
* Inventory - Scanner Import (Depricated)

Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02360 Created: 2016-02-23 13:05 Last Updated: 2016-02-23 14:56 0 Rating/ Voters

Opening and Setting Up the Inventory Warehouse Automation (Hand Held Batch) screen

Opening the Hand Held Batch screen

  • Click Inventory > Inventory Warehouse Automation (Handheld)

Setting Up the Scanned Files Path

  • This next step assumes that you have already set up the scanner syncing process (using the Windows Mobile Device Manager) and have created a new folder (and shared it, and linked it to your Remote Desktop session).  For additional help with this click HERE
  • Open the Hand Held Batch screen.
  • Click Cancel (when prompted to select a Scan Type option).
  • In the Scanned Files Path field (in the upper left corner), and type the full path to the folder where the scanned files reside (which you linked to your server session using the Local Resource tab, Local Devices section, More... button). 
    • Note: If the folder on your PC is shared and mapped as x, then the path you would most likely need to enter is: \\tsclient\X

Importing your Scanned Files - Step By Step

  • Use OSScan to scan a PO or Sales Order or Inventory Count
  • Place your hand held device in the cradle that is connected (and set up for syncing) to your PC.
  • In OneSource, click Inventory > Inventory Warehouse Management (Handheld)
  • Select the Scan Type (Import PO, or Import Inventory Count, or Import Sales Order) when prompted.
    • Unselect the Clear Work Table option if you do NOT want the process to delete previously imported, but unprocessed batches.
  • Select the Options you want to apply:
    • Import Scanned Items to Supplier Item Number Fields (if scanned Supplier Barcodes).
    • Split scanned line items into 1 line per item on import.
    • Always Back Order Difference if Qty Scanned is Less Than Qty Ordered on PO

Scanner File Management

Where osScan is located on the Hand Held Device

  • \Program Files\OSScan\OneSource Scan.exe

What the Scanned Files Look Like and Where They are Located (on the Hand Held Scanning Device)

  • OSScan creates .txt files that are named in this fashion:
    • PO scans: 
      • Sample Scanned File Name: PO_XXX_YYY.txt
      • Where PO is the Prefix
      • Where XXX = PO # (entered at the time of the scan)
      • Where YYY is a random ID (so the same PO # can be re-scanned without over-writing the original scan) 
    • Sales Order scans: 
      • Sample Scanned File Name: SO_XXX_YYY.txt
      • Where SO is the Prefix
      • Where XXX = Sales Order # (entered at the time of the scan)
      • Where YYY is a random ID (so the same Sale Order # can be re-scanned without over-writing the original scan)
    • Inventory scans: 
      • Sample Scanned File Name: INV_XXX_YYY.txt
      • Where INV is the Prefix
      • Where XXX = PO # (entered at the time of the scan)
      • Where YYY is a random ID (so the same PO # can be re-scanned without over-writing the original scan)
  • This creates text files on the scanning device stored in the following path (assuming you are using Windows Mobile 6.x)
    • \My Documents\

Where the Files Go After They Are Synced to the PC

  • You define where the files will be synced (on your PC) when you set up the Windows Mobile Device Center application.  Usually you will want to configure that application to store the synced files in a folder you have created (and shared, and mapped to a Drive letter, and Linked to your Remote Desktop session using the Remote Desktop client).

Where the Files Go After They Are Imported Into OneSource

  • After the files are IMPORTED into OneSource (following the instructions below) they will be stored here:
    • \\%OneSourceCompanyDataFilePath%\Hand Held Scanner Files Processed
      • Assuming %OneSourceCompanyDataFilePath% is the actual name of the folder where your OneSource Company Data File resides.