How to backup OneSource
Author: support staff Reference Number: AA-01186 Created: 2011-02-21 20:55 Last Updated: 2019-11-14 16:39 |
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How to Backup OneSource Data File(s) Manually (MS Access Data Files)Sometimes it become necessary to make a back-up outside of your normal routine daily or evening backups (like right before you do a mass merging of Item #'s, etc). Backing up the OneSource MS Access data file(s) is quite simple. Here are the steps to do that: 1--With OneSource open click: Help > About OneSource 2--Make a note of the file name that ends with .mdb in the Company Data File field. 3--Open up the directly where the Company Data File resides by clicking on the Magnifying Glass button (to the right of the Company Data File field). 4--After the file folder opens, change the view of the files to Details and then sort the Date Modified column into 'descending order' (so you can see all files that have the most recent date and time group together on the top of your screen). You need to backup all of the following files: - Your company data file you made note of in step #2 above.
- Any files in the same folder that start with 'os'.
- All files in the Reports subdirectory.
- Note: If you use the PartsLink wizard backup this file: C:\Partslink\data\OSPLWiz_prefs.mdb
How to Backup OneSource Data File(s) Using the Backup Tool How to determine which OneSource files to backupAlmost all OneSource files simply do not need to be
backed up--since they are easily replaceable. The only files that typically need to be backed up would be
the following files:
- Your OneSource Company Data File. This is THE file that stores ALL data that resides in OneSource. You can find this file by clicking (with OneSource open) Help > About OneSource and writing down the path and filename displayed in the Company Data File field.
- You can click on the magnifying glass button next to the Company Data File Path to open up the folder where the Company Data File resides.
- The name of this file is usually YourCompanyName.mdb (where YourCompanyName = an abbreviated name of your company).
- It is quite often stored in one of these paths: C:\OneSource\Data or D:\OneSource\Data
- IMPORTANT NOTE: If your company has a 'distributed database' then most of your most vital data will be 'distributed' out to 14 or more OneSource database files. These files are stored in the same directory as your data file and all have this type of naming convention: os*.mdb (such as osar.mdb, osap.mdb, etc)
- Any 'customizations' to OneSource (like custom Reports) that you do not want to lose.
- Version 4.1x or greater stores all custom reports in 1 database file called: OneSourceCustomReports.mdb (which is usually stored in the subfolder Reports).
- If your Company Data File is stored in this folder: D:\OneSource\Data then your OneSourceCustomReports.mdb file will be stored here: D:\OneSource\Data\Report\OneSourceCustomReports.mdb
We recommend 3 separate backup methodsNOTICE: OneSource Software has a few backup 'tools' to help your company backup your OneSource files. However, PLEASE NOTE THESE TOOLS ARE NOT DESIGNED TO BE YOUR MAIN OR ONLY BACKUP. OneSource Software strongly recommends that your company have 3 separate backup processes in place: #1) A daily backup of your important files to an offsite internet/cloud based service, #2) A daily backup of your important files to some type of local media (external hard drive, thumb drive, tape drive, DVD, CD, etc) that can be taken off-site each day, and r thumb drive, or other media that you have direct control of, and #3) 1 or more daily backups of your important files to you local server hard drive using one of the OneSource Backup Tools.
How to Backup OneSource files?
You can backup the copy of OneSource.mdb that you are in by clicking:
Tools, Admin Tools, MS Access Menu's, Tools, Database Utilities, Backup
Your Company Data File:
Although this file should be backed up routinely each night with the
rest of the files that your network administrator deems necessary, as a
precautionary measure, it is recommended that you routinely create
additional back-up copies of your company data file using the OneSource Database Backup.vbs file.
Custom Objects, OSArchivedData.mdb, OSCustomReports.mdb. You can the file into your computer's memory (Ctrl+C), the file back into the same folder (Ctrl+V) or into another
folder. This usually creates a new file name 'Copy of xFileName...'
where xFileName if the name of your file. If desired, rename the
file(s) to something like OriginalFileName_Date.extension. (For
example: If SampleReport.rpt was backed up on 1/1/2008, then it might be
renamed to SampleReport_2000.01.01.rpt)
It is strongly recommended that you establish a consistent backup
routine to back up all files that are important to your business. The backup routine would include, at a minimum, the following procedures:
a daily
backup up of all files that you would not care to lose due to file
corruption, file loss, accidental deletion, changes to historical
information, hard drive failure, viruses, theft, fire, etc,
a backup to media that is, or can be, stored off-site
(such as a tape, cd, dvd, offsite upload to an FTP server or back up
service, etc.),
a daily review of the back-up log, paying close attention at least the following:
the time that process started,
the time the process stopped, (if it is within a minute or so, it probably complete successfully),
the number of bytes backed up (if the number is very low or 0, it probably didn't complete successfully),
which files or directories were backed up
which files were skipped (and why)
any success, error, or failure messages
To simplify the process, you may want to use the Windows Backup utility
(or another 3rd party back up utility) and back up the files to a place
on a local hard drive during the evening (when all users are out of the
files) and then
move the single, compressed back up file to media that is or can be
stored off-site. This can many times prevent known or unknown backup
failures due to full, faulty, or improperly labeled back up tapes or