices were not showing in the Customer Statment Open Items in both formats. (SR20883)
                                                                                            • In the Custom Pricing Code discount fields were not saving. (SR20893)


                                                                                              Version 4.1.1231.41 (Items fixed or added as of 4/28/2012)

                                                                                              • Major bug relating to the option to not print statements that have a balance of less than x.xx (SR20883)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.40 (Items fixed or added as of 4/23/2012)

                                                                                                • Customize report for Inside Sales Reps. (SR20836)
                                                                                                • PO Importing does not work. (SR20865)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.39 (Items fixed or added as of 4/23/2012)

                                                                                                • Auto PO errors out when using PO Category for Domestic-Lamps/Mirrors. (SR20838)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.38 (Items fixed or added as of 4/17/2012)

                                                                                                • When adding new Items from PO form does not auto insert default Price Matrix codes. (SR20785)
                                                                                                • Some of the default Invoice report names too large to set in the CSP. (SR20784)
                                                                                                • The year make or model can be changed independently of each other in QPC. (SR20781)
                                                                                                • Added Costs calculation for Container based on Item Price is wrong. (SR20697)
                                                                                                • When add picture of item shows in QPC screen but not IIM screen. (SR20726)
                                                                                                • Stickers for sales orders print and we still get a pop up asking us to print. (SR20261)
                                                                                                • Auto PO getting Division by 0 error (then other errors). (SR20714)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.37 (Items fixed or added as of 4/12/2012)

                                                                                                • Make a way to auto locate a Supplier ecommerce portal for an item. (SR18055)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.36 (Items fixed or added as of 4/10/2012)

                                                                                                • When adding SO from F3 screen, cannot print SO unless we close and re-open. (Print button disabled). (SR20761)
                                                                                                • QPC Space coming in front of name. (SR20760)
                                                                                                • When looking up CM (If stored value of previous lookup settting have changed, getting error). (SR20762)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.35 (Items fixed or added as of 4/9/2012)

                                                                                                • Specifically deleting payment which has already been deposited (SR20680)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.34 (Items fixed or added as of 4/6/2012)

                                                                                                • Picture of item shows in QPC screen but not IIM screen. (SR20726)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.33 (Items fixed or added as of 4/4/2012)

                                                                                                • Customization  on the Delivery Manifest report. (SR20703)
                                                                                                • Import works but can not receive items. (SR20698)
                                                                                                • Getting error when trying to add item to PO. (SR20637)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.32 (Items fixed or added as of 4/4/2012)

                                                                                                • Auto PO getting Division by 0 error (then other errors) on 1231.30 version (SR20714)
                                                                                                • XML Reference needs to be removed. (SR20713)
                                                                                                • Import works but can not receive items. (SR20698)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.31 (Items fixed or added as of 4/3/2012)

                                                                                                •  The added cost calculation by Price is not calculating correctly. (SR20697)

                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.30 (Items fixed or added as of 3/30/2012)

                                                                                                • QPC flickers when cursor moves from item to item. (SR20679)
                                                                                                • Error when creating a Sales Order from QPC. (SR20699)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.29 (Items fixed or added as of 3/29/2012)

                                                                                                • When adding a new Customer (on a new Job/WasteMan) it needs to refresh the customer combo boxes.
                                                                                                • "Objects variable or with block variable not set" error occured when pressing Model mag. button in the Inventory form (SR20684)
                                                                                                • Adding extra items with zero cost from Inventory adjustment to the inventory not working (SR20565)
                                                                                                • Mag glass on PO line item not opening the correct item. (SR20695)
                                                                                                • Purchase order function does not import item correctly. (SR20692)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.28 (Items fixed or added as of 3/28/2012)

                                                                                                • New feature to auto apply creadit to Invoice when creating Credit Memos not working. (SR20486)
                                                                                                • Invoice with credit is not showing up on the receive payments. (SR20622)
                                                                                                • Import excel will not insert same part twice. (SR20667)

                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.28 (Items fixed or added as of 3/28/2012)

                                                                                                • New feature to auto apply creadit to Invoice when creating Credit Memos not working. (SR20486)
                                                                                                • Invoice with credit is not showing up on the receive payments. (SR20622)
                                                                                                • Import excel will not insert same part twice. (SR20667)


                                                                                                Version 4.1.1231.27 (Items fixed or added as of 3/27/2012)

                                                                                                • Add Customer remaining Balance column to Customer Sales history Report. (SR20611)
                                                                                                • New feature to auto apply credit to Invoice when creating Credit Memos not working. (SR20486)


                                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.26 (Items fixed or added as of 3/26/2012)

                                                                                                  • Payments not applying (OS Says its applied). (SR20579)
                                                                                                  • Selection of Minimum Customer Balance to be printed, no longer exists in the Customer Statement Printing. (SR20560)


                                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.25 (Items fixed or added as of 3/23/2012)

                                                                                                  • OS will not allow closing the Financial Period (SR20581)


                                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.24 (Items fixed or added as of 3/22/2012)

                                                                                                  •  Import container invoice from excel. (SR20349)
                                                                                                  • Create new Customer Sales Dashboard report and a way to auto recalc all Customer Dashboards figures on admin user logon or logoff. (SR17971)
                                                                                                  • OS will not allow closing the Financial period. (SR20581)

                                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.23 (Items fixed or added as of 3/21/2012)

                                                                                                  • Inventory Valuation Report should show only Items In Stock or  unshipped on orders. (SR20507)
                                                                                                  • Freight charges do not transfer to Invoice when creating invoice from sales order. (SR20563)
                                                                                                  • Expected date on PO needs to Prompt to auto update all line items after 1 is updated. (SR20570)


                                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.22 (Items fixed or added as of 3/20/2012)

                                                                                                  • Daily Revenue Report is not calculating correctly. (SR20523)
                                                                                                  • Printing error occured when printing as PDF print and E-mail (SR20595)
                                                                                                  • One Source is Crashing. (SR20441)
                                                                                                  • OneSource Freezing. (SR20438)
                                                                                                  • Sales Orders still randomly freezing when going back to them. (SR18243)

                                                                                                  Version 4.1.1231.21 (Items fixed or added as of 3/19/2012)

