
How to link pictures to inventory items (and mass rename pictures)

Author: Reference Number: AA-01923 Created: 2012-08-23 10:05 Last Updated: 2017-05-30 07:46 0 Rating/ Voters

How to link pictures to inventory items

  • Create a folder to store your pictures in. As an example create a folder called Pictures in the data folder. C:\OneSource\Data\Pictures
  • Open Company Setup and Preferences
    • Select the Global Tab
    • Select the Document Management Tab
  • In the Default Inventory Item Document Management Path (The Bottom One) put the path to your picture folder C:\OneSource\Data\Pictures
  • Each of the pictures needs to be named with the Item Number in order for OneSource to link the picture to the part. 
    • If the Item number is AC41-000-BOC then this is how the picture needs to be named AC41-000-B0C.jpg
    • All pictures must be in the .jpg format

How to rename pictures (if your pictures are all named after the supplier number and not your own item number)

  • NOTE: Using the tool (outlined below) this make the following assumptions:
    • The pictures in .jpg format
    • You have a Supplier that gave you some pictures where the picture name is the same as the Suppliers item #.
    • You have that Supplier listed as a Supplier for the item and the Supplier Item # is the same as the picture name.  For instance: Supplier Item #: 123 would have a picture named 123.jpg
  • Open the Company Setup and Preferences from the Tools menu
  • Select the Administrative Utilities which will bring up the Administrative Utilities dialogue box
  • Select the Picture Utilities
  • Put in your picture folder path C:\OneSource\Data\Pictures
  • Select Rename
  • Select Update Inventory Item Picture Path Now
  • When finished select Close.