Bar-code ( Barcode) font questions.
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-01335 Created: 2011-02-28 16:59 Last Updated: 2013-08-23 15:17 |
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- What is the difference between bar-code fonts supported by OneSource Scan ( osScan )?
- Code 39 (or sometime called Code 3 of 9): The Code 39 character set includes the digits 0-9, the letters A-Z (upper case only),
and the following symbols: space, minus (-), plus (+), period (.), dollar sign ($), slash
(/), and percent (%). A special start/stop character (usually a * (the asterisk or star character) is placed at the beginning and end of
each bar-code. This type of bar-code is generally best for bar-codes that will be 25-28 characters or less.
- Code 128: Code 128 is the better choice (than Code 39) if you will need any of the following additional features:
- If you need to scan additional types of 'characters' that Code 39 cannot read,
- If you need to scan more characters than 25,
- If you need to be able to print smaller bar-codes (which is usually the case when scanning items out of stock from Sales Orders).
- Which Bar-code Font should we use?
- If you only plan to scan items 'into stock' (from PO's) code 39 may be your best choice.
- If you plan to scan items 'into stock' (from PO's) and 'out of stock' (on Sales Order Stock Picking Tickets), where the Sales Order #, Item #, Location, Qty, (and possibly an item Serial #) are all embedded into one (1) single LONG bar-code -- then you will generally need to purchase and use the Code 128 bar-code font.
- Where to get the Bar-code fonts?
- Code 39: Having tested multiple different Code 39 bar-code fonts we have discovered that not all Code 39 bar-code fonts work the same, and therefore we highly recommend obtaining the bar-code font provided by IDAutomation.com. The font can be downloaded for free or purchased, depending on the annual sales of your company. Click here to go to to the download page. (Please note: When you print any report or label (from OneSource) that has a bar-code font on it, if you do not want to have to 'customize' each report to use your own unique (different) bar-code font, you will need to use the bar-code font listed above from IDAutomation).
- Code 128: Bar-code 128 requires a special 'checksum' character be embedded into each printed bar-code. Because of this, OneSource Software has found it necessary to select a single bar-code vendor (www.IDAutomation.com) for Code 128 bar-codes. In other words, if you need to print Code 128 fonts you NEED to purchase the Code 128 from ID Automation (unless you want to customize all printed reports and/or labels printed from OneSource).
- How to Install?
- Note: These instructions assume you have purchase a Code39 or Code 128 font from IDAutomation.com
- Make sure this font is 'installed' as a font.
- You can do this by clicking Start > Control Panel > Fonts
- Then drag and drop the IDAutomationHC39M.ttf font file (for Code39) or the IDAutomationSC128L.ttf font file (for Code128).
- This will auto 'register' the font for use with Windows and Windows applications.