                                                                                                  • Unable to uncheck the SO check box for Special Order items. (SR20589)
                                                                                                  • OS will not allow closing Financial Periods. (SR20581)
                                                                                                  • Inventory-Slow Moving Items by Qty report zero Ship Qty items selected for the report. (SR20508)


                                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.20 (Items fixed or added as of 3/16/2012)

                                                                                                    • Inventory-Slow Moving Items by Qty Report Date Filtering is wrong. (SR20508)
                                                                                                    • Report Selection Screen auto filter to Favorites reports does not working. (SR20548)
                                                                                                    • Date Added should be updated with current date when Items created by Copy option. (SR20573)


                                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.19 (Items fixed or added as of 3/15/2012)

                                                                                                    • Inventory-Slow Moving Items by Qty report added. (SR20508)
                                                                                                    • Adding item to a Purchase Order or to a Sales Order can not be done when the Inventory Management screen is opened. (SR20439)
                                                                                                    • Customer and then the dashboard it shows #Name? and when you click recalculate it just hangs. (SR20557)
                                                                                                    • Getting too few parameters error when running the QPC. (SR20575)
                                                                                                    • Can't Change price on Sales Order when PO is linked. (SR20571)


                                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.18 (Items fixed or added as of 3/14/2012)

                                                                                                    • When you are in QPC and you check to order an item and then you click the Check Stock Button and click back to hide, it won't put  focus back to main item. (SR20524)
                                                                                                    • Inventory-Slow Moving Items by Qty changed to get data based on Sales Orders (SR20508)

                                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.17 (Items fixed or added as of 3/13/2012)

                                                                                                    • When you are in QPC and you check to order an item and then you click the Check Stock Button it will uncheck the Items. (SR20524)
                                                                                                    • Report Selection Screen: Doesn't Auto Filter to Favorites. (SR20548)

                                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.16 (Items fixed or added as of 3/6/2012)

                                                                                                    • Employee Hours form does not open up. (SR20461)

                                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.15 (Items fixed or added as of 3/5/2012)

                                                                                                    • Daily sales report with 1 Line, Page size and margins adjusted. (SR18145)


                                                                                                    Version 4.1.1231.14 (Items fixed or added as of 3/1/2012)

                                                                                                    • Daily sales report with 1 Line, blank net amount error and report layout changed. (SR18145)
                                                                                                    • New option to apply credit to invoice when creating a credit memo doesn't add Negative credit to CM (SR20409)


                                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.13 (Items fixed or added as of 2/28/2012)

                                                                                                      • Prices recalculated when back order created. (SR20377)
                                                                                                      • When the Bill is posting, Invoice Date of the Bill changes to Current date automatically. (SR20384)
                                                                                                      • Made a new Daily sales report with 1 Line. (SR18145)
                                                                                                      • When the PO button pressed in the Sales Order LineI tems form it opens wrong form. (SR20288)


                                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.12 (Items fixed or added as of 2/28/2012)

                                                                                                      • The Trial Balance is not matching the Income Statement on the sales account. (SR20332)
                                                                                                      • When adding a new Customer, users don't have rights to select Both or Bill To for type of customer. (SR20312)
                                                                                                      • When creating a Credit Memo for a returned item it randomly will not put in the Sales Order number or the Payment Terms and its not including the tax charged. (SR20302)
                                                                                                      • Sales History Totals are wrong when Assembly items are included in the Sales Orders, Invoice and Quotations. (SR20312)


                                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.11 (Items fixed or added as of 2/17/2012)

                                                                                                      • Label printing problems. (SR18251)

                                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.10 (Items fixed or added as of 2/16/2012)

                                                                                                      • Getting error Update or Cancel Update without Add New or Edit (SR18232)
                                                                                                      • We need to make a release query to auto check the security for Sales Summary forms (SR18231)
                                                                                                      • Get strange cannot update error on Sales Order. (SR18184)
                                                                                                      • Need to fix QPC Sort order and make New Release query to copy the Master Item Number field over to the Master Item Number Sort field in the Inventory table. (SR18250)


                                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.9 (Items fixed or added as of 2/15/2012)

                                                                                                      • Pop's up a dialog box asking for a parameter value:Forms!Purchase Order!Purchase Order. Does this twice and then the preview opens. (SR18216)
                                                                                                      • When trying to print preview get's stuck says running a query at the bottom for about 10 minutes and nothing happens. (SR18217)


                                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.8 (Items fixed or added as of 2/14/2012)

                                                                                                      • When creating a BOM if you don't ship the main item at the time it is created It will not let you go back and ship it later. (SR18015)
                                                                                                      • When the items changed to a lesser Qty than what is currently available in the Inventory from the Bulk Adjustment, wrong GL Accounts selected for posting. (SR18164)


                                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.7 (Items fixed or added as of 2/13/2012)

                                                                                                      • When you have the Qty shipped defaulted to zero and then fill it in later you get a popup that the cost was zero and the GL could become inaccurate. (SR18166) 
                                                                                                      • User cannot make a 'manual' inventory adjustment without having the EDIT button on the Inventory Management screen clicked first. (SR18181)
                                                                                                      • Get strange cannot update error on Sales Order. (SR18184)
                                                                                                      • When you try to add a Supplier from the Inventory drop down menu it gives an error. (SR18188)


                                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.6 (Items fixed or added as of 2/7/2012)

                                                                                                      • Printing not working when select to print a Date Range or Marked to Print. (SR18131) 
                                                                                                      • The Calculate total extensions by invoice query is not calculating the extension correctly. (SR18137)
                                                                                                      • When an Invoice is being deleted and the Sales Order form is already opened, it deletes only the line items. (SR17625)
                                                                                                      • When Unpost invoice dated X it auto changes the date to current date. (SR18151)


                                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.5 (Items fixed or added as of 2/6/2012)

                                                                                                      • Display the Total Sales Tax on QPC. (SR18132) 


                                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.4 (Items fixed or added as of 2/2/2012)

                                                                                                      • APO #3, Function #4 not working properly. Also CuSqFt not importing correctly.. (SR18100)
                                                                                                      • Missing items in search, and tab order problem. (SR18108)


