How to setup and use the various Freight calculation tools in OneSource (Not Completed)
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02193 Created: 2014-07-22 10:14 Last Updated: 2014-08-19 16:31 |
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OneSource Software
Hand entered freight
Calculated Freight, based on Shipped Via
Calculated Freight, based on Customer Freight Defaults
Calculated Freight, based on the Item Type and Ship To Zip Code
- See tblFreightByZipCodes table
- WarehouseCode: Which warehouse will this calculation be based.
- DestinationZipCode: This is the zip code he item will be shipping TO.
- ItemCategory: This is the KEY that will be linked back to the Category field (in the Inventory Table) for each item needing a Freight Calc.
- ItemSubCategory: Fill this in ONLY if you want to further classify the item freight calculation by SubCategory as well.
- Price: This is the flat price we will charge to ship this item to the Destination Zip Code.
- FreeShippingCutoff: If the total price of the Sales Order is equal to or greater than this amount the freight will be free. (Leave $0 to disable this feature for this zip code)
OneSource Online Orders (Business to Business)
Make all shipping free
Using the 'ship cost custom' field
Using the item/box length, width, and height (to help UPS or Fedex calculate automatically)
OneSource Online Orders (Business to Consumer)
Make all shipping free
Using the 'ship cost custom' field
Using the item/box length, width, and height (to help UPS or Fedex calculate automatically)
By Zip Code (spreadsheet method)
- Using a spreadsheet (formatted in a particular way) the user is able to define the flat rate shipping cost per item 'TYPE' per zip code.
Custom Integrated Systems (Like CCC, etc)
By Zip Code