
* Inventory - Shipping/Receiving

Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-01995 Created: 2013-01-21 14:36 Last Updated: 2013-08-23 15:41 0 Rating/ Voters

How to transfer inventory from 1 warehouse to another ( if there is no sale attached to the transfer )

  • Open the Inventory Shipping/Receiving screen (Inventory > Inventory Shipping/Receiving)
  • Click In-House Stock Transfer button (under the Stock Transfers section in the middle of the screen).
  • Select the warehouse you want to transfer item to using the Transfer to Warehouse selection box.
  • Find the item(s) you want to transfer:
    • The In House Stock Transfers screen lists all existing shipments--in ALL warehouses (that are visible on each Inventory Item record on the In Stock tab).
    • You can scroll down the list of items that originally appear in alphabetical order, or
    • Type an item # in the Find Item search box, or
    • Sort or Filter any of the columns to find various items or groups of items.
  • Enter the Quantity you want to transfer and press Enter.
  • Close the In House Stock Transfer screen.
  • Back on the Inventory Shipping/Receiving screen...
    • Make sure you have the right warehouse selected (in the top right hand corner)
    • Click on the Transfer # you just created (at the top of the of the list under the Stock Transfer's section) and then click Print to print a Stock Transfer ticket.
    • Click on the Transfer # you have picked off the shelf and then click on the Ship button.

If you would like to PRINT or PICK or SHIP or RECEIVE a BATCH of items (all linked to each other by the same Transfer #) you can simply click on any 1 of the records (that are included in the same transfer # (batch)) and then click on the Select All Transfer # button and the then click on the Print button, or Ship button, etc...

How to receive items into stock that have been transferred from another warehouse

When the items arrive (along with a copy of the Stock Transfer ticket) you then need to:

  • Manually receive and reconcile the received items
  • Open the Inventory Shipping/Receiving screen (Inventory > Inventory Shipping/Receiving)
    • Make sure you have the right warehouse selected (in the top right hand corner)
    • Click on the Transfer # you just created (at the top of the of the list under the Stock Transfer's section) and then click the Receive button.
    • Note: If there is a Sales Order # printing on the Stock Transfer ticket you will need to look up the Sales Order and receive the items on the Sales Order and then ship the Items on that Sales Order