                                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.3 (Items fixed or added as of 1/31/2012)
                                                                                                      Note: Final changes made during and after QA (before general release to Customers) between 1/1/2012 and 1/31/2012

                                                                                                      • AR-Manage Receivables: Pop up Runtime error message when click on  Reselect Records button & select Paid /Both button.
                                                                                                      • Banking-Check Writer Checks: When click on the Check stub button nothing happens.  It should open the check stub to edit.
                                                                                                      • Banking-Check Writer Deposits: Click Print--Pre Printed Deposited Deposit Slip not showing up.
                                                                                                      • Banking-Check Writer Deposits: Change sort order for the Deposit Detail (on printed deposit report) to be the Entry Order.
                                                                                                      • Contacts-Customers and Prospects: When adding a new Activity (or posting a new activity) it auto inserts the logged in users 'user name' rather then their real name.
                                                                                                      • Contacts-Customers and Prospects: Finished creating customer dashboard (bottom left hand section that displays info like Total Sales, # Invoices, Avg Invoice $, etc)
                                                                                                      • Contacts-Customers and Prospects: Custom Pricing. Added refresh button.
                                                                                                      • GL-AR Cost Analysis: When new costs are applied (and auto unposting happens) it is NOT unposting the payment transactions related to posted invoices.
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Import/Export: When trying to import from spreadsheet created from the Auto PO if the supplier number had a ""-"" dash in the number it would not put the data in to be imported.
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Import/Export: Add checkbox option to import supplier item qty's.
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Inventory Adjustment: When trying to do an inventory adjustment the form never opens up
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Inventory Adjustment: Matrix Pricing adjustment screen wont adjust the retail prices
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Inventory Adjustment: Runtime error occurred when you select All items.
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Inventory Management: Pics not printing on Inventory Mgmt screen report.
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Warehouse Mgmt:  Runtime error occurred when try to open Stock Transfer form.
                                                                                                      • Jobs: Printed work order report not printing pictures correctly.
                                                                                                      • Purchasing: Refine Importing from and Exporting to Excel on Auto PO and PO.
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: When searching option #3 items are duplicated and item descriptions are not showing right.
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: Error occurred when running Option #3
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: Please add the Lead Time to the Auto PO Preview Screen.
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: In Option #1 the Order Qty wrong when it comes to Order as Case
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: Option #4 When you view option #4 some controls on details form do not align properly.
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: When an Item has only Lost Sales and no Sales History available and Round to Case and Order case are true then when you get the order qty the Avg Qty won't calculate to Case Qty, which makes the Order Qty inaccurate.
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: Option #3 min/max does not round to case qty
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: When you have lost sales and you have never sold the item they are not showing up on the option #3 when selected to show Lost Sales
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: Make sure lost sales get recorded, even if the user does NOT select the item to be added to Sales Order first.
                                                                                                      • Reports: The print customer statements are not working in the new VSS version.
                                                                                                      • Reports: The monthly totals for Sept on the report AR Statement Summary (By Month) do not match the Customer statements or the Receive payments for the invoices for Sept.
                                                                                                      • Sales: Update or Cancel Update without Add new or Edit (???)
                                                                                                      • Sales-Credit Memo:  When the supplier on a credit memo is changed the cost changes also.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Credit Memo: The Ship to field isn't filling in and the drop down is blank.
                                                                                                      • Sales: Issue with marking the special order check box when the Qty shipped is filled in.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Invoice: Sales Person does not auto fill even the CSP is selected as true. Same issue can be detected in the CM as well.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Invoice: Pop up Runtime error when click on payments button in the Paid Invoice.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Quick Price Check: Pop up message when click on Add to Order button.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Quick Price Check: When you look up an item on QPC by the item number and sell it to the SO it does not put the discount % in the field.  The price is correct.  But if you look it up by the YR, Make, Model it puts the discount in the field.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Quick Price Check: Crashing and running very slow on format 9 when arrowing up and down. If you arrowing up and down quickly you can usually make it crash on their server.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: When you Duplicate a Sales Order from the Functions Button it is no longer popping up the warning that you can't duplicate an order with editable Assemblies and when you do it does not put the components on the order.  We need to popup and advise that this is not supported.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: Why is Auto PO #1 (from SO) taking minutes for 1 item?
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: The Sales Order BOM Subform is hiding the Header for the Qty Shipped field.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: If you have the inventory mgmt open and are trying to delete a Sales Order it doesn't delete it.  But it is putting the inventory back into stock.  Then when you close the inventory mgmt it does allow you to delete the sales order and you can then see all the lines it put in the in stock tab.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: Sales orders showing invoiced even after the invoices have been deleted it is not deleting the invoice number from the field.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Quick Price Check: Picture won't display in the QPC form.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: You can change the customer on the sales order after it has been invoiced.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: When you create a sales order from the QPC it sets the focus on the Bill To customer name field when it opens the Sales Order.  Can we have it set focus on the Customer Order # field.  This will prevent the users from accidently typing something and changing the customer accidently.
                                                                                                      • Tools-OSPLWiz.mdb: Misc refinements & improvements to NEW CCC export and table linking processes.
                                                                                                      • Tools-OSPLWiz.mdb: Several issues with the new OSPLWizard.
                                                                                                      • Tools-OSPLWiz.mdb: The Mitchell report is still coming out with the Price column having several price formats. 50, 50.1, 50.15 the report should have only 1 format. This report will not allow the column to be reformated to correct the issue.


