* User Security
Author: support staff Reference Number: AA-00795 Created: 2011-02-16 03:42 Last Updated: 2014-05-29 08:58 |
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How to add a new user
- Open the User Security form.
- Press the New button.
- Enter the user’s full name in the User Name field. (This name is printed on form letters and certain reports).
- Enter a unique Login ID in the Login ID field.
- Enter a new password in the Password field.
- Select a default security level in the Default Security field. (The Default Security setting will auto select a predefined list of access rights for each of the forms listed on the Form Security tab).
- Set or enable/disable any of the additional user security settings.
- Close the form.
Additional Security Settings & Permissions
- If desired, check the Salesperson checkbox if you would like the user ID to be available for use and setup in the Commission Matrix function.
- If you are planning make use of the Commission Matrix for this user, you will also need to select a Salesperson Type (which helps OneSource determine if the Salesperson is an actual user, a customer, or supplier).
- If you have set up two or more GL
Divisions in OneSource (which allows financial reports to be broken down
by company “division”), you can select a GL Division option. (This will automate the selection of the proper division when the user creates Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, etc).
- If you store and sell inventory from two or more warehouses, you can select a Default Warehouse.
(This warehouse will be automatically selected each time the user
receives multi-warehouse items into stock or sells/ships multi-warehouse
items out of stock).
- The value entered in the Phone field is displayed on the Personnel Listing report.
- The value entered in the Email field is displayed on the Personnel Listing report. The Email address entered here is also
used to auto fill the email address field when an activity (created on
the Add New Activity form) is auto emailed to the user.
- The Computer Name
field is used to send the user an on-screen pop-up message (from the
Add New Activity form) when your Windows operating system is set to
allow pop-up messages using the Net Send DOS command.
- Disable Menus:
If desired, place a check mark next to each of the menu’s that you
would like to completely disable each time the user logs in to
- Form Security tab: You can check (or uncheck) each of the following 5 settings for each the forms listed on the Form Security tab:
- View: When checked, this enables the user to open and view the form.
- New: When checked, this enables the New button on the bottom of the form.
- Edit: When checked, this enables the Edit button on the bottom of the form.
- Print: When checked, this enables the Print button on the bottom of the form.
- Delete: When checked, this enables the Delete button on the bottom of the form.
- Specific Security Restrictions tab
- Gross Margin Min/Max:
The will require the user to price items within the range of profit
selected, without requiring a manager override. NOTE: This restriction
is not applicable for users with a Default Security setting of Manager,
Accounting, or Admin.
- Customer Creation Ability:
This setting, when explicitly selected, controls which type of
Customers & Prospects are added to OneSource (in terms of the
Address Type setting, which determines if the Customer is visible on the
Bill To or Ship To list on Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices).
- Secure / Hide Cost Fields: When checked, the user will not be able to view any fields that reveal the cost or profit margin for an item.
- Allow Dashboard: When checked, the user will be able to open and view the Dashboard (located on the File menu).
- Allow Add/Edit of Customer Credit Card Info:
When checked, the user will be able to open, view, add, and edit
Customer credit card information on the Customers & Prospects form.
- Allow Submitting OneSource Support Requests:
When checked, the user will be able to submit, via any of the Help
buttons on any OneSource forms, Support Requests (SR’s) directly to
OneSource (or your OneSource VAR).
- Allow Viewing OneSource Support Requests:
When checked, the user will be able to view, via any of the Help
buttons on any OneSource forms, all previously submitted Support
Requests (SR’s) to OneSource (or your OneSource VAR).
- Allow Summary Form Maintenance:
When checked, the user will be able to switch any of the Summary Forms
(ie Summary of Customers & Prospects, Summary of Sales Orders, etc)
into design mode and will be able to make changes to the design of the
Summary Forms.
- Allow Test Mode:
When checked, the user will be able to switch OneSource into Test Mode
(from the File menu). Test Mode, when enabled, makes a copy of your
actual Company Data File directly to the users local C drive, so changes
made, when “practicing” or “testing” certain procedures, can be made to
a “copy” of the real data, rather than on the real data itself.
- Allow Cost Markup Maintenance: When checked, the user will be able to make changes to the Loaded Cost calculations in OneSource.
- Sales Order & Invoicing Permissions option group
- Restrict Item Description Changes:
When checked, the user will be restricted from making changes to the
item description on Sales Orders and Invoices – without a manager (user
name and password) override.
- Restrict Cost Changes:
When checked, the user will be restricted from making changes to the
item description field on Sales Orders and Invoices – without a manager
(user name and password) override.
- Restrict SO Changes After Print:
When checked, the user will be restricted from making any changes to a
Sales Order after it has been printed – without a manager (user name and
password) override.
- Restrict Invoice SO Changes After Print:
When checked, the user will be restricted from making any changes to an
Invoice after it has been printed – without a manager (user name and
password) override.
- Restrict SO Delete After Print:
When checked, the user will be restricted from deleting a Sales Order
after it has been printed – without a manager (user name and password)
- Restrict SO Delete After Print:
When checked, the user will be restricted from deleting a Sales Order
after it has been printed – without a manager (user name and password)