
Which Company Setup & Preferences are unique to Sales Orders? (tab 2)

Author: support staff Reference Number: AA-01502 Created: 2011-03-31 13:27 Last Updated: 2011-03-31 13:27 0 Rating/ Voters

The following Company Setup & Preferences, located on the Sales/Invoicing (2) tab, are unique to the Sales Orders form.


Enable Back Ordering:  This allows Back Orders to be created from a Sales Order when there are no items currently in inventory.


Warn if Item is Out of Stock:  This brings up a warning when the item being ordered is out of stock.


Prompt user before recrediting inventory:  This brings up a message that an item is going to be put back in inventory.


Check for Duplicate Customer Order # on Sales Order:  This checks for duplicate customer order numbers on a Sales Order and notifies the user of the duplication.


"Ship" by default on Sales Orders:  This places a check mark in the "Ship" field automatically on each Sales Order line item that is created.


Auto-Fill Ship Date when converting from Sales Order to Invoice:  This auto-fills the ship date when creating an Invoice from an existing Sales Order.


Number of Days for Automated Sales Order History:  When set, this displays the Sales Orders created since the number of days inserted in this field.


Special Order Default Markup Type:  This allows the Special Order Default Markup type to use either the defined "Markup" value or the defined "Margin" value or to use no value "None".


Sales Order Footnotes:  This allows a footnote to be placed and the bottom of every Sales Order.


Topic ID: A1047