                                                                                                      • R-Assess Finance Charges: Pop up Runtime error when click on Apply button in the FC summary form & create 0 amount FC invoice.
                                                                                                      • AR-Manage Receivables: Pop up Runtime error message when click on  Reselect Records button & select Paid /Both button.
                                                                                                      • Banking-Check Writer Checks: When click on th Check stub button nothing happens.  It should open the check stub to edit.
                                                                                                      • Banking-Check Writer Deposits: Click Print--PrePrinted Deposited Deposit Slip not showing up.
                                                                                                      • Banking-Check Writer Deposits: Change sort order for the Deposit Detail (on printed deposit report) to be the Entry Order.
                                                                                                      • Contacts-Customers and Prospects: When adding a new Activity (or posting a new activity) it auto inserts the logged in users 'user name' rather then their real name.
                                                                                                      • Contacts-Customers and Prospects: Finished creating customer dashboard (bottom left hand section that displays info like Total Sales, # Invoices, Avg Invoice $, etc)
                                                                                                      • Contacts-Customers and Prospects: Custom Pricing. Added refresh button.
                                                                                                      • GL-AR Cost Analysis: When new costs are applied (and auto unposting happens) it is NOT unposting the payment transactions related to posted invoices.
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Import/Export: When trying to import from spreadsheet created from the Auto PO if the supplier number had a ""-"" dash in the number it would not put the data in to be imported.
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Import/Export: Add checkbox option to import supplier item Item Qtys.
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Inventory Adjustment: When trying to do an inventory adjustment the form never opens up
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Inventory Adjustment: Matrix Pricing adjustment screen wont adjust the retail prices
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Inventory Adjustment: Runtime error occurred when you select All items.
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Inventory Management: Pics not printing on Inventory Mgmt screen report.
                                                                                                      • Inventory-Warehouse Mgmt:  Runtime error occurred when try to open Stock Transfer form.
                                                                                                      • Jobs: Printed work order report not printing pictures correctly.
                                                                                                      • Purchasing: Refine Importing from and Exporting to Excel on Auto PO and PO.
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: When searching option #3 items are duplicated and item descriptions are not showing right.
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: Error occurred when running Option #3
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: Please add the LeadTime to the Auto PO Preview Screen.
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: In Option #1 the Order Qty wrong when it comes to Order as Case
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: Option #4 When you view option #4 some controls on details form do not align properly.
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: When an Item has only Lost Sales and no Sales History available and Round to Case and Order case are true then when you get the order qty the Avg Qty won't calculate to Case Qty, which makes the Order Qty inaccurate.
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: Opntion #3 min/max does not round to case qty
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: When you have lost sales and you have never sold the item they are not showing up on the option #3 when selected to show Lost Sales
                                                                                                      • Purchasing-Auto PO: Make sure lost sales get recorded, even if the user does NOT select the item to be added to Sales Order first.
                                                                                                      • Reports: The print customer statements are not working in the new VSS version.
                                                                                                      • Reports: The monthly totals for Sept on the report AR Statement Summary (By Month) do not match the Customer statements or the Receive payments for the invoices for Sept.
                                                                                                      • Sales: Update or CancelUpdate without Addnew or Edit (???)
                                                                                                      • Sales-Credit Memo:  When the supplier on a credit memo is changed the cost changes also.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Credit Memo: The Ship to field isn't filling in and the drop down is blank.
                                                                                                      • Sales: Issue with marking the special order check box when the Qty shipped is filled in.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Invoice: Sales Person does not auto fill even the CSP is selected as true. Same issue can be ditected in the CM as well.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Invoice: Pop up Runtime error when click on payments button in the Paid Invoice.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Quick Price Check: Pop up message when click on Add to Order button.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Quick Price Check: When you look up an item on QPC by the item number and sell it to the SO it does not put the discount % in the field.  The price is correct.  But if you look it up by the YR, Make, Model it puts the discount in the field.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Quick Price Check: Crashing and running very slow on format 9 when arrowing up and down. If you arrowing up and down quickly you can usually make it crash on their server.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: When you Duplicate a Sales Order from the Functions Button it is no longer poping up the warning that you can't duplicate an order with editable Assemblies and when you do it does not put the components on the order.  We need to popup and advise that this is not supported.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: Why is Auto PO #1 (from SO) taking minutes for 1 item?
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: The Sales Order BOM Subform is hiding the Header for the Qty Shipped field.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: If you have the inventory mgmt open and are trying to delete a Sales Order it doesn't delete it.  But it is putting the inventory back into stock.  Then when you close the inventory mgmt it does allow you to delete the sales order and you can then see all the lines it put in the instock tab.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: Sales orders showing invoiced even after the invoices have been deleted it is not deleting the invoice number from the field.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Quick Price Check: Picture won't display in the QPC form.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: You can change the customer on the sales order after it has been invoiced.
                                                                                                      • Sales-Sales Order: When you create a sales order from the QPC it sets the focus on the Bill To customer name field when it opens the Sales Order.  Can we have it set focus on the Customer Order # field.  This will prevent the users from accidently typing something and changing the customer accidently.
                                                                                                      • Tools-OSPLWiz.mdb: Misc refinements & improvements to NEW CCC export and table linking processes.
                                                                                                      • Tools-OSPLWiz.mdb: Several issues with the new OSPLWizard.
                                                                                                      • Tools-OSPLWiz.mdb: The Mitchell report is still coming out with the Price column having several price formats. 50, 50.1, 50.15 the report should have only 1 format. This report will not allow the column to be reformatted to correct the issue.


                                                                                                      OneSource Version 4.1.1231 (New Additions & Changes)

                                                                                                      Version 4.1.1231.0
                                                                                                      Representing changes made to OneSource Version 4.1.0603 between 6/1/2011 and 12/31/2011.


                                                                                                      • AR/AP/GL
                                                                                                        • AP-Enter Bills: Enter Bills When you put an invoice date that is greater than the due date it pops up and tells you you can not have an invoice greater than the due date.  Changed to make it change the Due Date based on the new Invoice date and the payment terms.
                                                                                                        • AR-Finance Charges: Fixed problem with Access Finance Charges screen freezing.
                                                                                                        • AR-Receive Payments: Added cardholder name to the Credit Card drop down list.
                                                                                                        • AR-Receive Payments: When receiving a payment, if payment type was AX it was not encripting it on the Deposit Slip.
                                                                                                        • AR-Statements: Add new sort order option to sort by Customer Number (Numeric)
                                                                                                        • AR-Statements:Added new Statement option to print bottom aging totals based on the 'Month'.
                                                                                                        • AR-Statements:Modified Statements to calculate the bottom aging totals to be based on #days 'past due' rather than the  days past the Invoice date.
                                                                                                        • AR-Statements:On the print customer statements if the statement is for a credit balance then the dunning messages are not printing.
                                                                                                        • Banking-Check Writer Checks: When user printed a check that was not created from an AP Bill, it some times printed options that were not checked.
                                                                                                        • GL: Added new AR and AP Cost Analysis screens to user security, and also not be allowed to be opened if the user security is not setup.
                                                                                                      • Contact Management
                                                                                                        • Add New Supplier: Corrected problem with tab order on the More Info tab.
                                                                                                        • Add New Supplier: When entering a new Supplier, if user selected Save and Add New button it was opening up the main Supplier form in the background, which was confusing to user.
                                                                                                        • Customers and Prospects: Added additional helpful fields on the Customer Dashboard tab to help track customer AR History.
                                                                                                        • Customers and Prospects: Added option (in the User Security) to hide Customer dashboard.
                                                                                                        • Customers and Prospects: Fixed problem with Recalculate Credit button on the Pricing Defaults tab.
                                                                                                        • Customers and Prospects: Fixed problems with Shipped Via field.
                                                                                                        • Customers and Prospects: Refined calculations on the Customer Dashboard tab.
                                                                                                        • Suppliers and Vendors: Suppliers form was taking over 30 seconds to open (for some customers).
                                                                                                      • File-Logon/Logoff
                                                                                                        • Correct problem (for users using Access 2007 or Access 2010) where the database container was getting displayed after login.
                                                                                                        • Created new OneSource login tool that provides various tools to get and keep the latest copy of OneSource up to date.
                                                                                                        • When Company Data File path has been changed user could not open the screen to relink to the Company Data File located in a different location.
                                                                                                      • Inventory Management & Purchasing
                                                                                                        • Inventory
                                                                                                          • Created a new inventory valuation report that shows all shipments  called Inventory Valuation - By Item, By Shipment.
                                                                                                        • Inventory-Add New
                                                                                                          • Changed the way Inventory Categories and SubCategories work.  Categories can now be entered on the Inventory Item record (rather than having to go to a different table) AND the SubCategory field now auto filters to show all SubCategories directly related to the parent Category.
                                                                                                          • Made the drop down list for manufacturers on the Inventory Management screen the same as the drop down list for manufacturer on the Add New Inventory Item screen.
                                                                                                          • Now requires Category selection when adding new item.
                                                                                                          • When have Default Matrix setup (in the Company Setup) it was not auto filling when making a new item.
                                                                                                        • Inventory-Import/Export
                                                                                                          • Import/Export, fix problem with Special Export (AAM type) when using Access 2007 or Access 2010.
                                                                                                          • When importing an Auto PO Request for Qutation (from Supplier) it was not updating the last price update date.
                                                                                                        • Inventory-Inventory Adjustment
                                                                                                          • Added code to refine how shippments are handled when inventory comes into (or out of) stock when there is positive and negative inventory levels at the same time.
                                                                                                        • Inventory-Inventory Management
                                                                                                          • Added button to auto expand height and width of Alias item descriptions.
                                                                                                          • Added extra code to Recalcuate Inventory Quantities button to include Damaged Qtys as well.
                                                                                                          • Added Index to the Manufacturer Item Number 2 field (to speed up searching on that field).
                                                                                                          • Added Master Item Number Sort Order (for QPC) on the Auto details tab
                                                                                                          • Added new feature on the Assemblies tab to allow an item to be automatically unassembled from a finished  good back into separate components (items). This allows the separate components to be sold separately.
                                                                                                          • Added totals to the bottom of Sales tab records.
                                                                                                          • Adding a matrix price (without specifying a Lowest Qty and Highest Qty) was producing an error.
                                                                                                          • Could not remove a damaged item from the Inventory using the Adjust Quantities in Stock button.
                                                                                                          • Created new Admin Tool to scan Pictures folder and write Picture name in Picture1 path in Inventory table.
                                                                                                          • Fixed problem with not being able to adjust an item Qty up or down using the Inventory Adjustment button.
                                                                                                          • Improved the Inventory movement 'Log' to include all of the fields being tracked in the InStock tab.
                                                                                                          • Increased size of the OEM field to 250 characters.
                                                                                                          • Inventory Item Picture was not getting refreshed when scrolling from record to record.Inventory-Inventory Management: Many changes to existing Inventory reports to make them all more consistent with each other.
                                                                                                          • Merging of item number was not always completely deleting all components of the initial (older) item number.
                                                                                                          • Modified the Inventory Pictures option to show the pictures, automatically, using 2 methods: 1--If there is a picture with the same item number (in the predifined path for all pictures), and 2--If there is an actual picture name entered in the field (which can be differnt than the item number, and can have up to 3 separate pictures).
                                                                                                          • Pictures were not showing on the printed report for the screen.
                                                                                                          • There was a problem trying to delete Damaged items from the InStock tab (because it was treating it like a 'Special Order' item).
                                                                                                          • When you swap the Default Supplier with any given Alternate Supplier it was not copying the part number notes.
                                                                                                          • (Auto) Added a new field  field to flag items that need to be 'excluded' from Automated description updates (when using the OSPLWiz.mdb).
                                                                                                        • Inventory-Stock Transfers
                                                                                                          • (NEW SCREEN) Created a new module in OneSource to simplify and track the step by step status of Stock Transfers from 1 warehouse to another.  (Initial implementation of this function only works on the QPC/Auto tab).
                                                                                                        • Inventory-Warehouse Management
                                                                                                          • OneSource Warehouse Management screen (which works with the optional OSScan handheld scanner module) was refined to automatically map OneSource item numbers to Supplier bar-codes scanned and import PO item quantities and locations scanned.
                                                                                                        • Purchasing
                                                                                                          • Created a new Purchase Order Helper screen (not on the menu, called frmPurchaseOrderHelper).
                                                                                                          • Created a new purchasing summary form to show inventory levels and sales Quarter to Date, Year to Date, Last 12 months, etc (to help in purchasing decisions)..
                                                                                                          • When you changed the price on a PO for an item that had already been received it changed the cost on the instock tab, but did not recalculate the new 'average' cost.
                                                                                                        • Automated Purchase Orders
                                                                                                          • Added new options of which items to export.
                                                                                                          • Changed the 'Buyer' option (on the Auto PO Detail Preview screen) to enable filtering of the list down by 'Buyer' or 'Purchase Order Category' (to simplify 'grouping' of items for Auto PO Process).
                                                                                                          • Process was only exporting items to Supplier if the Supplier was set as the 'Default Supplier'. Export process now included exports to Suppliers that are the Default or any one of the Alternate Suppliers.
                                                                                                          • Select All button needs to read 'Unselect All' when Auto PO Detail Preview screen.
                                                                                                          • Showing zero's in the Total Sold column, even when there where sales.
                                                                                                          • Was taking way too long to arrow up or down on APO detail.  (Some recent change had made it take 2-3 seconds when arrowing up and down between records).
                                                                                                          • When a PO is auto created (using the Auto PO function) would like to have the PO line items get inserted on the PO in alphabetic order.
                                                                                                          • When click Create PO (on Auto PO Summary screen) added a progress bar and also made it disable the Create PO button (so user could not click it again until the process was complete).
                                                                                                          • When using the Automated PO's Option #4 Min/Max and then clicking the Preview All Detail nothing was showing up on the screen.
                                                                                                          • Purchasing-Auto PO: When using the 'show all items' option on the Auto PO, when items are selected (that do NOT already have a related item for the selected Supplier) prompt user to add a new item link for that supplier.
                                                                                                        • Purchase Orders
                                                                                                          • Added ability to change the Ship To address on a PO, even when one or more of the items is a 'drop ship' item.
                                                                                                          • Added Costs--Fixed problem in calculation on Added Cost when selecting the option to distribute the costs by price.
                                                                                                          • Change the Importing option (on the functions button) to import the Qty Shipped rather than the Qty Ordered.
                                                                                                          • Changed the PO 'sorting' on Purchase Orders to sort by Item Number (to make it easier to find PO items on large PO's).
                                                                                                          • Created a way for the printed PO reports (on the Purchase Order screen) to be auto selected (based on preferences pre-defined in the Company Setup)
                                                                                                          • Fixed problems with importing PO quantities on the Functions button.
                                                                                                          • If you received an item that was 'drop shipped' it would not let you 'unrceive' the item to make changes to the item (since it had never let the stock in the first place). Added ability to unreceive a 'drop ship' item.
                                                                                                          • Option to not auto prompt to enter Bill was not working.
                                                                                                          • Purchase Orders can once again to made to 'Vendors' as well as Suppliers.
                                                                                                          • Special Orders--When manually linking a PO line item to a Sales Order line item, changed code to check to see if the item had already been shipped, and if so, not allow the item to be linked (due to the potential of the invenotry level getting off).
                                                                                                          • Special Orders--When manually linking a PO line item to a Sales Order line item, if the PO Line item has 'more' of the item than what is needed by the Sales Order special order, write code to auto split the Purchase Order line item into 2 separate line items prior to linking the Sales Order line item.
                                                                                                          • When a PO is deleted it was not changing/updating the Date expected field on each related Item record.
                                                                                                          • Changed all printed Purchase Orders to print the line items in alphabetical order.
                                                                                                      • Jobs/Work Orders 
                                                                                                        • Created new Job Workflow Status screen. This system allows for automatic creation of a new Job/Work Order when a Sales Order is created, Automated creation of a batch of 'Statuses' for the Job/Work Order, and a separate screen to scan the Job/Work Order through each status as the Job/Work Order is processed through each status.
                                                                                                        • Developed a new Job/Commodity Pickup Tracking and Billing System in OneSource.
                                                                                                      • Sales (Quotations, Sales Orders, Invoices, Credit Memo's, Etc)
                                                                                                        • Sales
                                                                                                          • Double check how all Tax Report calculate and make sure all match up. Remove some of the reports that are basically redundant.
                                                                                                          • Increase 'Customer PO Number' field on Quote, Sales Order, Invoice, and Credit Memo to 50 Characters.
                                                                                                          • Invoice payments can now be edited, and the related record in the Undeposited Checks table will be auto updated as well (if the payment has not already been deposited).
                                                                                                          • New Printing Feature--New feature for Sales document printing (printed Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, Credit Memo's, and Purchase Orders). Before..the selected report/sales document, # copies, and print method remembered the 'last' method selected bt the last user selection. Now, each report/sales document type can be predifined in advance, along with the # of copies, and print method--making sure the settings reappear each time--regardless of how another user may have changed them on the last printing. (Note: The original method still works as well simply by not setting any of the new preferences).
                                                                                                          • On the simple search form the From Date was not always filling in with an accurate date.
                                                                                                          • Sales-Reports: Invoice Details Totals - Monthly report was not totaling properly.
                                                                                                          • Speed--Made the deleting of Sales Order, Invoice, and Credit Memo line items almost 10x faster.
                                                                                                          • The Markup by Average cost pricing method was not calculating properly on the 'damaged' item cost.
                                                                                                          • When linking a PO line item to a special order on a Sales Order made it auto save the Sales Order line item first to prevent corruption.
                                                                                                          • When user clicked the Print button but then clicked the Cancel button the document was being marked as printed (even though it had not actually been printed).
                                                                                                          • When user opens up a Quote, Sales Order, Invoice, Credit Memo (or Purchase Order) and then try to close the blank document user is now forced to select an Company Name or delete the transaction.
                                                                                                          • When you user changes the Ship To Customer (on all Sales document types) it now auto changes the associated Shipped Via for the newly selected Ship To Customer as well.
                                                                                                        • Credit Memo's
                                                                                                          • Changed the way the inventory is being removed when the -x is changed to 0.  It was pulling the inventory out by FIFO.  Now it refers back to the Inventory log (by the Shipment ID) and located the original cost more accurately.
                                                                                                          • Credit Memo was getting an error when manually entering items.
                                                                                                          • Credit memo was using the 'cost' (recorded in the Inventory tracking log). However, in some cases the 'actual' cost was recorded/updated later on, on the PO. Changed the way the Credit Memo calculates the cost to make it more accurate.
                                                                                                          • Customer Purchase Order # now transfers from the Invoice to the Credit memo (when the Credit Memo is created from the Invoice).
                                                                                                          • Easier Credit Memo creation--When creating a new Credit Memo from an Invoice, after the Credit Memo is auto created, added a new prompt to auto apply the newly created Credit Memo to the originating Invoice and auto re-print the Invoice.
                                                                                                          • Fixed problem with costs getting zero'd out (when select and item, answer no to return to supplier, and then retype the negative quantity again and then answering yes to return to the supplier).
                                                                                                          • New option to auto fill Salesperson field with Entered by value (when creating Credit Memo from an Invoice).
                                                                                                          • The Shipped Via was not being transferred from the Invoice to the Credit Memo when the Credit Memo was created from the Invoice.
                                                                                                          • When changing an item number on a Credit Memo to a different item number (once the item has already been added back to stock) it was not removing the original quantity (from the originally selected item) back out of stock.
                                                                                                          • When create CM (from Invoice) was not auto filling in the Payment Terms.
                                                                                                          • When using the 'damaged' functionality, when you retyped over the Qty on the Credit Memo it was producing a pop-up about damamged the damaged item and returning it back to the supplier. Then if you selected to return it to the supplier it was not re-pulling the inventory back out of stock.
                                                                                                          • When you created a Credit Memo from an Invoice and the item you were returning had a positive and negative quantities in stock it was causing an error to appear stating that you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.
                                                                                                          • When you returned an item with a Qty of greater than 1 the cost that is was getting put on the item going back into stock was the 'total' cost of all items rather than the 'individual' item cost.
                                                                                                        • Sales-Custom Pricing Templates: Added ability to easily arrow up and down to change prices. Also, when changing the pricing method (for a line item on the template) it now auto clears the previously selected value.
                                                                                                        • Sales-Dispatching: New Dispatching Features--Completely revamped the way the screen works. New feature to assign each group of deliveries to a particular Dispatch ID.  New options to auto select/update the Dispatch ID, Status, Driver, and Time dispatched using a barcode scanner, or single mouse click, or manual entry.  Drivers manifest now prints based on the selected Driver and Dispatch ID. Revamped how the 6 buttons filter records by status, date, etc.
                                                                                                        • Invoices
                                                                                                          • Added extra code to double check to make sure that when an Invoice is created from a Sales Order that the Invoice # is proper written and saved on the Sales Order record.
                                                                                                          • Can now edit Invoice Comments without having to 'unpost' the Invoice.
                                                                                                          • User can now enter a Qty to Return (to create a Credit Memo from the Invoice) without having to 'unpost' the Invoice.
                                                                                                          • User was not able to add a new credit card on the payments button on an invoice.
                                                                                                          • When you had a Sales Order open and you opened the Invoice linked to that Sales Order and then deleted the Invoice it was not removing the Invoice number from the Sales Order (which made it so it could not be re-invoiced).
                                                                                                        • Sales-Invoice Batch Create: Added new code (and a progress bar) to re-scan all Sales Orders (used in the batch) to create a batch of Invoicecs, to double check to make sure that all Invoices were actually created.
                                                                                                        • Quick Price Check (QPC)
                                                                                                          • Added Inventory Log details as a new tab.
                                                                                                          • Can now search for the Company by the Company Name, Customer Number, Company Phone #, Street Address.
                                                                                                          • Fixed price calculation problem with using 'Mark Up' price. (It was working similar to the Markup By Average Cost).
                                                                                                          • Fixed problem with OneSource crashing (when adding item to a Quote, then using the Mag button to open the Customer, then using a Mag button to open the Quote to look at it again).
                                                                                                        • Quick Price Check (QPC) (Auto tab)
                                                                                                          • Added and refined a new button called 'Add to Order & Print' that can be setup to do multiple functions with 1 click on the QPC screen, including any 1 or all of these functions: Create Quote, Print Quote, Create Sales Order, Print Sales Order, Create Invoice, Print Invoice.
                                                                                                          • Added feature to auto expand the item description (over the price/quantity fields), when items are in 'single' line mode and when the cursor is on the description field.  Also added ability to arrow up and down on the Quantity and Price fields (so description will be be expanded when looking at Quantity or Price field).
                                                                                                          • Added new option (in the Company Setup) to have the cursor tab through all search fields before moving to the Search button (rather than skipping past some of the less used fields).
                                                                                                          • Added short-cut keys for all of the major functions on the button of the form.
                                                                                                          • Added subform to show the actual quantities in stock, in each warehouse.
                                                                                                          • Added Total Margin (for all items selected) on the QPC.  (Removed the SubTotal without taxes)
                                                                                                          • Can once again enter the year and then select the model without selecting a make.
                                                                                                          • Fixed problem with damaged parts getting displayed incorrectly on Invoice.
                                                                                                          • Fixed problem with it not taking the Damaged Qty from stock when checking the DMG box on the QPC.
                                                                                                          • If pricing option (in the Company Setup) was set to 'Auto' it was not auto calculating the prices.
                                                                                                          • New feature--Can enable an option to auto recalculate the Retail Price displayed on the Order and Invoice to be equal to the Code Price set up for the customer.  The Code + Discount option also inserts the Discount as well.
                                                                                                          • Pressing the Space Bar key now mimics the functionality of pressing the Enter key--which auto toggles the Selection of the line and the Quantity being set to 1.
                                                                                                          • Quantity on Order and Quantity Expected was not getting properly updated.
                                                                                                          • Retail price was getting set to $0 if the item did not have a Supplier.
                                                                                                          • Revamped the way the Category and Subcategory filter and sub filter items (to make it easier to display the smallest list possible in the shortest amount of time)
                                                                                                          • The Hide Cost option in the User Security was not properly yhiding the cost in the QPC.
                                                                                                          • The OEM price was not getting displayed properly.
                                                                                                          • When you sold a damaged item on the QPC and you selected other items on the same QPC screen it was marking them all as damaged.
                                                                                                        • Sales Orders
                                                                                                          • Added an hourglass to the process when the Batch Ship button was pressed.Sales
                                                                                                          • Added new button called Create Invoice & Print that auto printed the default Sales Order documents, auto created an Invoice, auto printed the Invoice, and auto displayed the Invoice screen.
                                                                                                          • Admin Credit Hold was allowing shipment if user clicked on the Admin Credit Hold (red bar) label.
                                                                                                          • Changed the logic on the 'Below Cost' warning which appeared whenever an item was being sold at either $0 cost OR when the cost was less than the price.  Users told us that this warning needed to split into 2 separate warnings.  Now if the cost is 0 (after the item has been shipped) the user gets message: 'Important Note: The cost for this shipped item is $0. Please double check the cost to keep financial statements accurate.' Also, in the Company Setup (on the Sales 1 tab) we changed the option called 'Warn on $0 Cost...' to 'Display warning if cost exceeds sales price'. (Now, if this is enabled, and the cost is > 0 but higher than the price the user sees popup warning: 'Important Note: The cost of this item is higher than the sales price.'
                                                                                                          • Editable Assemblies--When selling an editable assembly if the customer pricing type is setup as 'discount' it was putting the discount on both the main item and the components of the BOM.
                                                                                                          • Fixed random problem when a Sales Order was created from a Quote the header information was not getting filled in properly.
                                                                                                          • If the Bill To Customer was tax exampt, but the Ship To Customer was not tax exempt, it was making the Sales Order taxable. Now if the Bill To Customer is tax exempt this will override all Shipping locations tax status.
                                                                                                          • If user has a Sales Order open and then uses the Mag Glass button (next to the Invoice #) to open the Invoice and then deletes the Invoices (in order to make changes on the associated Sales Order) it would delete the Invoice line items but not the Invoice record itself (due to record locking problems).
                                                                                                          • If user made a change to the (editable) Bill to 'address info' fields on a Sales Order, if a Back Order was then created, the edited values where not being copied over.
                                                                                                          • If you have items already on a Sales Order and you changed the Bill to Company it asked user if wanted to recalculate the price. If so, it would recalculate the price but not recalculate the taxes.
                                                                                                          • In some cases the Invoice table was getting a blank record in the table (which was causing troubles creating a new Invoice).
                                                                                                          • New button that allows user to auto update all line items with a particular overall discount for that Sales Order.
                                                                                                          • Revamped how 'labels' are printed (with the Pop up screen to edit the number of copies of each label to print being optional).
                                                                                                          • Some of the Sales Orders where not properly printing the 'Copies' messages (such as Customer Copy, Accounting Copy, etc)
                                                                                                          • Some Sales Orders and/or Invoices were missing the 'Type of Invoice' value (such as Product Detail) which was causing the line items to not display properly.
                                                                                                          • User was able to change the Qty Shipped on a Sales Order after it had been invoiced. This has been locked down.
                                                                                                          • When converting a Quote into a Sales Order it was not checking for Duplicate Customer Order# (when the option to have it checked was enabled in the Company Setup).
                                                                                                          • When delete Sales Order, items that are 'damaged' were not getting deleted properly.
                                                                                                          • When the Print or Create Invoice buttons are clicked, they will now get disabled (so the user does not inadvertantly click the button again).
                                                                                                          • When the users was set up with GL Divisions and they created Sales Order (from a Quote) it was not selecting the GL Division on the line items for that item (but was using the default GL Account from the Company Setup).
                                                                                                          • When user was changing the Bill To Customer, the Payment Terms were not getting refreshed.
                                                                                                          • When you create a Sales Order Back Order it puts the Back Order number in the back order number field (on the original Sales Order). However, if the user deleted the Back Order it was not removing the Back Order # from the original Sales Order.  (Also, when you create a Back Order using the 'Functions' button it was not inserting the Back Order # on the original Sales Order).
                                                                                                          • When you retype over the Ship Qty it was resetting the cost to $0.
                                                                                                          • When you sold a damaged item on a Quote and then converted the Quote to a Sales Order, it was not properly changing the Damaged Quantity inventory level.
                                                                                                          • You can now 'special order' items--even if you already have the item in stock.
                                                                                                          • Corrected problem for unique situation when special order is created for a Sales Order Back Order and then the Back Order gets canceled/deleted.
                                                                                                          • Remove erroneous messasge (prompting user to recalculate the price) when creating an Invoice for a Sales Order with Back Orders on it.
                                                                                                          • Sales-Summary: Added new exception list called 'Sales Orders without Matching Invoices' (on the Shift+F7 Invoice Summary lists) to show any exceptions that may exist.
                                                                                                      • Tools
                                                                                                        • Created new tool / process to auto import any custom reports (storted in a database called OneSourceCustomReports.mdb in the same location as the Company Data File) on demand when the report is needed.
                                                                                                        • Admin Tools: (Auto) Added new feature to the 'Picture Renaming Tool' to find CAPA Certified Items and make a duplicate picture (when there is a picture available for the non certified item) with whatever postfix is used for Capa appended to the end of the picture name.
                                                                                                        • Company Setup: Added default website address in Company Setup.
                                                                                                        • Tools-User Security: Added 2 new security options: Sales - Invoice Payments, and Sales - Sales Order Payments.
                                                                                                      • Tools-OSPLWiz: (Auto) 
                                                                                                        • Added additional logic to double check each Catalog entry (in the tblInventoryAlias table) to make sure each item in the catalog had its own unique Partslink 'ID'.
                                                                                                        • Added new option called 'Auto Replace (Update) the Makes and Models lists in our Company Data file' which auto updates the Makes and Models searching lists (and then performs the optional find/replace function to replace certain values with different values that the user has pre-defined, such as 'Dodge Truck' to 'Dodge').
                                                                                                        • Make the wizard conform more tightly to the PTypesWeSell settings to update Categories and SubCategories, etc.
                                                                                                        • Refined the way Capa items are created. (When the wizard created new Capa items it was duplicating a number of fields (from the related non Capa item) that needed to be left blank, such as the Supplier Number, Supplier Item #, Min, Max, Date Added, etc)
                                                                                                        • The wizard was putting items in the Inventory Alias table without putting the item in the the Inventory table as well.
                                                                                                        • Added a new option (checkbox) to auto mark (as 'inactive'), any items that do not have a supplier (so only items with a supplier are listed on the QPC).
                                                                                                        • Added option to NOT update the descriptions on any items that make use of the new checkbox (on the Inventory record) called 'Exclude this item from Auto Description updates'.
                                                                                                        • Fixed problem with CCC export 'Location' file that was inserting an extra column and was causing the 'contact' information in the CCC system(s) to be displayed incorrectly.